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Malcolm Turnbull on pot

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Yea i in liquor industry


Sorry to hear that you're hurting mate.


I'm a proud binge-drinker and I almost always mix plenty spirits (Bundy OP Rum) with Beers (in different glasses).


The Wowsers & Media pushed this crap big-time, so we can't really blame him for doing what 'the voting public' wanted & pushed for, even if it was also a convenient source of money to cover long neglected infrastructure works.


Luckily for me I don't drink many pre-mixed drinks.


PS: Where The F**k do all our taxes really go to???? (do we have a hidden 'black budget' - me thinks yes)

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Awesome post thanks heaps PRO malcolm here.

followed malcolm as environment minister and he was awesome his policies and the way he spoke were great.


I would much prefer malcolm as PM than the religious nerd K Rudd. K Rudds policies as far have been puss and i started out as a supported of K RUdd even though i m liberal.


Sure if Malcolm ends up as Pm in 2010 he will make fuck - ups, its impossible not to, its a country not a mcdonalds, its hard to run. The thing is i think malcolm will fuck up less than his competitors.

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"Sure if Malcolm ends up as Pm in 2010 he will make fuck - ups, its impossible not to, its a country not a mcdonalds, its hard to run."

There are still some sad people like me who don't want government to run anything - except themselves out of town. Australians should run their own country, not some vacuous politicians. (Have a listen to the Parliament when its broadcast on ABC radio, not just 'Question Time'.) There is such a thing as Direct Democracy, although pollies don't speak of it (or Switzerland's democratic system).


"I think the whole government is like mcdonalds bunch of clowns in suits with trying to sell you shit."

TripperX, you took the words right out of my mouth. Governments don't really make any real attempts any more to disguise their mendacious double-speak, blatant hypocrisy and obvious criminality. "Human Rights" is used as a political tool, not honoured as an eternal ideal. Everything and everyone is expedient and no one cares - too busy earning a living to make any money.

From the pulpits come hateful lies as irrelevant and crippling as the ancient faiths that build them. Same with the TV, come to think of it. Pornography is becoming the only aesthetic - debased and debasing - lost in an episode of a dream that money can buy: poisoned by the knowledge that tomorrow is another day.

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everyone here is sooo negative towards the government here. History shows you need a government just because you can be trusted to do the right thing like most enviromentally conscience and intellegent stoners most people cannot.


Personal experiance has given me a general trust of the government. For work i have had to dig really deep and follow some issues (agriculture related - usually water). and when you really dig deep into an issue (stats, science, the people, cost of dif options) you begin to see where the pollies are coming from irrespective of you stance when you begun. And in recent years i have seen great government ideas (regarding water and agriculture) fail to be implicated because the general population so greatly opposed it. The problem is the majority dont understand the issue and get there information from their mates down the pub or worse the herald sun. How do you explain a complex issue in a brief to the puplic?. Also their are times when even after you understand an issue inside out you still strongly disagree with the current stance of the government- maybe the pollie involved doesnt understand the issue properly or is giving in to popular opinion. but usually this is not the case.


i would to offer a recent example but it would take 2000 words to explain and put people to sleep but i will do so on request.



I challenge anybody in this thread to pick something they are passionate about that is a current policy issue and dig really deep into the issue taking into consideration the social, environmental, economical implications, then review the current opinion of the government.

Most pollies enter politics at great personal financial sacrifice (most would earn more in the private sector).

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“I challenge anybody in this thread to pick something they are passionate about that is a current policy issue and dig really deep into the issue taking into consideration the social, environmental, economical implications, then review the current opinion of the government.

Most pollies enter politics at great personal financial sacrifice (most would earn more in the private sector).”


Danoz, I hope your chains rest lightly upon you as the kiss the hand that feeds you!

Let's take the “War on Terrorism” for starters. Have a smoke and contemplate “the social, environmental, economic implications” whilst reviewing “the current opinion of the government”.


Next, take the fact that taxation is theft with force by government. The fact that all but four or five nations (which coincidently found themselves on the 'Axis of Evil') have private central banks all owned by the same interconnected families. These banks issue currency. Consider “the social, environmental, economic implications”.


Have a look at www.basicfraud.com and note the forged royal signatures, the empty gestures, lies and polished reticence. Consider “the social, environmental, economic implications” of a Queen appointed by the British parliament controlling vast mining rights within Australia.


Check out the salary for Australia's Prime Ministers and then let me know how come they all leave office with vast sums of accumulated wealth and overseas bank accounts. (Paul Keating and Gareth Evens favoured Swiss accounts whilst John Howard's banking arrangements are more structured and complex). And whilst I'm on the topic: Which politician would you be happy to control your business for say, six months?


"History shows you need a government just because you can be trusted to do the right thing like most enviromentally conscience and intellegent stoners most people cannot...How do you explain a complex issue in a brief to the puplic?"




Throughout recorded history and still to this day there has been one central, dominant and overriding aggressor upon all Human Rights – the State! Some people, like me, refuse to give 'the State' moral sanction to commit actions that almost everyone agrees are immoral, illegal and criminal if committed by any person or group in society.

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taxation is theft with force by government
A bunch of lawers, barristers, QC's & Judges together stopped paying tax a number of years ago. The Gov whinged & whined & theatened & attempted to intimidate them. As far as I know, the Gov has not been able to do anything about them, perhaps something to do with their refusal to submit or sign anything to the ATO. The media and Gov have been deathly quiet on the subject ever since.


Any Ideas how they got around the Gov & ATO?

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