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Fibromyalgia - anyone else?



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Yeah g'day mate

Have been diagnosed 3 mth ago with fibromyalgia about . have been smoking pot before that though.Fibromyalgia can be caused/brought on by stress or an accident or both and in my case has led to anxiety and mild depression..and have been prescribed drugs but havnt really got in to taking them.

Dope from what I can gather is an anti-depressant so I could only view it in my case as a good substitute for man made drugs..Im not sure whether that is the right conclusion but I would have to say that i am more relaxed after smoking pot and I guess thats what the man made drugs are suppose to do as well.

Anyway hope that was of some use would like to hear what u reckon.

cheers maxhead

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HI All, am new to the site, so am keen for some feedback. I have had Fibromyalgia for 11 years and have been an mj smoker for over 20. I have found the mj helps with the pain, however my Fibro has gotten worse over the past few years. I found this great doctor who is quite alternate, spiritual and insightful. So when I told him what I do for the pain, and he said it was the worst thing I could do, I was blown away. I am unable to find any research that suggests smoking pot is detrimental to Fybro, but am keen to find out. So any input would be great.
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Well...you've said that you're smoking it - it's pretty much the common medical view that inhaling any kind of hot/carcinogenic substance is an unhealthy thing to do, detrimental to your health regardless of your condition, I'm pretty certain that aside from those factors, and completely irresponsible use, there can't be anything all that harmFUL about it, I mean a cat can eat a plant until they've had their fill and not keel over, or even get sick so it's not too toxic by nature, right?

As for whether or not it should be used for pain/symptom relief, I think this would vary person to person.

I'd suggest for your health (and everybodies) to go the vaporizer method, and/or eating - I do both, and feel way better than when I was smoking. Most of the thc extraction butter I've made has been cheaply done out of post-vaped buds, leaf/kiff/stem, and it WILL work wonders.

Give it a go.

Again, I'm sure the doctor was largely (as most) not wanting to openly endorse it, and attacking mainly the consumption method.

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most doctors wont recommend consuming cannabis in any shape or form, even if you tell them its working better than the meds they are putting you on and have less side effects :whistle:


the fact of the matter is everyone is different and some treatments will work better for some people than they will others. because of that medical treatments are pretty much experimental until they find what works best for you. if you want to help them out by searching for the best strain of pot to help treat your condition thats something you probably shouldnt tell your doctor until you have found a strain or even a few of them that work well for you. from there its just a matter of growing enough to keep you in supply for your medicinal needs and you can free yourself from seeing a costly gp and taking over priced pharmacuticals which can endanger your health :unsure:


just remember that while a doctor is a smart person, only you can possibly know how the drugs and/or treatments they give you are having an effect. if you know for a fact that cannabis is working wonders for you while they are demonizing it and pushing an inferior pharmacutical you have the right to refuse treatment altogether and i would highly recommend doing so for having a doctor with such a closed mind that they are willing to have you suffer for their beliefs :xcited:

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HI Thanks for the feedback. Since posting I have done some more research and I agree, I think it is about method rather than content. Basically the focus is more on the lack of oxygenation of the body, as a result of smoking.


My only concern in ‘eating’ it, whether butter or cookies etc is controlling the amount. How do you ensure/monitor the amount being consumed?


Also, is it easy to make the butter and what do you put it on, or eat it with? Would like to give it a go.




Thanks again

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How do you ensure/monitor the amount being consumed?


If it's just the butter, start by spreading some liberally on a peice of toast...although not the best "flavour" it will give you an idea of how much of the substance it will take to get the effect you require.


PLEASE wait about an hour and a half before you decide it's not working, ha...I made that mistake, and trust me, it can be a little overwhelming if you have a double serving on your first time.

If by that time there's no effect either you've made a crap butter, or you've not used enough.


From that point onwards you know roughly how much you can handle/should have, and have the amount you feel you require or want when using it.


Any recipe using butter (except for maybe browned butter sauces) can be used as I understand it, just replace the standard butter quantity with the canna-butter.

I'm looking into making herbal compound butters with it for steaks, garlic breads and sauces, because they reckon you can store it frozen without it being wrecked.


There are MAAANY different ways people say you can make it - I borrowed bits and peices to make mine.

As I said I use both (some) green and post-vaped buds, which still do contain an amount of unextracted THC - this could be a cheap method to look into in conjunction with vaporization:


Of course, if you're growing your own..you'll more than likely have supply enough to make a full green butter.


Good luck with that.

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HI Thanks for the feedback. Since posting I have done some more research and I agree, I think it is about method rather than content. Basically the focus is more on the lack of oxygenation of the body, as a result of smoking.


My only concern in ‘eating’ it, whether butter or cookies etc is controlling the amount. How do you ensure/monitor the amount being consumed?


Also, is it easy to make the butter and what do you put it on, or eat it with? Would like to give it a go.




Thanks again

butter is easy as to make and there are tutorials on this site that will guide you no problems from start to finish:)

as for using it, you just use it in place of butter or margarine in recipes, its as easy as that.

measuring the dose is a little harder, but it can be done, you just need to know everything in advance. say you had 14g of bud, 120g of butter and a cookie recipe that needed 50g of butter. i always recommend using double the butter for added strength and you'll lose a little due to it sticking to the plant material when straining. assuming you make up 12 cookies using that butter, each cookie will have around 1g of bud in it....once you know how much is in each cookie you can test them out and work out what strength you want to make your butter next time :whistle:

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