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Pot heads make a mockery of lenient cannabis laws in NSW

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Did anyone notice in the article:


Firstly it said less than 2 in 100 cannabis users seek help through their call line.


Then it becomes 0.2 percent use their call line.... thats less than 2 in a 1000?

Correct me if im reading it wrong.


You seem to be reading it correctly to me. I do not like this article at all by the way. People are becoming more and more educated about Cannabis and so to the people who it economically concerns, they must take action to ensure the general public still believes Cannabis to be the big evil that it isn't.

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Its bad enough that the cops have me listed as a "violent individual" (im not unless you start)

Its bad enough that they've got me listed as a "drug dependent person" (Pfft. nope.)

If they put me on a register of cannbis "addicts", I'll be farked.


How do these wankstains not see what they are doing? Time to go all Egyptian and overthrow these scumbags. :devilred: :helpsmilie: :devilred:


Bring on the revolution, REVOLT !!!! Lets all wear out egyptian headwear (lol) and overthrow the govt, historically throughout history 'the people' always rise.... there is nothing they can do to maintain control at that point... Where to begin???? .... Educate others.... enlighten others.... principia discordia ad infinitum.

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what a narrow minded person he is. with just 2 in 100 seeking help it seems to me like a pretty damn harmless drug you idiot!!! who wants medical advice from police anyway even it be just a phone number. If i want help i want advertisement on a package when i buy my weed from a coffee shop! where i know nothings tampered with. DAMN what if i want a low thc, easy smoke, i cant get it cause the governemt makes me go to a dealer who has no idea what strain it is.


One more obvious in ur face problem brought about by hard enforcement. I was at the grow shop the other day and getting some ferts. dude recommended the hard chemicals if i was going to sell it but organic if its for personal use. made me so angry why i cant go to a shop and by a few grams of 'bio cannabis'.


people like this sheep in a dinosaur skin are a painfully slow dying breed.

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If you're going to seek help to quit, you need to do it for the right reasons, ie for your own internal reasons for self improvement. Noone is EVER going to get the desire to quit from external pressures like the cops or court orders. Especially if your activity is enjoyable and not negatively affecting your quality of life. (legal issues aside) It's psychology 101! Honestly who doesn't know that??? :wallbash:

No wonder we're all so frustrated! Luckily we have sweet Mary Jane to keep us mellow. :bongon:

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Agree with everything I think everyone has already posted! The funny thing to those that have posted about revolting is that we would all get together in anger, smoke some bowls and just be to placid and not give a shit lol


On another note, my older brother is an epileptic. He had his first seizure when he was like 8, scary shit! Then throughout his teenage years he was on epilim and that didn't do sweet fuck all. He continued to have grand mal seizures, and I was usually there for most of them, the first one I experienced by myself as a teen I thought he was going to die, but then I learnt just pit a pillow under his head, roll him on his side so he couldn't swallow his tongue, talk to him and just ride it out. Anyways when he reachedyoung adulthood they got him on some other new wonder drug on top of the epilim and I did notice changes in him. But when he had smoke he was always fine. There was a drought in the late 90's can't remember exact dates, we spent all day trying to get on but couldn't. He was so stressed that he had the single most worse seizure I had ever seen, uncontainable, smashing his whole head and body into walls, I usain bolted it about 400m's to the local servo and called 000. They upped his doses, and he continued smoking and things seemed ok. To cut a long story short they later diagnosed him with schizophrenia and put him onto anti-psychotics on top of all the epilepsy meds that he takes (this is a 20 year journey diluted into a few sentences). The funny thing is that when he is smoking he is ok, he doesn't have grand mal seizures, he hasn't had one since the one I mentioned aboved. He still has seizures, but if you didn't know him you wouldn't know he was actually having one. I can tell when he is due to his eyes and and a few other factors but that is all....


I guess what I am trying to say is that big pharma comapnies throw all these drugs at people, but they have no idea how they can effect that person when they are combined in legal cocktails. My brother probably is schizophrenic, but I think it has something to do with all the "legal pharmas" they put him on, Mary seems to work wonderfully well for his seizures, but try telling the stupid fucking government that!!!


To ties this back on topic, if he got caught in NSW and had to go to counselling, all they would try and do is throw MORE fucking pharmaceuticals at him, which is crazy. For him I reckon the best prescription would be to drop all the pharmas and allow him to be able to walk into a dispensary and get subsidised medical weed....

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a pot 'Addict' register?


I dont mind a beer after work. Will i one day need to be on a register because I 'Binge drink' (more than 2 standards in any session).


The health department, the Police, the government. They aren't being run to assist the people and havent for a while now, they are being run as business'.

Its madness!


I saw a comment above recommending we go all 'Egyption' and revolt. Honestly, IMHO, something like that is needed soon before the scale tips too far and we end up in a nanny state, with no way back.

Now, by all means, I'm not condoning violence, but some serious movement is required ASAP...


My $0.02


Much love all


Just a quick edit, i only read the first few posts before i felt i needed to aswell.

I'm glad to see that this opinion is shared by a few of my fellow tokers, we'll change the world together!

Edited by the_panther
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Agree with everything I think everyone has already posted! The funny thing to those that have posted about revolting is that we would all get together in anger, smoke some bowls and just be to placid and not give a shit lol


On another note, my older brother is an epileptic. He had his first seizure when he was like 8, scary shit! Then throughout his teenage years he was on epilim and that didn't do sweet fuck all. He continued to have grand mal seizures, and I was usually there for most of them, the first one I experienced by myself as a teen I thought he was going to die, but then I learnt just pit a pillow under his head, roll him on his side so he couldn't swallow his tongue, talk to him and just ride it out. Anyways when he reachedyoung adulthood they got him on some other new wonder drug on top of the epilim and I did notice changes in him. But when he had smoke he was always fine. There was a drought in the late 90's can't remember exact dates, we spent all day trying to get on but couldn't. He was so stressed that he had the single most worse seizure I had ever seen, uncontainable, smashing his whole head and body into walls, I usain bolted it about 400m's to the local servo and called 000. They upped his doses, and he continued smoking and things seemed ok. To cut a long story short they later diagnosed him with schizophrenia and put him onto anti-psychotics on top of all the epilepsy meds that he takes (this is a 20 year journey diluted into a few sentences). The funny thing is that when he is smoking he is ok, he doesn't have grand mal seizures, he hasn't had one since the one I mentioned aboved. He still has seizures, but if you didn't know him you wouldn't know he was actually having one. I can tell when he is due to his eyes and and a few other factors but that is all....


I guess what I am trying to say is that big pharma comapnies throw all these drugs at people, but they have no idea how they can effect that person when they are combined in legal cocktails. My brother probably is schizophrenic, but I think it has something to do with all the "legal pharmas" they put him on, Mary seems to work wonderfully well for his seizures, but try telling the stupid fucking government that!!!


To ties this back on topic, if he got caught in NSW and had to go to counselling, all they would try and do is throw MORE fucking pharmaceuticals at him, which is crazy. For him I reckon the best prescription would be to drop all the pharmas and allow him to be able to walk into a dispensary and get subsidised medical weed....




cool story, nice one to read.

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