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If you want to prove us wrong, get yourself  a calender or planner or whatever, and plot out how you are going to grow, harvest and dry over a year to keep yourself in regular supply keeping within 30 grams and 2 plants.  Lets set a consumption amount of 1/4 ounce a week, a very modest target.


Some facts/assumptions to help you:

1.  To harvest from seed takes 4 months

2.  You have 50% chance of getting males which are useless

3.  To clone & harvest from mother plant takes 3 months

4.  From harvest to having properly dried & cured bud takes minimum of 1 month, usually longer.

5.  Dried bud weight will be about 1/3 of harvested bud weight


All of this started from average consumption rates in NDRI papers, so I've already said that maybe 30g/month consumption is possible but probably not over it. And yes, you guys are the experts, and this legislation is not perfect and full of contradictions - all I'm trying to say is it is possible for the people this legislation was aimed at. If the NDRI data is so out of whack, what can the Government do? That's all they've got to go on, this is what the legislation is based on.


Ok - months 1-4 grow out two seeds. Repeat as necessary until you get a suitable female, maybe take cuttings from a friend to save time here. Once you've picked your female, take a second cutting 1.5 months in. Grow the first one out to harvest and take 30g. Assume we destroy the rest, to stay eligible. Take a cutting from the second plant just before/as it goes into your flowering chamber. Repeat every 1.5 months. At the very least you've got 60g/quarter, 240g/year. More than enough for smallscale users: those who have been caught in WA and are represented in NDRI research. In all likelihood you can harvest at another 15g to one side of the main harvest, giving you between 20 and 30g/month.


Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg.  What about the poor old outdoor growers who don't want to waste the money on an indoor setup?  How are they meant to survive?  What about med users who are constantly searching for different strains that best help their condition?  What about share houses and married couples?  How many plants/stash can they have?  Why should people be forced to waste money, time and effort growing all year round when they can accomplish the same thing with 2-3 decent crops?


Absolutely, all I said was that it was possible - I've repeatedly agreed that this legislation is not perfect. I never claimed to be a grower, all I'm saying is that people using at this rate can stay eligible for a CIN. The vast majority of those caught in WA and identified as a personal user over the last decade or so fits within this category, according to NDRI.


You keep saying this legislation is an improvement like that means something, but when you look at the starting point that really means nothing.  It is still no where near the quantum of improvement we need to even get logic and sanity visible on the horizon.


Agreed, but this doesn't mean it's not an improvement. The key wins here are that cannabis has been put into its own legislation, it's been separated out like tobacco and alcohol and the vast majority of people getting caught will not face criminal records.


The 100g threshold hasn't changed, but they've reduced the plant threshold from 25 plants down to 10. Is the average personal user/grower above this? Certainly, the thresholds are not realistic and will hopefully change - but we're seriously lucky they pushed this through at all. The legislation can be changed and tweaked far easier now. Tolerance for cannabis users and personal growers will increase as the stigma decreases, this is a definite improvement.


If you are serious you will now knuckle down with a calender and show us how its done or admit you are wrong.  Any more talking in general terms or waxing intellectual about your research studies will be mocked for the nonsense that they are.  I look forward to your conclusions.


There you go. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I honestly didn't come into this to piss you guys off and spout ignorant crap - honestly. If I don't truly know the average user/grower please don't hold this against me, these forums look pretty good so I'll try to soak up a feeling for what the average user/grower here produces and consumes.


Just know that until these figures are corrected, in the eyes of the Government and the Ministerial Working Party on Drug Law Reform, they are the truth. We can argue back and forth and this can get as nasty as I am stubborn, but in the end it simply doesn't count - it won't effect change until we can prove it.

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that was a very half assed effort aussie activist, you don't take into account drying time, or the fact that your harvest weight is 2-3 times bigger than your dry weight. plus you don't lay it out on a timeline to prove it can all work while smoking 1/4 a week and keeping under 30 g at all times.


but, you already half admitted you are wrong, so I won't hold it against ya. What I asked you to do was a very time consuming task so fair enough.


yeah stick around, have a read and post some. I guarantee after a while in this place you'll have a completely different perspective.

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Sorry, going to be rude again :rolleyes: Wasn't going to get into this, but I hate seeing clueless people floundering under mis-information, so I'll help the poor guy along a bit.
but you guys are seriously not the average cannabis user/grower

Put up, or fuck off.


Ditto - prove that they're wrong. I'm not expecting an answer here, and I'm not saying this to piss you off, I'm just trying to open you guys up to the possibility that the answer lies somewhere in between. If NDRI is the lower bound and you guys are approaching the upper bounds, just how is the population weighted - are you guys a minority as I suspect, increasing the average up, or are you guys truly more representative of the average user?


Neither of us seems to truly know, there's evidence both ways. I'm willing to concede that I don't have the full picture, that the Government doesn't have the full picture - but I don't think that you guys are 100% right either.


Damned near impossible? Harvest 30g and destroy the rest Who's forcing you to harvest all of it, let alone all of it at once? If you're using more than 30g a month, you probably can't stay eligible for a CIN - but until you guys can provide evidence that your use is average, that the NDRI figures are way out, I'm more inclined to believe professional research than a small group of grower/users who happen to frequent this particular (predominantly cultivation based) forum

I'm actually beginning to think you're a smart under-ager that's bored :B):

Destroy the rest? I put my time and effort to grow beautiful buds, and you want me to keep 30g and destroy the rest?


