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The Backyard Garden and kids

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Guest weekprik
he kids who rip these days don't give a shit and will kill guard dogs and worse to get a free crop




Kids can be a big problem for outdoors plants for the lazy, I wouldnt grow at home outdoors as its just too risky,

Your better off finding somehwere it will grow that no one dare to go,

Iam thinking of trying one on an island in morton bay, where its too small for people to go but the saltwater wouldnt get near the plants either.

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One thing also to watch out for is people on clean up Australia Day. It is on this day that they will tramp their way to the most desolate, isolated places to pick up garbage. Unfortunately these places may also be favoured as places to grow. This is what stopped me from planting this year, because nearly all suitable spots near me are traversed by people on this particular day. Clean-up day this year was in March.
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we have alot of problems with fence jumpers down here but i suppose it goes with backyard growing but home invasions for indoor crops are alot more frightning, i have heard a story of a guy who woke up with three people in his bedroom, two holding him down and the other ripping his plants, i think i would rather lose my outdoor crop to a few kids :angry: i have also heard of people hanging fish hooks through their plants which is sure to give the little bastards a shock :wacko: unfortunally getting caught with man-traps is worst than getting caught with the plants :rolleyes:
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They are just fucking kids and the guy that thinks its OK to bash the parents of pot ripping kids is a fucking wanker, I hope your parents get bashed for you saying that. lol


In defence of ripper kids, the prices of dope at school are the best in the fucking world, I remember as a kid you'd give this fat kid $5 to get some lunch and he'd give you a big handful of bud.


But yeah, I've had plants ripped off, But more have been eaten by wallabies, and I'm not out to bash that wallabies parents. Basically outdoor pot isn't worth shit until its safely in bags at your house, that is the way I think of it. No reason to cry about it.


Most of my plants get ripped in veg in retaliation of people who I ripped there plants out cos they we're growing on my property.


This is a story of the people to watch out for::


I knew this fucked up kid, not really a kid, I was like 14 and he was like 18. schizo/retard type guy. Anyway the cunt was sleeping on my floor and giving me all his money and being fucking pathetic, i kicked him out to try to help the cunt out, but he wouldn't leave.


In the end I convinced him to go take some seedlings, probably 50 seedlings and plant them in the bush and camp with them. So he takes them straight to the police station.


a few weeks later I get home and see the D's and 2 cop cars at my house. They we're told I had like 100 big plants and I sold heaps of dope. In reality I had 27 plants, that had probably 27 leaves between them. The cops felt fucking bad for me, they really did, I didn't even know to pull out males and they had to bust me for this crap......

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I had a monster outdoor plant ripped about 15 years ago.. it crushed me.. ever since them I keep them small and camoflaged.

The more regular plants you got lying around helps.Every time i got spare cash i go buy shrubs/plants/trees etc









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Guest weekprik

True story,


In New Zealand where I used to live I ran into this grower in North Auckland, anyways we got chatting and he goes oh come see my plants, So im thinking fuck i dont know this guy whys he showing me his plants, shit I might rip them off when I go back to wellington,


So we walk for what seems like 30-40 mins, but really it was only about 5-10 B),


we get to this spot and he goes Ill give you an Oz if you can tell me where my plants are??


So im like fuck lol sure no worries, but take me to the area first so Ive got a chance, he starts laughing and says you cant get any closer,

I couldnt for the life of me find any plants,

So i give up, he goes look up,

So I did and in the tops of the tree there are fully grown MJ plants in the canopy of the tree,

Anyways he just climbs up the tree and throws down 2 plants each ready to harvest full of big buds,

apparently he had heaps of plants stolen so instead of giving up he just puts them in this tree top lol, I mean BIG tree too :D

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