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panic attack racing heart 26 year old

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Yep, disregard the first page of comments.

It's coz you smoked too much at one time. If you were fine with the same bad for 15 months prior, it can't be the weed.

Just make sure you aren't to anxious already when you smoke and start slowly. roll a J and have 1 or 2 puffs first. Once you're relaxed, smoke another couple of puffs until you're at the right level for you.

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Hey that happened to me once, a few months ago.


I've been smoking on and off for a few years, pretty regularly this last year.

Its only happened once, and for no reason that I can tell.. just my body didn't want to get high that night.

I went for a nap straight away, apparently I was talking to myself for a while. But I usually do that anyway when I am sleeping... although apparently this night I was talking jibberish.


Anyway I had a cone again the next day and I was sweet :thumbsup:

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Yep, disregard the first page of comments.

It's coz you smoked too much at one time. If you were fine with the same bad for 15 months prior, it can't be the weed.

Just make sure you aren't to anxious already when you smoke and start slowly. roll a J and have 1 or 2 puffs first. Once you're relaxed, smoke another couple of puffs until you're at the right level for you.



As a cannabis advocate/fan I am very supportive of the use of cannabis.But I must totally disagree with your statement of disregarding other members comments.Sure it may have been a case of neuroadaptation (flash word for reduced tolerance)but you cannot disregard the fact that cannabis may not be for you. As I stated in my post drugs are not for everyone. Early stage psychosis can presents as panic attacks with a continual decline in mental functioning.

I have just spent the last 10yrs (the last 2yr working in a non clinical mental health service)and have personally seen the decline in people's physical and mental health due to drug and alcohol use (seen more what they call 'poly drug use' which mean a combination of more than 1).


They advice about gradually increasing your cannabis intake after a period of cessation is sound although social circumstances must be considered(any undue stress, sleep, diet etc). Just because you have smoke cannabis for the last x amount of years doesn't mean that you start and continue to use cannabis. Whilst working (currently on hiatus being a full time dad) I came across some research (am unable to reference study or confirm it is not refer madnessas forgot where it came from)that stated that some people's psychosis actually presented after the had ceased cannabis use.


My mantra is this............if you use drugs.........any drugs and they are having a negative impact........then listen to your body....not people on the internet.

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I got psychosis when I was 20 years old police took me to mental hostpital then admitted I lost contact with reality completly and could see and here things that werent real I started to think things like the guy across the road was killing others and eating there flesh they would talk to me in my head them and many others I stayed awake for weeks on speed hospital give me resperdol which helped me become normal again my older brother has resistance schizophenia and is on clozapin for 10 years now the though of psychosis did cross my mind with what happen to me otha night thankfully I feel better now
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Reb staying awake for over 72 hours straight CAN TRIGGER PSYCHOSIS with out any drugs involved. "speeding" for weeks on end will trigger psychosis.

If you have a family history of schizophrenia then you should avoid high thc cannabis as THC can heighten some symptoms, not cause them,

A strain with good CBD content will not cause you the bad effects you have described. As it is anti -psychotic and is currently being studied in England as a treatment for schitzo.

Also alcohol is known to trigger psychosis in those that are susceptible, mixing canna and alcohol is probably not a good move given your family traits as canna "lubricates" the bodies systems and thersby multiplies the impact of the alcohol.

ie don't mix ya drugs and stay safe.


Learn to titrate so ya don't spin out, being greedy with canna will just make one spin out, built in safety system to stop over indulgence.

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This is an experience I want to share with you guys...


I used to smoke dope infrequently with close friends on and off over some weekends for about a year or two. (My family and I have no history of mental illness and I consider myself to be very healthy). The time when I decided to quit came after I was sharing a bong with a mate one night at a party getting ready to go out. It wasn't laced with any other drug because my mates at that party didn't have the experience as I had - it was dope and some tobacco (I was 21 at the time and now in my 30s).


I was in his bedroom and after a few drags, passed it back to him. I was feeling pretty stoned. He made some comment and I noticed his tone of voice had changed becoming deeper and rougher. I closed my eyes briefly and opened them. I looked at him and noticed his skin texture had changed and his face had stretched taking the form of a lizard. I was scared and walked out of the bedroom to tell my other friends next room what had happened. They found it pretty amusing, but for myself i felt like I was haunted by the image of his face. My heart began racing uncontrollably and and a few mates tried to calm me down but I was very paranoid with thoughts racing in my head that I was about to go insane. The following day I was calmer, but overwhelmed by the experience from the previous night.


A few weeks dragged by when one day I was making my bed thinking why am i doing this? it doesn't make any sense? I went to the bathroom and looked at my reflection in the mirror asking myself is that me who i'm seeing or someone else? This really started to freak me out. (Another friend of mine had a similar experience not long before mine and found it interesting and had since given up dope).


After a few months, I was sitting in a lecture room, when an intense feeling of not knowing who I was came over me. I was almost to the point of walking up to the lecturer right then and asking him if he was able to help me. I continued to sit on the chair and waited for the emotion to disappear. This had occurred numerous times since, including a moment when i was about to jump off a moving tram believing the passengers were aliens in disguise after me.


