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Thanks for the invite to call you an arsehole, but I don't really want to, just a simpleton will do.


I never asked you to help me, rather, I was helping you. You aren't capable of straight forward thinking, so i did it for you.


where, o where, do you get me asking you for help? Where do you read into anything I worte, that i am a subject of disadvatage, as in "did anyone hold me down". Where do you get any of the garbage you call thought at all.


I never wrote that I inject heroin, or that I inject 1.5 gramms of heroin a day. You haven't even the ability to read what i wrote, and yet you have the audacity to consider replying to it?


Stick ya head back up ya arse. There's always going to be a moron that just doesn't get it. You may as well be him/her?




PS. You apparently have a freind that was thrown into the boot of a car, with a pile of lime, and was left for two years, and had a ganja tree grown on him....then he escaped? what was his name? Lazarus?


You can't even tell a senasatioanl lie without holes in it. lol freak.

Edited by RobbieGanjaSeed
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g'day;....intravenous drug users 'shoot'.


bong and pipe and joint smokers 'suck'.


ppl who do not read a post submitted to this forum, should not reply to the post because it makes them look stupid.

read every post in the thread before you reply and make a dick out of yourself.


marijuana and heroin are linked due to the simple fact that, by law, cannabis with THC concentration above 3% is a NARCOTIC.

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Guest Wilderbud

Robbie, you use medicinally at home so I wont change my view on needle usage - some insulin users will dump their needles also. I think its a case of convenience when needles are disposed of in an unsafe manner.


Needles are used to inject potent drugs and I dont accept the recreational use of needles and/or potent drugs.


Needles are also misused as Ive heard theres other ways to inject insulin so theres probably other ways to inject heroin [the perfect drug].

Edited by Wilderbud
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No it's not a lie, a herion addict I knew for many years did get locked in the boot of car at Kings X and driven away to who knows where, but he escaped when they stoped the car and left it for a while.


You said in a previous post you use 1.5 g of prescription heroin a day but in the very next breath you say most of that went up your veins over the years. Sounds like you injected it to me.


Anyway, I don’t want to get personal or anything I just think the fight to change cannabis laws would be lot easier if it just about cannabis and not every other illicit drug.

Edited by Sir Skunk-A-Lot
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Anyway, I don’t want to get personal or anything I just think the fight to change cannabis laws would be lot easier if it just about cannabis and not every other illicit drug.

I agree. NAP don't :P

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I don't know what you mean wilderbud that you won't accpet it. it's just there. And accepting it or not is the differnce between being well adjusted or not.


If it's simply in the vein (no pun intented) you mentioned before you won't hang around users of hard drugs, then I understand you. i don't know why you feel that way, but I get were you're coming from. it's just self righteousness mate, and that's dangerous.


I use medicinally for sure, but I got to the point where I figured, I was on this stuf for life, and i have to take it anyway, and so why not go for it, and see what all the hella blulloo is about. I mean, as you say...."the perfect drug?"


So I did up some dilaudid, known as "pharmacy heroin", and the feeling was gold mate. It was so pure, so genuine, so real. It's no wonder that so many people have written songs about their love for it, their obsessive use of it, and I no longer wonder why, so many people go back to it, time and again, even after beeing "freed" time after time.


Due simply to the nature of the addiction, and that the addiction turns around to bite you on the arse, i would never, ever reccomend a person needle up any opaite.


It's just too good. it will get you in. But it will chew ya up, and spit ya out too.


I've been on fentanyl for over a year. it's 40 times stronger than heroin weight for weight, that was amazing stuf.


But now, after years of using the stuf in various forms, i would chew my left arm off to be free of it forever. Even though I will have to face un-ending pain too forever. And that's why I am such a strong advoctae for medicinal use of grass. It wont help everybody, but those that it does help, they should be spared the horror of the addicton.


Does that mean my use of pot is sipky for pain? that would make many people in society as happy as your content for me to use opaites for the same pain. Just differt targets for the levels each group accepts as ok.


But no, I use pot for med. and for rec. Same too for opaites.

I've smoked grass since I was a kid, smoked forover 20 years, but I only now have started to promote the use of it as medicne. Because of my need to use it? No. Becuae of the realisation of the alternative..opaites!


See, experinece does a lot to ya. For years i smoked and had no political interest really. But my addiction to opaiutes has mad em scream for med. pot. Are they intertwined. You bet ya boots they are.


Like I said, the experinece is pure gold, it is the "perfect drug". Like renton said" who needs anything else when you have a perfectly good heroin addiction?"


But you see, it turns sour. It becomes a drag. It gets to the point where you have to take it just to operate, just to move. That the doses have to increase so high, just to block pains that shouldn't be there for any reason, except that the drug has caused you to become super sensitive to pain, and nerve things in general. Anything involving the CNS.


