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Pot heads make a mockery of lenient cannabis laws in NSW

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Howdy all , this is my first post hope everyone is chilled and loving life... I smoke mainly for medicinal purposes i suffer insomnia,and back/neck pain joint pain i have a very sensitive stomach or reflux (not sure as after dozens of tests its still undiagnozed problem going on six years now) basically certain foods trigger my stomach into what feels like a stomach bug i wont eat for days, cant sleep, have constant nausea and dry heave constantly. Sometimes it can last days and weeks at a time...


I have been given different pills to try and manage this even know they dont know why its happening but are more than happy keeping me filled to the brim with these drugs that dont benefit me atb all and probably shouldnt even be taking since they dont know whats wrong with me.


I just find it funny that the :db: man dont mind killing me slowly with all those pills but im not allowed to kill myself slowly by smoking weed (not that i believe i am or any one thats smokes it is)


Why do i have to take half a dozen different pills a day when i can smoke one cone or joint and it does all that the pills do and much more.Freedom the word does not mean much these days we are anything but free we are even told what to eat these days i cant even eat a cheeseburger without the fear of getting heart disease or some other shitty disease. Freedom to me is having quality of life which i dont have without my sweet mj i have been told its against the law, so for me the man is saying its against the law for you to have good qaulity of life or any happiness you just have to be sick and deal with it but wait im so crook i cant go to work at weeks at a time so now there up me because the unemployment rate just went up and now im labeled a dole bludging addict , so now they sit back wondering why unemployment is up. so thanks for enabling me to be a drain on society and the tax payers...or let me go n grow and never hear from me again..let me live....


This guys a fucking pin head wait until someone he knows someone close to him gets cancer and needs kemo and all they do is vomit and cant hold down a meal to save themselves and all 30 pills a day they need to take dont help at all and the only thing they can do is give them the evil and dangerous drug marijuana that brings there quality of life from non existence to bouncing off the walls within a few minutes,,, you would think the people in charge of running this country would realise the potential of this wonderous plant....


make it legal put a tax on it which will wipe out the black market side and stop making me fuck around with dealers and give my money to them i would much rather give it back to the country fixing roads, paying more cops to be out there stopping shipping containers of machine guns and heroin (the real evil) from getting into aus better health care it really should be a no brainer....


just my opinion... anyway thats why im here like the jews in times like these i need to be with my own people :friends:

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I'm sorry guys but we are gunna have to put up with this kinda talk till all the old bastards in politics retire. Weed is not for everyone but it does great things for a lot of people. These people who put us in the same category as criminals are going to look foolish and narrow minded in 20 years when it will be (hopefully) legal.
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Ironic is it not? They want to give innocent people a fucking hard time but will let rapists, paedophiles and all the rest of these scum off with the same lettuce :wallbash:


The first thing I thought was "there are big dollars getting behind this" :sly: :greedy:

G'day Troops It's been my hard earned experience over nearly 60 years, NEVER trust the Government. You just can't trust the lieing bastards. Once they have their snouts in the political trough they will do or say anything to keep it there. They are only in it for their own self gratification, greed rules. Look at Gillard, stiffed her own boss, though she's not the first and won't be the last. Every time I get near one of the evil, slimy pricks I have an overwhelming urge to have a wash, they somehow radiate filth. I had a job in the '80's, for a short time, that brought me into contact with a lot of these grubs, both state and federal, and have seen them in action. You don't have to have any formal qualifications to be a politician, any jerk can do it, no expetience needed, on the job training supplied to successful scum bag. Remember, most of them are LAWYERS, the only thing lower than a child molester, vileness comes natural. You can bet there is some big kick back happening here with the reaction from this nazi. They have a nasty suprise up their sleeve for these people, trust me on that. Who the fuck gave him the qualifications to make these judgements on people? He's a glorified fucking cop. No guitars for these mongrels.


This makes me sad for my kids. peace. sempre vigilans. perpetual growth will consume itself-these are the symptoms... :skysearch:

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I want to SCREAM when people think if you imbibe Cannabis there is something wrong with you and you NEED to be fixed, we should start doing that to anyone who invited us for a drink or is seen smoking.


A DRINK! COFFEE! TOBACCO! You need to goto REHAB! bloody ADDICTS!


Yep, th ATC register is on its way too-watch out! (Alcohol, Tobacco and Caffeine register) doesn't really sound that far fetched when we observe the past few yrs performance or lack thereof....this is not paranoia-this is real-hope not for all of our kids-might have to fuck back off home to rat-race SD if it gets that bad-HAHA, that's an alcoholic geographic fix! lol peace to all V

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Not many free thinkers who can get past the dollars left anymore-'cept in persecuted sub-cultures such as ours. But hey, John the baptist, Jesus Christ-look what happened there when he was turning their corrupt commerce upside down? their truth is a light that we can't match in our lil closets an rooms-but we try. Hopefully. Salaam
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