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Please post experience with vaporizers

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Hey hope this is not a dupe thread, hey you understand i'm wasted, can't be bothered searching :punk:


I am interested in hearing everyones experience with vaporizers, but also people who have never tried one (so then I get an idea of how popular they are).


Maybe provide a bit of info like mine:


I have vaped a lot through the volcano vaporizer (the older analog version). I must say its pretty good. Its somewhat stronger for me than having a cone. Breath for breath its stronger. Less harsh on lungs though I suggest having it in several small lung fulls, holding your breath 15 or so seconds each time.


The effect is mildly different, this also may be effected by what temperature setting you have it on as for example certain chemicals may not vaporize at certain temperatures.


I am not sure, I thought for a bit that smoking through a pipe was somewhat less potent, but mildly more euphoric and uplifting. But now I am not so sure.


I also find the 2nd or 3rd baloon on the volcano the most potent. Sometimes its too potent.


Occasionally get some anxiety if I consume too much. Its just because it intensifies sensations too much and for some reason this triggers an anxiety reaction in me if its too strong.


I hyper focus on my pulse rate and breathing and freak myself out. Laugh about it later though. Once or twice I've sworn to give up weed, just cause I worked myself into too much anxiety from smoking way too much. I always disregard such thoughts later though as typically anxiety only last 10-20 minutes, then I feel good. In fact anxiety sort of makes me feel refreshed in some way, sometimes.


:peace: once or twice I got WAY too wasted, and its always the first marijuana of the day that does this to me.. But I smoked heaps cause I was going out for 4-5 hours and wanted it to last (can't take the vaporizer with me), 10 minutes later I am on the bus, its totally packed with these uptight looking people sitting with their hands folded neatly on their laps going to work like robots, none of them I'm sure in any way original. I'd be like FUCK MAN TOO WASTED!! I'd get anxious thinking "What the fuck am I doing here, I shouldn't be fucking here! Fuck I need to get off! my pulse is too fast. Can't breath! Its an illusion snap out of it you paranoid fucker"


God one time I was stoned this fucking "criminal/retard" gets on the bus. He is SUPER obese and never wears a top, he STINKS, and is REALLY loud (often drunk). He rants loudly to everyone on the bus. I am like "Please god don't let him sit next to me". I am such a wimp when stoned.


Gotta go, I am getting too offtopic >:(

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I have an el-cheapo 'TOPVAPOR' model... cost about 120 but im sure thats expensive for what it is.

It doesnt have any bags ... it looks more like a jar with a small platform resting 2/3 of the way up that heats up. This is where the chopped up buds go.

I don't find this model very good. You don't seem to get as stoned as if u had gone and had the same amount through a bong. Perhaps because clean air comes in under where the jar is... this model reckons its 'air cooled', probably with the loss of efficiency as a side effect with this design.


I would probably get one with bags next time...

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I have an el-cheapo 'TOPVAPOR' model... cost about 120 but im sure thats expensive for what it is.

It doesnt have any bags ... it looks more like a jar with a small platform resting 2/3 of the way up that heats up. This is where the chopped up buds go.

I don't find this model very good. You don't seem to get as stoned as if u had gone and had the same amount through a bong. Perhaps because clean air comes in under where the jar is... this model reckons its 'air cooled', probably with the loss of efficiency as a side effect with this design.


I would probably get one with bags next time...


If your gonna buy a vape 2 things to keep in mind:


1: You get what you pay for (in terms of quality-materials used)


2:Ensure that your vape is not emitting noxious fumes(plastic's, metals which contain heavy metals such as lead, tin etc.- refer to rule 1.


Took me 2yrs to research and purchase my vape, best investment I have ever made.

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Wow I forgot about this post, must have been pretty stoned! ;)


Well think its time to have some more! ;)


As for me going off topic, I always do that anyway, always talk / type a lot (I've been diagnosed with ADHD :D), but weed certainly encourages it :)


Oh hey look at this:




I reckon that is tt.che only vaporizer I have found which can compete with the Volcano, and its around half price.. I will probably buy it sooner or later.


I probably wouldn't buy any other vaporizer, except maybe if I can find one that is half decent which is portable... Damn Volcano, how are you supposed to smoke weed when you go out? Oh a pipe :)

Edited by gills
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You can ramble on forever in a day about vaporizers, if you want. But if you want to cut through the bullshit, there seems to be one vape that covers all bases the best. The Arizer Extreme which is imported by Vapourama which also happens to be one of OSA's sponsors.


There's been various members here that have purchased them and posted in the forums as well as mentioned in chat about how good they are. You can use both bag and whip setup, as well as it comes with a remote control. Fair enough you pay for it, but it's what you should expect with a quality product. Also, Vapourama has been praised for their after sales service.


Only reason I mentioned it, is because i can see this thread going around in circles, simply because someone wants to ramble on and couldn't be bothered searching the forums for previous opinions/advice on various vaporizers.


Take the above advice and do what you please with it..

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You can ramble on forever in a day about vaporizers, if you want. But if you want to cut through the bullshit, there seems to be one vape that covers all bases the best. The Arizer Extreme which is imported by Vapourama which also happens to be one of OSA's sponsors.


There's been various members here that have purchased them and posted in the forums as well as mentioned in chat about how good they are. You can use both bag and whip setup, as well as it comes with a remote control. Fair enough you pay for it, but it's what you should expect with a quality product. Also, Vapourama has been praised for their after sales service.


Only reason I mentioned it, is because i can see this thread going around in circles, simply because someone wants to ramble on and couldn't be bothered searching the forums for previous opinions/advice on various vaporizers.


Take the above advice and do what you please with it..



Yes, the angry man is right, :D

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I own a Vaporite Nano, which attatches to my cyclone bong.

Im my opinion the whip/bag type vapes are the only ones to use.

The little metal platform ones in the glass domes are shite.


My one works great in that i can attach it to a bong, hands free, and have massive vapour rips.

The high is different, more light-headed, for me its so much of a change from normal billies that i swear i get more 'high'from vapes.


Heres a pic hope it helps anyone


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