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My new cloning box

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jeesus tboat, thems a lotta clones! Watchya gonna do with all those suckers??? ;)


hey Tom, yes I was very pleased with myself. lol But it was the milk bottle cap idea that gave me the leggo idea.


I was sitting there admiring my handiwork this afternoon and thought, how much satisfaction can I get from doing something a 10year old could build? :o....apparently a lot :o


hey Luke, yeah I know what you mean, but you would need more of the specific types of pieces to do that and at just one basic leggo set I barely had enough to do what I did. As it is I do have some room for adjustment.


PS - I just checked it after leaving it for a few hours and the humidity is stable at 80% and temps 28-30. I reckon these plastic tubs were made for cloning.

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jeesus tboat, thems a lotta clones!  Watchya gonna do with all those suckers???   :o

It's medical mj pipeman. lol

yes yes, me too. my Doctor told me I need to get stoned off my tits as often as possible. I offered to take a prescrition of pain killers, but he insisted on mj. :o

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ok so to any who are interested on how it went I guess it hasn't been a total success and not a total failure.


About 3-4 are rooting like mad, and at least 8 clones more clones have roots starting to break through.


possible reasons for the slowness in rooting is that they were taken from flowering plants and light was getting into the bubbler. Also they seemed to start to root better when I raised the water level and had the air pump running 24/7. I reckon 15on, 45off was a bum steer.


So, a couple of coats of black paint and I reckon next time it'll be much better.


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I would have transferred them into vegging bubblers as soon as roots began to show except I haven't got the bubblers ready yet. :D


They've started to show some signs of being real hungry, so I replaced the water in the bubbler with a 1/4 strength mix of Canna nutes. hopefully this will keep them alive until I've got my act together.


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well, two of the four clones rooted after 4 weeks in that last attempt. One possible problem was the cold water, but I am convinced its more that the light shining through the holes in the lid is slowing down rooting.


Unless anyone's got a better idea, I think I'm gonna try this with some bluetack around the stems on top of the holes to block the light.

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