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why is there an age limit

who believes there should be no age limit?  

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mate i'm not entirely sure.

i sorta didn't try and go into too many details with him.

it was one of those stories a couple of fellows share over a couple of beers when the subject swings around that way.

i know the incident happened about 5 years ago and it was a full bottle of jimmy that did the job.

i think there were several fractures and yeah i think there were a few teeth missin as well.

as i said i don't really know all the details but do know that this particular mate doesn't exadurate.

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Yeah WO

I saw the teeth in question (in my post) come out and I saw the civil uit filed against the guy,the doc bill was $20K not sure about the kind of damage but it was just a fist, he missed with the 1st but the 2nd sent teeth flying and blood flowing, I was happy, this little try hard fairy kidnapped my bro for $50 so when we saw him a mate of my bro gave it to him I was going to try to convince him to give it up some cash maybe a few 100 and then leave a few reminders around the mid section but hey the guy I was with was a hot head and he could throw a punch becasue it really f8cked up this guys life and in the end we sort of felt sorry for him. actually Nah we didn't.

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ive been posting here for a long time and im still not 18 :D



i think they are just trying to discourage younger more immature ppl from posting on the forums. I mean u can only hear some 15 yr old say "omg im so fucking high right now!!!! i cant believe how amazing weed is omg omg" it just kind of gets old ;)




bet most of ya thought i was over 18

pilk :wub:

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wow i guess because im 8 days from turning 18 (happy birthday me) that i should have my account disconnected....thanks alot




yeah that would be cool if you gave me my old account back because i dont see any reason i shouldnt have it :D





thanks either way

pilk :wub:

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I agree. EDIT: (I was not agreeing with pilk, I was agreeing with someone else, whos posts no longer seem to be here)


Firstly because making rules that you have no way of enforcing makes the rule itself a joke. You are never going to stop underage members form coming to this site only force them to keep their age a secret.


Secondly between the abes of 14-17 is when most stoners start smoking pot. So what better age bracket is there to educate?


Thirdly, if you believe that kids smoking is wrong and should not be encouraged, forcing them into keeping their age a secret is not going to help them is it?


Same rules that apply to MJ prohibition really. Be bloody minded about an issue and all you do is force it underground and lose control. Be sensible about it and bring it out in the open then you have a chance at controlling it and doing some good.

Edited by pipeman
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