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Ventilation in and out, cfm's

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Hi all,

Hoping for for a couple questions answered, any input appreciated.


I've got a room with three exhaust fans (12'',12" and 6") pumping out approx. 2700 cfm's, located at top/front end of room. It has five 6'' in vents, presently at hood and exhaust fan level at other end. It has ten 1000w HPS systems, all ballasts in different room.


Here's the problem, it's hot as hell in there.


Should bring in more air?, add more fans (didn't think it would be nesc)? or... Anything else I'm not thinking about?


Thanks again for any input, have a wonderful day!!!

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Lower your intakes would be my first suggestion. Secondly you always wanna have bigger exhaust than intake, hence why many peeps run passive intake/active exhaust.


But cooling 10k aint like cooling a cupboard an if your running that many lights i;m surprised that you haven;t sorted this problem earlier... I've gone to 6k in a room and that required a/c an hell wiring, anything over 2k starts to have serious heat issues and needs thought. 3 fans cooling 10k it;s almost like a trick question.




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thanks all.


i've had a few years experience just in an already up and running situation, now on my own and thinking I know everything(i don't), i had figured I would improve the the old location with the new one... same recipe just a little more sugar, a little less salt. what i realized is, no two locations work the same (unless identical). That said...


so far, adjusting the in duct's has made an incredible difference. Almost ideal, workable but not perfect. I've realized, i have enough out, no prob. the problem is my in. Just not enough fresh air coming in to let the hot escape and cool the whole room. So, thinking, I will either add a few more in's or actually use a fan to force more air in through existing duct.


Other than that, yes i have done research. a lot of it. Just sometimes you take for granted something and bam, that ends up being the thing that needs improvement. My budget, WAY OVER BUDGET... hopefully in a few months that won't matter. Cool tubes??? I am not at all familiar with them, what exactly are they?


again, thanks for the input. it has helped, and if you all have any more, please fire away.


no input is unwanted.


have a beaut of a day

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