I recall another night soon after, when i was in my backyard hanging up the washing. I gazed up into the dark sky when a sense of extreme insignificance swept over me to the point where i felt physically and emotionally detached from the rest of the world and I was in any moment about to be sucked up into the sky. The feeling was overpowering, I wanted to yell out and I was almost to the point of falling to the ground and clench onto the grass. I believed I was on the tipping point of insanity.


I had spoken to a few close friends about this experience, didn't mention it to my parents because i didn't want them to worry, but never got help from anyone and slowly over a period of 6 to 12 months began to gain control. The episodes disappeared altogether and have never occured since i stopped smoking that night.


What I have learnt through this experience is (apart from being the scariest point in my life), your mind can become very fragile and sensitive to the point where it could tip when not careful. I was made aware of areas of my mind I never knew existed. I am however grateful to have experienced that and have made it through safely and in a position where I can help/talk to others in similar situations.


Thats all



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That's an interesting story. Cannabis can cause hallucinations if it's a strong Sativa.

My guess is you just opened doors to your mind that you weren't ready for. You hadn't learned enough yet.

It might sound mystical or whatever but I think of this in a completely scientific manner. Cannabis and any drug opens new ways of thinking to you; new ways of experiencing things. Some people get a thing called HPPD (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder) or PTSD sometimes happens as well. IMO HPPD doesn't just happen with Hallucinogens and can happen with anything. If you believe you are going crazy, this can cause you to go crazy. Someone had the example the other day of when you see an ad about lice and your head starts to itch. This is the same thing. You think Cannabis might make you go crazy after you hallucinate on it, and then you're like shit maybe they were right. So then you fear for your sanity and the fear itself just exacerbates the whole thing. Whereas some people might hallucinate, it's stops and they're just like HOLY SHIT that was intense lmfao.

Then go on to what they were doing.


IMO you can just get past these kind of things if you relax and keep a strong mind. That thing you noted about how you felt insignificant.... could very well be just your mind giving you a message. Because we are insignificant. You; your ego, just found this depressing, as some people just find it liberating.


However if you think not smoking Cannabis is the best thing for you then more power to you. Just giving my view on the whole issue. I certainly wouldn't try and convince someone to smoke Cannabis, unless they never have before :D

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Yep, I agree with you. The feeling of insignificance was intense and yes I found it depressing at that point in my life but in hindsight it can be looked at as being liberating. Its the interpretation of these emotions that influence us. Perhaps stopping, standing back, realising and accepting our position is all thats required to understand and as you put it 'keep a strong mind'. A good example I could give if someone experiences a feeling of 'going crazy' is reminding them of alcohol and its effects, ie lack of co-ordination, slurred speech, forgetfullness, etc. The effects are short term but the ability of your body (and your mind in some aspects) to regain the control is there.


Personally I don't find there is a need to smoke dope anymore. It was an interesting experience and one i don't regret.

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Ive had panic attacks alot and its a scary situation for anybody experiencing them.

I went throught a stage of cutting my weed intake afater smoking from when i woke to when i went to sleep, and the results of the outcome arent good your body seems to go into shock if after you have done this you might have a cone after a week.

As you said your heart rate increases dramatially and it is hard to breath all you can think is im going to have a heart attack over and over in your head.

I have also had them when being very stressed or in very inclosed places where i cant breath properly. After first having them, when i cant breath properly or i can feel my heart thumping it can trigger them off.

I found a good remedy for this is

1. to be in an inviroment where youre very comfortable and enjoy being there[

2. get up in the morning and have a cup of coffee or whatever you have in the morning and sit in the sun for a minimum of 15 mins, (trust me sounds weird but it works) the sun in the morning gives you certain vitamins that your body needs to wake up properly and makes you feel good the light also is absorbed through your eyes helping the body know what time it is and releasing chemicals into the body.

3. like plants humans need a stable sleeping pattern not too much and not tooo little.

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Missed this thread as I was at MardiGrass then Byron for a few days break.


... interesting read ...


I stop smoking hydro for 4 wks after 15 months using everyday I had bong yestaday 30/4/09 night I was stoned as after a few minutes i started to feel bad I could feel my heart beating out of my chest aND trouble breathing as well though i was going to vomit any minute feeling like was gunna die of a heart attack this went on for over 1 hour I consider calling the aMBLANCE but was to scared of the consequences of such actions the worst of the feelings went after 1half hour seem to calm down 1/5/09 chest still feels tight had some asmol inhaler today.......


not knowing who grew them bought 4 ounces and i smoke most of them in couple mths all except one oz had a few cones b4 breaking and nothing like that occured haved smoked on and off for 16 years went to the hospitial todaY to check out not dying they said smoking it can caUSE narrowing of the lungs THinking mayb i pulled a muscel in my chest as well coz its still sore


I got psychosis when I was 20 years old police took me to mental hostpital then admitted I lost contact with reality completly and could see and here things that werent real I started to think things like the guy across the road was killing others and eating there flesh they would talk to me in my head them and many others I stayed awake for weeks on speed hospital give me resperdol which helped me become normal again my older brother has resistance schizophenia and is on clozapin for 10 years now the though of psychosis did cross my mind with what happen to me otha night thankfully I feel better now
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