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Vic roadside tests......2 years figures

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basically their the one's who end up blaming us using the 'gateway theory' which is still a theory. Meth sends people nuts, and violent. I applaud the pigs getting meth heads off the road. Imagine if you were driving home and Mr. Meth decides to ram your car into a lamp post?


That is a pretty narrow minded approach. Reminds me of "But for the Grace of God, there go I" attitude, and it also reminds me of the reefer madness campaign, of fear and propaganda aimed at ridiculing users. I wouldn't want to opress others who use an illegal substance while excusing my own choice of illegal/legal substances.


Not preaching just saying that we are fortunate enough to not be addicted to a substance as bad as that. Also I believe users should be pittied and helped, not dragged back into the reefer madness time of demonizing users, instead of the drug.


Fuck the cops, I don't applaud them for anything they do in regards to drugs, unless someone under the influence has committed a crime, then they deserve to be punished, but not for just using a substance.


FUCK METH, I hate the shit, anyone uses it around me I beat the crap out of them


You have more balls than me, what I have noticed is someone under the influence of meth has a high pain threshold, lots of energy and strength, and enough willpower to fight off half a dozen cops. I would not want to get myself even into a verbal argument with someone who is strung out on meth, but if it came to a physical confrontation I would beat him hands down. I would be down the road and around the corner before he even had a chance to fart.

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end up blaming us using the 'gateway theory' which is still a theory.


yeah a crap theory. It shouldn't be surprising that anyone on a particular substance has tried most other softer substances. Thats doesn't indicate one led to another.


every meth user has probably also used alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine.


I've been offered meth plenty of times, and smoked enuf ganja in my time to kill an elephant. If cannabis was a gateway to anything I'd be on it by now. and I'm not.


if the government legalised cannabis, stoners wouldn't need to associate with street/club dealers so would never find themselves in the situation where there is no weed around and people are offering the more dangerous shit instead.

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FUCK METH, I hate the shit, anyone uses it around me I beat the crap out of them...


Meth sends people nuts, and violent.


Strange, i'd say whatever the hell YOU are on is making you nuts and violent. What the hell mate - you'll beat up a user for no reason, yet you accuse THEM of being violent? Put down your pitchfork for a sec and just listen to the hypocritical shit you're talking

Edited by roid
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I would add to the list : drivers arguing ,smoking ciggies,depressed,suddenly single AGAIN, etc. Only 35 THC users out of 24,000 tests ,the odds are clearly in our favour ,woo-hoo ;) ;)


Although you are being really hypocritical :whistle:, I agree with you. I think meth is terrible stuff, makes people psychotic and violent - just look at America and their meth epidemic. I would say 95% of the people arrested on cops (;) yes i am talking about the tv show ;) ) are under the influence of meth.

We can't put cannabis and meth in the same basket.

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I think meth is terrible stuff, makes people psychotic and violent


And how do we know this, because the man on the TV told us, or was it because we read it in the newspaper?

Do you have any experience with any meth users, or is it just heresay?

The violent and psychotic meth users, are they on any other drugs/ alcohol/ prescriptions? Or maybe they were just headcases to start with.



All the arguments against meth have already been used against Cannabis, but we don't see that or we don't want to see that?


Have there been any studies done to see what a meth user is like when they have a steady supply, clean/unadultarated gear and an encouraging environment, where they are taught to use and not abuse, and only use one substance at a time?


You are doing the same as what the prohibitionists have spent 70 years doing to Cannabis users. Repeating hearsay, and hoping that if it gets repeated enough then it will be believed.


We can't put cannabis and meth in the same basket.


Yes we can and we should.


Both are substances that are prohibited.

Both are substances that can be used or abused.

Both have been unfairly demonised.

Both are supplied by the black market, by criminals.

Both have their advantages and their disadvantages to society.

Both have prohibition as the underlying restriction to see what good can come out of them.


Untill prohibition is lifted and these things can be researched, I will believe that the dangers/problems of Meth are either overated or misunderstood. Prohibition is the cause of a lot of it's problems. And yes before you ask, I have seen "cops" and disagree with your figures. I have also seen the doco called faces of meth, and another America Exposed - Meth, and more that I cant think of.

I am not saying Meth is harmless, I am saying that some people are being hypocritical by using one illegal substance and then condemning someone else who uses another illegal substance. Meth users deserve the same respect as Stoners, because we are all people on the same planet.

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