As I said: damned near impossible? All I was refuting was this claim, that it is possible to stay eligible if you really want to. I'm not touching medical use, I'm going on the popular assumption that medical users should be entirely exempt ok? I'm not suggesting you actually destroy it, only that no-one is forcing you to keep it - it is by no means impossible as suggested earlier. You could even cut down, ignoring medical use. That is all.


Your information is so off the mark it's not funny. So piss off back to the professionals. We all obviously have no idea what we're talking about, do we? People of your kind, oh yeah we want to help legalise it, though we can't even get our figures straight, piss me off.


My point is that you have no verifiable figures, none that would stand up to Government scrutiny at least. These are the only figures that exist, the only that actually make a difference.


I'm not suggesting you have no idea, and I don't believe that I have no idea. Why does everything have to be so black and white?

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yeah stick around, have a read and post some.  I guarantee after a while in this place you'll have a completely different perspective.
that was a very half assed effort aussie activist, you don't take into account drying time, or the fact that your harvest weight is 2-3 times bigger than your dry weight.  plus you don't lay it out on a timeline to prove it can all work while smoking 1/4 a week and keeping under 30 g at all times. 


but, you already half admitted you are wrong, so I won't hold it against ya.  What I asked you to do was a very time consuming task so fair enough.


Shit, honest oversight - I meant to cover that! By 30g I'm talking dry weight, so whatever ratio is required to stay under a 30g dry weight limit is what you'd harvest. Take your first harvest when the pair of staggered cuttings is going and leave it to dry and cure for 1.5 months...


Am I way out here, is this feasible? I'd love to know the answer now that I've given a lazy timetable :rolleyes:

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yeah stick around, have a read and post some.  I guarantee after a while in this place you'll have a completely different perspective.

that was a very half assed effort aussie activist, you don't take into account drying time, or the fact that your harvest weight is 2-3 times bigger than your dry weight.  plus you don't lay it out on a timeline to prove it can all work while smoking 1/4 a week and keeping under 30 g at all times. 


but, you already half admitted you are wrong, so I won't hold it against ya.  What I asked you to do was a very time consuming task so fair enough.


Shit, honest oversight - I meant to cover that! By 30g I'm talking dry weight, so whatever ratio is required to stay under a 30g dry weight limit is what you'd harvest. Take your first harvest when the pair of staggered cuttings is going and leave it to dry and cure for 1.5 months...


Am I way out here, is this feasible? I'd love to know the answer now that I've given a lazy timetable :rolleyes:

no its not feasible, not in the slightest. you need to have a stash to smoke while that harvest is drying. The harvest will take a month to dry & cure as an absolute minimum, in that month you will smoke another ounce (using our hypothetical example) so at the start of that month you have 3-4 ounces of pot! 1 ounce dried and cured that you are smoking from plus 2-3 wet ounces you just harvested.


are you starting to understand how impracticle and illogical these limits are for the personal grower?

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I can produce my own pot at around $10 - $12 per ounce (28g), this is accomplished by growing 6-8 plants in the grow room, if I were to use your methods then it would cost around $300 an ounce to run the system as one plant would still require much the same infrastructure and power consumption.


Forget what you have learnt at OG, it's plain that most of it is total crap, start your own indoor grow using your own suggested methods and show us the results, we will then show you how it is really done. Stand by what you have stated or learn the subject you are claiming knowledge of. You don't seem to understand that some of us have been growing and/or using pot for many years, we know what we are talking about, and you on the other hand do not.


As for getting clones from friends, it is unlikely they would be growing the strain I am interested in growing and how are we going to know if it’s a female or not as he cannot have a mother plant under your grow method. You do know the difference between the many varied strains don’t you?

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Growing indoors is not the same the world over


Howso? I'm honestly curious, I can't imagine how it could differ aside from the obvious heat/venting requirements in warmer countries.


australian_activist, please don't think that you represent Australian pot user/grower interests, it is my opinion that you would do us more harm than good.


This has cut deep and it's given me a lot to think about.


Believe me when I say that I'm a big fan of transparency and open communities. My plans for a political party would be membership based with clear majority voting required to put forward policy and make major decisions. I'm an organiser, I try to help co-ordinate people and stay focused on the big picture most of the time. I know that I'm not the average user, and this thread has clearly rattled my assumptions on who the average user is. But I do have clear opinions on what we need to do from a political and legal point of view, public awareness and opinion etc. I would never attempt to misrepresent users and growers, so I'm going to be doubly careful because of what people have said here. I would rather forget this and leave it alone if I would do more harm than good, believe me. I do believe I have something to contribute though, so I hope that others will come to see this and trust me to represent them one day.

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1 ounce dried and cured that you are smoking from plus 2-3 wet ounces you just harvested.


Heh, good point. Still, keeping within the 30g limit is enough for the average user as represented in NDRI figures and that was my original point, the 30g/month was pure speculation and I didn't mean to commit to this.


are you starting to understand how impracticle and illogical these limits are for the personal grower?


Yes, I am. Thanks guys.

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Howso? I'm honestly curious, I can't imagine how it could differ aside from the obvious heat/venting requirements in warmer countries.

That alone has a major impact, plus the availability of nutrients designed specifically for growing pot, air quality, water quality, pests and diseases (especially in soil grows).


This has cut deep and it's given me a lot to think about.

Then learn what you are talking about, also don't try to re-invent the wheel, there are enough sympathetic politicians out there, get behind one of them.

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