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Gday mate, can only give my opinion on one of your questions but hope that helps....


Vaping temps - I use the Extreme Q - if I am doing bags, i will vape my first bag at 180 then for the second and third bag I go up to 190-195 degrees...Some of my friends then believe they can get a 4th bag out at about 205 degrees but i personally dont go that high......I dont like the 'popcorny' rough taste you get at those temps and i have read that some of the nasties we dont want start at about 205 degrees........


If I am using the whip i pretty much stick to 185 degrees....thhats the best result for me personally....


Bags - I have read in places that you can make some of the vape bags cheaper from roasting bags (i think) that you buy from the supermarket....Extreme Q bags i have found arent that expensive and last ages when looked after so i stick with the original product


i dont use the bags with my EQ but you have not understood how the EQ works, vaping at tempreture at 185 celcious you should be gettin mainly head high and at 195 youll be gettin a stronger head high then body high.

now heres how the eq works, the temperature of the EQ is measured at the core ceramic heating thing with 3 different sensors then they average it out so every EQ vape has a different temperature persay some are 5 celcious more or less then others.

so the heat in the core is 185 but at the weed it will be closer to 170 and even less with an elbow pack probs like 168 so by all means use the 170 (head high) 180 (stronger head high slight body buzz) 200 (strong head high mild body high) 210 (moderate body high with strong head high) and the highest temp i will use with herbal cannabis 230 (strong body buzz and strong head high) 260 (vaping hash)

so those are the basic guidlines of it. when you vaporize im assuming you would not be using the elbow pack method, use it much better vapor to air ratio and also vapes the herb consistantly. im also taking a wild stab but your AVB or already vaped bud is not any darker in colour them light brown or a darker shade of light brown.


their is no problem not going higher then 195 celcious but if you have an indica you are really missing out and when a sativa is used you will get the most incredible high as well


also elbow packs are more for whip users.


so yes im an extreme q user and i also have the MFLB and love both of them


another tip not many aussies know is that you can use a bong with a vaporizer. you just connect the whip to the downstem of your bong and you vape at higher temps sooner rather then later because the water will cool the vapor and you will hold it better but word of the wise only do this with bud you have vaped non vaporbong because its very intense with certain strains (this is obviously for newlie annointed vaporists, if your allways vapin for a while and know what your doin go ahead or if you want a very eye openeing experience go ahead lots of fun) and with vaporbonging make sure to put a little more weed in their.


another tip (lol im high on a brownie forgive me :P) okay well you know that after 5 seconds with smoke your not absorbing much other then ash and tar, well with vapor this is complete opposite, now i know your thinking yeah we already know that dude, okay so you know that with vapor its just vaporized oils and resin so no tar ash or carcinegins (cannabis smoke now proven not to cause any long term damage to the lungs) well when you breath it in and then breath out a nice cloud of vapor well thats vapor wasted fellas, so next time hold the hit for 10 seconds or 30 seconds or longer, it gets fun when you get a massive hit that wants to make you splutter well with vaporbong hits when i first turn it on i can hold the first couple of hits for 10 seconds, my brother does about 3, obviously i get way more uber baked :P


anyway if you have any questions on vapes in generall happy to answer any (did a bit of research as you no doubt can tell :P )

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 I too like to use vaporizer and yes there are so many to choose from out there that range from $300 to $30, but do be careful and do your research on the specific vaporizer in your price range. Many of them are only designed for use with the specified liquid and do not allow herbs or oils ,so, be careful when choosing make sure if you only use oils you get a vaporizer designed for that specific use. Of course if you have little more money to spend they have multi-use vaporizer but they are generally more expensive. I hope this helps you with your purchase and of course as always enjoy please re-post your experience and let us know how it went.






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