And this is when you can catch them, to get them off it. Not when they're busted for shop lifting, before they have hit the horror. But when they have to take it just to move, then, they will go to their point of legal sale, and speak with the social worker there, and ask for help. This is what's happening in Switzerland, and one of the reasons why the addiction rate to hard drugs in lower in switzerland than in the united states.


In the united states for example, the users buy their gear illegally, prep and shoot it behind the toilets I guess, the closest private place they can find,. to calm their CNS. Where are the socail workers? Where ware the doctors, and the nurses? Where are the concerned citizens that would help them like there would be if they were buying the hroin from a gov. registered clinic?


They just arent there.


Now if they say to ther dealer..."I've had enough, I want off. i'm sick of the pain, and the quickly spirtally rate of use I have to keep up, just to maintain the habit". They'll laugh, and not help anyone. they'll tell you that your tolerance has risen and you just need more...also true. Which way do you want them to go?


And that's why strong prohibition, and keeping it in the sleeze basket will keep people on the drug longer than giving it away to them for free. And it's been proven.


I used myself as a version to compare with, simply because I get mine for free, and I know many people on these boards over the years, and they know I am at least an average father with average morals. and do the best I can for my family.


But if I had to buy the drugs, the story would be differnet. The reasons arn't significant for the discussion of supply to be relevant.


So it doesnt matter if we aprove or not. it's just there. It simply is.


Now what to do about it...


If we just say fuck em, and throw the whole deal into a basket of feeling that they're below us, and we don't care about them...what seperates us from the red necks that stand on our heads also?


Judge Judy said last year about us (australians) "why do you give them clean needles? Give them all dirty ones and let them die. that will fix the problem". So who wants to think their intelignece and manner is the same as judge judy?


Anyway, I was never a freedom fighter for pot, because I smoke pot. I see myself more as a concerned citizen, or a civil libertarian, concerned not just about the things that effect me negatively. That's pretty narrow, self serving.


I'm interested in any concern in society that is inflicting upon someone unfairly.


And I've had probably more experience with strong opiates, and had a longer addiction to same here than anyone I would imagine. So I feel fairly well qualified amonst the immediate company, with personal experience, and with extensive, and intensive study on the various world wide aproaches to the problem, to put forward the views I have with a fair degree of knowledge they are correct and not just opinion.


I don't have to guess at what an addiction is like to deal with, or how a person might have got their addiction, and just what the drug is all about. I know how I operate on it, and off it, and I know the typical pidgeon hole of a user is wrong, and the idea is projected suprisingly by many people that are trying to get their personal poison off the restricted list themselves. :P Bizzare.


Anyway, if anyone's got anything against what i said, and not just me per sae; I'll discuss the subject calmly until the cows come home.





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I don't know what you mean wilderbud that you won't accpet it. it's just there. And accepting it or not is the differnce between being well adjusted or not.


Theres also alot of rapists with aids running around in the world causing diesease and I'm not just gonna sit back and accept that that shit goes on, I got nothing against opiates, and I got nothing against petrol sniffing either that shits your business.

Motherfuckers that shoot up and are too "scared" to put there syringe in a protective bin are the pussiest low fucks and deserve to die, there that fucking selfish that having to go through withdrawals and sit in the tank for a bit is more important than some poor kids life. Poor little fucking junkies, should give them free drugs and they'll go away.


I want cheap pot through the chemist though, $1.60 per prescription, thats filth, cant wait. I hope its hash though, I dont think I could be bothered smoking cannabis anymore, thats a crude product like opium, its only hash oil from now on, government supplied hash oil, that I'll inject into my eyeball.


sorry I'm just a sarcastic dick, I'm a really stupid guy with dumb opinions, but Im good at being sarcastic. Take care rob and good luck to you in whatever you do, I hope one day things are easier for people like you (law wise) and I hope your right and shit dont get outta hand if legalisation did take place. thats not sarcasm that one.

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Ok I have been following this thread but have not wanted to get invovled for fear of letting my anger takeover, for starters I too have had a lot of experience with both narcotic and alcohol addicition over 20 years in fact and Rob all I can say is f*cking thank god some one here has there head screwed on right.


Really taking away needle exchanges is a step backwards to the draconian sytem that led to AIDS being the problem it is today (along with unsafe sex). As far as dropping off needles yeah junkies are fucked at dropping in their needles but they still need to get needles and so many do drop off when they pick up and these places can be a chemist and this is very discreet at least it was at the one I worked in. But if they had injecting rooms they would have the opportunity to get and leave needles, med help and councilling.


If we don't have needle exchanges then the infection rate of AIDS, hepC etc will definently go up and the increase of these diseases in the community will mean more babies born with a disease that they had no control over in the 1st place not to mention all the infections by unsafe sex by these IV drug users. The ramifications are endless, but it would be a major step backwards in drug policy if the govt. were to take away needle exchange, ask any drug and alcohol councillor

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