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can i use ProGibb, stoller's STIMULATE to get bigger buds?

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Hi weedfolks!


I have a little 3 plant scrog set up and i'm aiming to get the most of it, no matter what (i mean, doesnt matter ifs not organic)


so i was studying biology on the internet and i remembered something about my days back in school, something about plant grow.


So I remembered those natural growth hormones like giberellin and ocitocinin, wich is why the plants grow, chemicaly saying..


So this was only an introduction on my problem, now comes the issue:


I've boutgh both products:


ProGibb --> https://ozstoners.com/lofiversion/index.php/t238.html





Stoller's Stimulate --> http://www.stollerusa.com/productdetail?id=13623



i want to have bigger buds, thats why im using them, but i've seen a lot about feminizing seeds, but not about bigger crops, so, i'm asking you experienced grower, what should i use? should i use any? have anyone used them?


thanks a lot for any help!

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Hi weedfolks!


I have a little 3 plant scrog set up and i'm aiming to get the most of it, no matter what (i mean, doesnt matter ifs not organic)


so i was studying biology on the internet and i remembered something about my days back in school, something about plant grow.


So I remembered those natural growth hormones like giberellin and ocitocinin, wich is why the plants grow, chemicaly saying..


So this was only an introduction on my problem, now comes the issue:


I've boutgh both products:


ProGibb --> https://ozstoners.com/lofiversion/index.php/t238.html





Stoller's Stimulate --> http://www.stollerusa.com/productdetail?id=13623



i want to have bigger buds, thats why im using them, but i've seen a lot about feminizing seeds, but not about bigger crops, so, i'm asking you experienced grower, what should i use? should i use any? have anyone used them?


thanks a lot for any help!



why not learn how to walk before ya try flying.. keep it simple if ya only learning how to grow or ya may just end up with dead plants and nothing at all.

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