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High soil ph

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Indoor/Outdoor: indoor

Growing Medium: perlite+yates potting mix + tiny bit blood n bone n ewc

Growing Style: organic

Watering/Feeding Frequency: every 3 days

Nutrient Strength (PPM/EC): brewed compost tea

PH Levels: 8-9

Temperature/Humidity Levels: 25 degree c average

Air Flow/Fans etc.:

Lighting Type (CFL/HPS/MH etc.): x4 40w cfl and x2 20w cfl

Total Wattage: 200w

Growth Stage: vege

Plants Age: 2months + 4 weeks

Cannabis Strain: white widow and cheese



My plants have been growing very very slowly, it's been 2months+ and the tallest is 30cm tall with some yellowing tips.

Few weeks ago trying to figure out the problem tested the ph realize it had super high ph, so i continued testing the tap water,

fertilizer (seasol and power feed), ewc etc etc.

Found my tap water was ph of 8, and seasol and powerfeed had ph of 8-9 (even my newly bought seasol) ewc was 7.

So I flushed the soil with 6.5 ph water for a few days and changed the potting mix after. (new potting mix ph of 6.7)

and for a week the plants seems to have greened up so I continue to feed them with the compost tea i make (ewc+molasses+seasol+powerfeel+LOTS of air)

and I ph the tea before brewing and after brewing too just to make sure.

1 more week later the soil somehow buffed it self back to super high ph of 8-9.

Dont know if it is the compost tea...before brewing i would reduce the ph to 6.5 and after brewing it will rise to like 8...then i ph it down to 6.5 again before i feed.

I am out of ideas, got some sulfur but cant mix it in and it is slow acting.

I am thinking of just watering it with 4 ph teas to counter the high ph.

I really dont know what is the problem (suprised that seasol and powerfeed has 8 ph)

and to be sure I use hydro ph test and soil test kits both show high ph.

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A pic would help us give u a lil more info on how thay are doing.


For me it dosent sound like a ph prob, u say u feed every 3 days dose that mean u feed it with the nutes u use every feed?


It sounds more like u may be over feeding em, nutes will build up faster than most ppl think in soil, for me i would add nutes once every 2 weeks at the most...

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I try feed every 2nd watering but sometimes i cant resist just adding some molasses or seasol or powerfeed ( I ph them before i water)

Here are some pictures...I believe the leaf show signs of mag deficiency and can be caused by high ph ( I add 1-2 grains of epson salt to some waterings)

what do you think?



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i would forget about the tea for 2 weeks at least,

there's plenty of nutes in the soil for her

she's still only a babe .. and a pretty one :D


please tell what is the EC/PPM of the tea ?



*any damage(and i cant see any) in that leaf would have been about 4 wks ago, dont worry about it ..

watch the newest latest growth leaves

they will show you how the plant is going now and if she is doing well on the nutes she is getting

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Yates premium, got dynamic lifter inside apparently.

It had a ph of around 6.5 when i first put it in the pot....then the PH would rise :S

Would it be cuz of the microbe in the soil that would buff the PH? cuz the compost teas I made before would start off at Ph of 6.5 and after 24 hours of bubbling it would rise to ph 8.

Been off teas for 1 week+

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I personally think your biggest problem is your over feeding them especially with the power feed, they are only little and there is enough in the mix to last for a bit.

More is not often the best. It would have been your teas that have altered your PH.

There are a few good grows in the forum using soil have a read.


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so today I flushed them again cuz the soil got really dry from the sun. Still super high ph the run off.

so i took a tub filled it up with 40L of rainwater and like 6-7 cap full of ph down.

I dumped the whole pot in and let it soak for 30 mins, and finally the run off was like 6 ph.

Its been nearly 2 weeks since I fed them with teas...and after alot of flushing and soaking should i feed then

then next time i water?

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