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smoking while pregnant

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Hi there, this is my first pregnancy and it is a twin pregnancy. I get really bad morning sickness, which last throughout the whole day. But i tend to find that i feel a whole lot better and not feel sick at all when i smoke marijuana. Im scared to think how it affects the lil ones, but i cannot handle being overly sick anymore. Can someone help me?
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Avoid all Drugs and Chemicals especially Chemical Drugs


cannabis is a natural herb

our story goso

My partner and i hav been together for 20 yrs

we have 7 happy healthy well adjusted children age range from 3y to 18y

they were all were born at home under water. Peacefully no crying

We hav lotza pix recordings and even videos of their births

i was the midwife for all our deliveries No doctors,no Hospitals this is strictly a family affair

just before labour and inbetween contractions Nyah would hav a few tokes pon som a mi finest herb for some, some labours she just used tincture as smoking is something she is sporadic about at the best of times

During most preg, and breastfeeding we used Cannabis Ointment, Tincture, and Healing Oil extensivley


she didnt like to smoke for fun during pregs much, but she did smoke cannabis for its medicinal qualities

1spliff wid a cup a ginger tea stops Morinig sickness for Nyah <---beloved partner mi Queen, mi Emperess

breast fed all our childern and even still wid Tosh 3ys

cannabis is no problem for breast feeding

helps increase and release millk supply

helps baby gain wieght

there is a study called The Costa Rican Report

which includes Rasta women and breast feeding.

It cites a lota positive effects and debunks all the gov propaganda

we share a spliff Neri and I as she is feeding and it works great through her milk to help baby sleep.


Ointment for scratches and milk pimples

healing oil for nappy rash


Now hear dis scientific fact


Cannabis is in the top 6 of the worlds safest known substances to people kind

even the DEA's own Judge admit dat


Cannabis would make international news if they ever find anything detremental to infant health

wheres de studies where is de reports scientists hav completed thousands to date

Gov wont show u cause the results are all strictly positive, not in their vested interests

not funny when ppl are suffering to de point of death because of cannabis probition


check India for child and infent mortality stats

why havent they got asylums full a cannabis victims?

because there arent any



in fact india medical practisioners in the Ayurvedic field have recomended cannabis for gestation child birth and lactation for centuries

as you can see

we hav done lotsa research into diss

i hav collected a book shelf full a medicinal cannabis books in mi studio


check for ya selves

do a search thats how we found the truth

the info is all out there


Joan Bello, Dr Lester Grinspoon sites - i'm pretty sure you can get their with this address - www.marijuana-users.com , but googling Lester Grinspoon will bring up a lot more info bout this amazing "head of psychiatry from harvard uni" who is a world leader in medical cannabis research, with over 40 yrs of research under his belt, it was his statement to Canadian parliament that got the medical laws changed in Canada



Consuming Marijuana During Pregnancy 2007/11/20 06:43

Try diss 1----> http://www.ccguide.org.uk/proven.php


We found this link by checking the title of the study - "Cannabis in Costa Rica - A Study in Chronic Marihuana Use" edited by William Carter for the Institute for Study of Human Issues. (ISHU, 3401 Science Center, Philidelphia. As mentioned in page 85 of Hemp & The Marihuana Conspiracy (The Emperor Wears No Clothes) Two books in One 1985 edition.

See if yah can track this one down too ----> Ganga in Jamaica - A Medical Anthropological Study Of Chronic Marihuana Use by Vera Rubin and Lambros Comitas (1975; Mouton & Co., The Hague, Paris/Anchor Books NY)

Sourced from same book

The Coptic Study by Vera Rubin looks interesting too.....

And I quote....

In 1981, a study showed that 10 of Americas heaviest pot smokers (from the Coptic religion and residing in Florida) actually believed that using 16 huge high potency spliffs a day had improved their minds somewhat over a period of ten years........

Most studies (matched population, past and present) indicate that -everything else being equal-an average American pot smoker will live longer than his counterpart who does no drugs at all; with fewer, and generally less stress--thereby having fewer illnesses to upset the immune system, and being a more peaceful neighbor.

