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Nutrients and Additives

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Your right though,


thank you ;)


"There are no miracle nutrients/additives that will increase your yield just like that". But the right balance of additives "WILL" increase your yield over using just A+B, no miracle, just science :)


My point exactly, however don't expect a good nutrient work 100% when your room has bad ventilation, old bulbs, temperature/humidity issues etc....


good luck!

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True brand makes little difference but you will find that to get a decent NPK ratio and any form of micro's or bio's you will need to go for a decent brand anyways.

Don't underestimate the difference a balanced feeding regime will make to your growth, sure it's not the be all and end all but can make the difference between an average harvest and something truly spectacular.



Put simply, your wrong.

When you purchase a heavily branded nutrient you are paying for the adds you see on the net, and in the mags, and for the fancy packaging. The NPK ratio's for weed are no secret infact its pretty easy to make a good nute yourself its just not economical unless you have alot of plants. For instance tech grade iron EDTA for commercial hydroponics costs like $350 for a 25KG bag this amount would last a lifetime.

Ever walked into a commercial hydro tomato glass house? i have and these plants yield crazy amounts of tomatoes and grow into trees off a nutrient that cost mere cents to produce as a concentrate per liter. Learn about the basic chemistry of nutrient solutions and pick the cheapest but quality ingrediants one you can find. A good tip is dont buy from a hydro store go to a rural supplies store (landmark, elders, CRT) that operates in a hort area and buy what they sell. Here you will find great blends and pay <$100 for a 2 part 20 lt (40) set that is more concentrated and better quality, and a quarter of the price.

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