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Everyone has had a smack over the wee wee from OzStoner and had posts deleted about this Luke, it's been sorted, do we really need to hear it again from a moderator?

An ex girlfriend of mine was involved in heart research, she gave it away because the truth was skewed to gain more funding, so don't tell me it's all good.

We don't owe this 'researcher' anything?

They've successfully advertised their study. Let's move on :uhhuh:

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Luke, I agree. All drugs are bad; All abuse of drugs is bad - anyone who states otherwise is a damned fool. I have never once contended cannabis is good for me or anyone else. I also agree with what research tends to suggest and that is that cannabis in all probability may be linked to causing schitz in young people. Anyone who reads the research on this would likely agree or is just plain stupid and living in denial. Anyone who tries to validate their argument through pointing at one piece of research will be quickly undermined by another piece of research so safe to say you WILL NEVER see me pointing at research to validate a flawed argument.


My arguments are very simple:


1) Prohibition is an abject failure - is now, always will be and always was

2) Prohibition has created a legal and social nightmare beyond anything that would have occurred had all drugs remained legal, regulated and controlled

3) Prisons are full, people are dying, societies/communities/countries have been decimated, police forces corrupted etc, etc, etc - all thanks to prohibition


The mj legalization argument is like a stuck record. MJ is now a hard drug and there goes the ball game. Consider that the prohibition movement kicked back. All credit to them and the validity in arguing that cannabis is a relatively safe and harmless drug, comparitively to others, is a done deal. They won. You're living in the past.

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Ok I'll shut the gate now the horse has bolted B)


For 'other potential' cannabis research motivation, some added ponderousness.. careful not to blink now..



Lithium could treat cannabis withdrawal: study







and the obvious..



Drug companies spend $31m to woo doctors



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Guest niall

Good luck with the research cannabis.research, and sorry for all the shit you've had to wade through here.


This thread has almost convinced me to leave this site, or at least take a break. It's been really quite depressing to see this unfold in the way that it has.

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Good luck with the research cannabis.research, and sorry for all the shit you've had to wade through here.


This thread has almost convinced me to leave this site, or at least take a break. It's been really quite depressing to see this unfold in the way that it has.


Yeah well I guess that's what you get from a bunch of psychotic schizoids Niall. I found it enlightening that so many people here are awake to so called experts and the damage they have done and do to the lives of individuals like ourselves. We're not numbers Niall and that is the problem with these guys and gals. We're humans who have waded through shit because of the hysteria that research has whipped up of late. The sooner we all boycott participating in research the better off we will be. At least we then can argue that; well look at the gene pool they research (I.e. Their methodology is flawed). What sort of functional, intelligent person agrees to a) becoming a guinea pig (lets face it mate, no one is going to young drinkers and isolating that alcohol is a contributor to schizophrenia in this group and then the press going insane with it in a Booze madness campaign with loads of lies and hysteria to support their bollocks.... Probably because then the unethical bastards would lose advertising dollars), and :uhhuh: who thinks they can ask people to piss in a jar and then respect those people for demeaning themselves - who asks intelligent, educated people to volunteer for this in the first place?


Sorry to hear you're disappointed Niall but I definitely aren't. No disrespect to the researcher and I hope I made myself clear in that it has nothing to do with them personally but everything to do with what they represent. As a tip to researcher - go to "the usual suspects". Ask down the needle exchange, the rehabs, the homeless joints and sample the same groups that always get drafted into your qualitative and quantitative research. We'll be sure to read it when its gets touted as gospel by some prat who disseminated a press release. Peace and sorry if your feelings were hurt

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Good luck with the research cannabis.research, and sorry for all the shit you've had to wade through here.


don't worry about it Nial, your posts weren't that bad ^_^


This thread has almost convinced me to leave this site, or at least take a break. It's been really quite depressing to see this unfold in the way that it has.


:peace: Oh please!.... B)

Everyone in this thread, even you Nial, has raised valid and valuable points, who is the winner?

This is obviously a contentious issue that needs some debate B)

Smoke em if you got em :uhhuh:

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researcher said things are starting to go round in circles

yes i have noted that too

since 1936 as a matta of fact

what was the first reffa maddness campaine ??

it makes you go mad they said


madness indeed

that was diss proved by the loboue report

right in addslingers lying face before the end of the decade


so now 60t odd yrs later they have exausted all they attemps of discrediting cannabis

they start repeating themselves

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