(Costa Rican and Jamaican Studies.)

Again from the Emperor.....

i'm on a roll here....

The (Jamaican Study) -- outlines the positive reinforcement given socially to Ganga smokers in Jamaica, the universal praise for the practises among users, who smoke it as a work motivator. Subjects decribed the effects of smoking making them "brainier lively, merry, more responsible and conscious. They reported it was good for meditation and concentration,, and created a general sense of well-being and assertiveness.



It is clear that the governments of the world do not care about the health of their people and do not even take notice of scientific studies, let alone the many and varied Cultures that,, throughout time have used this Herb for wellness.

I will give you an example, please, verify the things we claim with your own research.

I will quote from The great Book of Hemp and give yah some leads

"A recent study of Jamaican infants found that at one month of age children of Cannabis-smoking mothers scored significantly higher than children born to non-smokers in ten of the fourteen characteristics measured, including alertness, robustness, regulatory capacity and orientation. The mothers reported that Cannabis increased their appetites, relieved their morning sickness, and improved the quality of their rest. These effects likely contributed to healthier newborns."

M.C Dreher, K. Nugent, and R. Hudgins. "Prenatal Marijhuana Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica: An Ethnographic Study" Pediatrics 93, no. 2 (1994)

If yah put the title of the study in google .....

There are many accounts of maternal use of Herb in so many cultures.....It shouldn't take yah to long to become well informed.......

Both of us descend from Herbalists....we basically ONLY use Herbs to keep our family healthy....and always have....Ital life is our way...Organic, plant-based diet and medicine....check it in the first page of the courts Bible that all are called to swear on to tell the Truth......

Iand I are not afraid to stand up and speak the truth, everything i and i say can be verified by clinical research, and is proven to be harmless and beneficial by world renown scientists, even police have children, and are humans with the capacity to know truth when they see it, they and their familes will only benefit from hearing the Truth about Cannabis.

Someones gotta tell it how it is.....too long propaganda rule the day and perpetuate suffering and dis-ease....


Consuming Marijuana During Pregnancy 2008/06/16 06:32

check diss



medicalcannabis.com was there

check their link




extract from their site





More Suppression of Marijuana Research


In the 1980s Melanie Dreher and colleagues at UMass Amherst began a longitudinal study to assess the well-being of infants and children whose mothers used cannabis during pregnancy. The researchers lived in rural Jamaican communities among the women they were studying. Thirty cannabis-using pregnant women were matched for age and

socio-economic status with 30 non-users. Dreher et al compared the course of their pregnancies and their neo-natal outcomes, using various standard scales.


No differences were detected three days after birth. At 30 days the exposed babies did better than the non-exposed on all the scales and significantly better on two of the scales (having to do with autonomic stability and reflexes).


Follow-up studies were conducted when the kids were four and five (just before entering school and after). The moms were defined as light users (1-10 spliffs per week), moderate (11-20), and heavy (21-70). Consumption of ganja tea was also taken into account.



Dr. Dreher is the principal researcher and director of several studies within the suppressed costa rican study,

i still havent seen any of the latest reportz

in this vid she sey

the kidz in the report are now adults with there own kidz and the study still going on so




nuff raspect

more power to Dr. Dreher


the truth will reveal to the babe and suckling

free ganga for kidz and mumz


forward cannabis

heal the children

heal the future

Irey Guidance


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Wow Rad, brilliant info!!


And xxacceberxx . . . just a note on nausea, I take a THC Tincture for my nausea [not morning sickness, but same diff, as I have it permanently due to a farked gastro-intestinal system] and it works a treat! Tinctures are alcohol based, but the tiny amount you need on a daily basis would be negligible . . . alternatively, ginger IS excellent also, you only need a little bit in organic green tea, along with some peppermint . . . if you're in any way worried about affects of 'drugs' as such! :D

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So I've been thinking about this a lot my husband and I are going to start trying and we're both avid smokers. So your question rings in my ears each time I smoke up.

