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First Indoor Grow

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If they got roots showing out the bottom chuck the cube in sum perlite mix.

But rockwool drying out should not be a problem. I hate rockwool, but there is one thing it does very well, it holds lots of water and air. Try to keep the tiniest bit of water in the pan all the time.

One thing to understand about a seedling is in natural growth when the seedling is about an inch high, the tap root should probably be about 5 inches long already, the tap root is at least an inch long before the seedling will show above surface. So a deep pot is important in getting a plant a good start in life.

Also the roots aren't coming out the side because the grain of the rockwool doesn't go that way. Cloning blocks grow a vertical root system and slabs grow a horizontal root system. Do you know what I mean??

I'd plonk them cubes into styrocups full of 2/1 perl/verm and give em a 1/4 strength drink of bloom nutes, some vitamin B1 wouldn't hurt if you got it.

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thanks.... I transplanted the seedlings a couple of days ago into 3 2ltr coke bottles that had the tops cut off... I put in some 50/50 perlite/vermilicite and watered until soaked... they've been under the flouros for a couple of days now... checked them today and they needed another soaking... they're in with the growlux 36watt flouros now sitting at about 24-28C.. The one that had the curled leaflet now seems to be loosing the other one... and looked wilted today...but after watering picked up within about 10mins.... both of the runts have new green bumps between the cotyledons... I hope thats more leaves forming...


kool, I got two bathroom fans today (about $18 each). I also got a saw and a 10 ml spade drill bit and a timer :P


Should be able to fix the fans tonight or tommorrow and will post some more pics when finished...

Then back to the hps lights for a night or two... I'll also try and setup another grow room and keep the runts and beans out until I can establish the new grow room temps...

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The fans are in... I'll have to get some minor ducting done on them to stop some really obvious light leaks... I hope no water comes in through the roof as there are now only tiles seperating my grow from the outside world...hehe... VERY NOISY WORK!! I got a jigsaw and did the first fan last night... now everybody knows I'm up to something...oh well they'll probably tell the landlord and I'll be fucked...who cares right?...


Temperature looks like being around 30-34C shouldn't get much warmer than that in winter... I could try putting in another couple of fans but I don't think it'll be worth the extra noise... cause there's a buzzing in the hedgerow..and it won't go incase you don't know...hehe.. ok I'll try and hook up the timer so that it turns off around 9:30pm and comes back on around 1:30am.. hopefully it won't annoy ppl when they're trying to sleep and won't be noisy enough to wake up my neighbours when it comes on... also, I'm worried about the roof tiles glowing now and hope it won't be visible to the rest of the neighbour hood...I'll have to go have a scout around tonight...lol


here's a pick of the only viable mj plant i have atm...


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I'm worried about the roof tiles glowing now and hope it won't be visible to the rest of the neighbour hood...

A short piece of ducting curved into an elbow would fix that if needed.



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Hey mr.P


May I share with you my little lady.. From your photos I think they are about the same size... Shes the only one Ive got at the mo, and as Ive said the the sexing forum, I can only hope she grows up to be a girl...


She germinated about 3 weeks ago, but I had a little trouble with soil / nuts etc, and Tom set me straight.. Almost lost her... be shes picked up and now growing strong...


Only thing is shes only under a 18w Fluro.. ( lol ) ... The SCROG is still being built, and I havnt got the cash for a glow fluro yet.... let alone a HID...


anyway... here she is.....


( Sorry the photos a little bright, and a little blury.. the camera doesnt like doing macro shots )


Edited by merv
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yeah...hehe...that's sad merv... bet you can't wait for some outdoor girls next year huh? Shit... the suspense is gonna start killing me right about now.... Oh well... if it's a boy I suppose I'll be joining the male arse hair smoking club...NOT!! Shit have to send that letter off to jrs asap..hehe
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