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How much is too much?

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In my opinion a junkie equates to someone who prioritizes their drug of choice over other important life decisions and responsibilities like food and shelter for their children or paying the mortgage.


I smoke about 4g a day and my wife about the same. We have been smoking for nearly 17yrs but still manage to lead a balanced lifestyle - no-one can even tell we smoke, which is just the way we like it.


It's just common sense - if you think you are using too much of anything then review your life and your priorities.


Jimbo lol

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In my opinion a junkie equates to someone who prioritizes their drug of choice over other important life decisions and responsibilities like food and shelter for their children or paying the mortgage.




I guess after reading some of this thread I'd qualify as a pretty low-end smoker, myself and the girl at the moment are just studying, so not a lot of cash going around (all the more reason to get a move on with my setup eh?) we pick up about a 50 pfn, sometimes a Q. If it's a 50, we'll use that in around 4-5 days between us...so a q just about does us for a fn.


As for the use of the word junkie...I'd agree, it's someone who's priority is whacked.

"Pothead" is more the cannibis term is it not? On that line, I'd say to the people who rush home to have it, or have it during working hours/study, or basically smoke all they've got in one sitting as a problem. The people who need it to sleep, eat...etc are obviously at too great a saturation point. The people that just can't feel normal/right without being stoned and do things like go home to get wasted instead of attending something that'll take them away from their weed...an issue also.

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If you smoke or drink every day you will be classed as ADDICTED ,, I guess that makes me an addict lol I have a few beers and one cone everyday ,, so maybe I am a Junky of some sort B) It doesnt affect my lifestyle ,, my rent and bills are paid , the fridge AND the Freezer are always filled ,., my kid wants for nothing , well , Maybe "wants" a new bike or PC game , but doesnt need it ! I have a car , lots of big boy toys etc . I dont class myself as a Junkie ,, but I am sure others may ,, but I dont care lol
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I think as long as you are still able to function, not causing harm to yourself or others and truly believe deep down you are

managing your use to the best of your abilities. it doesnt really matter, everyone had different tolerances to things, myself

i only need a tiny bit to do what i need it to doo, and i know this is because my condition makes me sensitive to just about

everything. cheersjava script:add_smilie("lol","smid_99")

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Heh you dont make me so bad progress187 but still...


Im smoking 1.5 grams a day at the moment through a bong (cones only, i dont smoke joints or pipes)


So on average i have about 10 cones from the time i wake up to dinner then another 10 or so after...fairly decent sized too...


Never thought I would wake up and want to smoke....i certainly wish i didnt as ive been unemployed since November last year and just bludging off government....days go past very fast when your high heh...Its getting to the point where its hard to stay awake 2 hours in the morning without smoking which is lame i know :blink: On top of that every day I have a few beers and a glass of two of wine.


Going to start trying to cut down soon though, got shit to do and shit does not get done when your high 24/7 ;p

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I can barely function after a few good cones so day time smoking is out of the question on weekdays, given my profession, I would otherwise consume about a quarter a fortnight, maybe three weeks, but thats only a couple cones of a night time.


The toxic dose of MJ is measured in Kilos/hour so there is no massive concern in terms of consumption.


Smoke till your hearts content if you are not worried about the tar and potential for exacerbating any underlining mental health issues.

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