I read a lot and i really wish i had book marked the site. A female doctor went to Jamaica to do a study on exactly this and her conclusion was actually slightly in favor of the children who had mothers who smoked marijuana while pregnant.

Here's one site I found http://www.medicalcannabis.com/pregnancy.htm


So first Of the Con's that I know Of:

Since you are inhaling smoke, there is less oxygen traveling to the fetus. (Same problem in cigarette smokers...but less chemicals)



Stress is a huge factor suspected of many birth defects and miscarriages. Getting high can/is a very calming relaxing activity.

Morning sickness leaves many expectant mothers weak, stressed and upset. Getting high has been known to calm this.


There is a lot of misinformation out there on marijuana. Everywhere you can read how awful it is to smoke it while pregnant but not one birth defect has yet to been linked directly to marijuana.


Nothing is certain cause the research just isn't there. One thing is for sure if you are going to smoke try to use a vaporizer or bong and use in moderation!

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Greetnz liz0


Since you are inhaling smoke, there is less oxygen traveling to the fetus. (Same problem in cigarette smokers...but less chemicals)


that is more Gov BS proppaganda

it is a scientificlly proven fact that --->thc oxygenates the blood

gotta love dat


Nothing is certain cause the research just isn't there



cannabis is the most researched plant we have

and the most suppressed and lied about

yes absollute lies i say

because they have read all the scientific everdence and reports, that they sponcered

so they know the truth

yet still they spread miss-information and absolute lies about cannabis because they can make more money that way



all the info and miss-info is published pon the web


google is yah best freind

google the names of the scientists

a you tube scearch is a must too

many of the scientists and recearchers involved are upset that the results of their works are continually suppressed or adulterated with proppaganda and have come out and said so on you tube


here is a link to youtube vid of Dr Dreher talking about the corruption and suppression of her crcuial


keep scearching

cause there is plenty more out there


forward cannabis

heal the children

heal the land


irey guidance

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For every piece of research that is generally saying weed is ok during pregnancy you will easily find 10 studies with solid data saying the exact opposite (do a search in google scholar). However, I do agree that reducing stress can be a pro - why not change your life style insted of relying on weed.



As for the whole "big pharma" generates this and the govt funds anti weed research, this just isnt an argument i fully understand. Corporations can, and do, profit from plants I am sure that if weed was legal there would be a large number of companies "chomping at the bit" to get a piece of the action. As for the govt funding dodgy research - personally and knowing a bit about how research is funded - i cant see that happening. reseach institues have plenty of better stuff to do with their precious little money


Obcourse we can never catergorically say that all weed research is completely unconfounded but certainly not to the degree some people, particulary weed smokers, would have u believe.


The bottom line is do u want to take a punt ?? its a pretty big punt to take.

Edited by danoz
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are you saying Dr Dreher is not telling the truth


we have seven children and cannabis worked for we



you will easily find 10 studies with solid data saying the exact opposite (do a search in google scholar).


when i check the "solid data" i find many holes in the negitive data

and the positive data is never allowed more research due to the scedualing of cannabis into a catergrey that has no medicinal use

therefor research is limitted by the DEA in the US and all other nations that sign the international drugs treaty


did you check Dr Dreher youtube clips

the words form her toung ring true to my ears


Cannabis is one of the safest known herbs pon the planet

even the DEAs on judge aggrees with that


never caused a single death


do you know what the allturnitives to cannabis are for treating aliments during pregnancy????

check the scienticic studdies for them

really they are far worse

no chemical drugs can compare to the safe effective medicinal cannabis

please do-->do more research danoz

or do you think a woman should just suffer thru it?????


irey guidance

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my partner is going to have a ceaser on tuesday, she has smoked mj the whole pregnancybut given up all alchohol etc etc, mj helped with her morning sickness, even increasing her appetite so that she could eat during that time. all the antenatals have been great and there is certainly no stunting of growth as she is very big for her size. if it works use it i reckon!!!!!
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