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Penalties increased in Qld?

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if i wasnt so goddamn broke i would buy 600mL coke bottles for a week or 2, pack of bluetac, 3 pack of bic lighters, a full garden hose and a knife. i would then take pics while making a bong, write up some instructions to go with them and print out a few copies to send along with all those supplies. without a doubt if the lighters dont get the package picked up, the knife will and im sure that it would at the very least get some attention if you sent it to a media outlet such as a newspaper.
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WDC, I'm sure a Bic lighter and a cheap box knife in a pkg sent to a senator would be used as an excuse to bust you for terrorism. Look at the poor fuck who simply left his SIM card with his rellos...


No, I'd play this one very straight. The harm-maximisation message alone will get some ink, trust me. :thumbsup:

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Well I'm gonna make up my standard bong, small Orchy bottle, fuel line for a stem as it doesn't burn, and a cone cut from a Coke can

Let's see who can make the best.

So it won't make any difference? really? I'll laugh my head off if it makes the papers.

Let's bait that silly bitch from the Courier Mail, get her to do our dirty work if you get my drift

Send her a package saying it's the same as the one sent to the Minister,...

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  bufo marinus said:
Send her a package saying it's the same as the one sent to the Minister,...


Yep, dat's da plan, Stan. ;)


I don't care whether ppl send bongs made out of motor oil bottles or milk jugs, just send them- and the more the merrier.


At least one has to go to Marg Wenham @ the Courier-Mail. Remember, this is the woman who was duped into taste-testing her Avgas. Keep it simple. :greedy:

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So have we got some kind of final laid out agreement? Like with addresses, things to include in a letter, what should the plan of action be...


on the other hand, I was thinking about the whole ban the bong thing and the whole argument behind the HM and this being a pointless push. I wonder if all this getting worked up, isn't just because it appears to be a push to get weed to become more and more illegal? Is the whole homemade bong move a bit of retaliation in the wrong direction? I mean... most people are still going to make homemade vaporisers aren't they, seeing as the most respectable ones price over 150 bucks and reach upwards of 700!


Maybe we should be holding more successful rallies. I mean, America is rapidly become more and more pro-med MJ. A lot of the slacking off was due to the Bush admin but it surely will begin to boom again soon closer to change in Presidents. They have about a bajillion offical pro-MJ groups also.... we have... let see.... somewhere around one? Canada is becoming more MJ tolerant, and in some places in Europe as well. Why are we dealing with small time anti-bong banning when everywhere else they're going for the legalisation of herb?


Me thinks a little more energy needs to be put the legalisation movement thread... its not the bongs that are the problem, the issue is that us equal right citizens are being trodden on like insects because we're not getting together and kicking up a stink about it. I don't feel its right that I am made to feel like a beast for doing what I do and am so docile I can be pushed and shoved around by the government as much as anyone likes. As penalties get extremely tough and even tougher and new laws come in that can put us in deep patootie why don't we stand up about more? really we just sit back and let it happen and crawl further and further into our hole. Its a basic right we are so protective of, yet we haven't even protected it.


Sorry about all the blah but its a point that had to made. Should we be doing more?




ps. how many of you have seen 'grass' the movie?

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I think it'd have best effect if all of them went out on the same day, but I'd be happy to see his mailroom peppered with them for a few months, too. :greedy:


As far as the letter goes, I think it should run around the idea of the futility of the 'War on Drugs' and the recurring theme that what governments have done to date about recreational drugs has been ineffective, expensive and with the exception of needle exchanges and SIFs, usually increases harm.


Will banning bongs stop drug dealers? No, it'll just somewhat inconvenience users and increase the potential for harm to users where there was none before.


Prohibition doesn't work. Whether it's drugs or paraphernalia, making something illegal doesn't make it unavailable, it just makes it more expensive or forces use of harmful alternatives. This little protest, if done well, is a practical demonstration of this govt's determination to increase harm to recreational users while espousing that they support harm minimisation.




It's certainly not a home run but it's a pretty good base hit to left field. Let's see how the govt fields this little pop fly. :nono:

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We must be on the same page here Al... i was just thinking the same about having a specific day thing.


Maybe less focus on Bongs and just MJ in general! Sum up all the things that are wrong with the current stance on MJ, get a ideas thread going or something, organise a specific date where we can send a load of letters (and parcels if thats where you wanna go), put some info on the front of this site, put a shout out on other related forums to gain some support... a printable flyer maybe, maybe even organise that much awaited rally. There is so much we can do that we don't. Maybe its because users and growers are afraid of getting a face on TV then having their house swamped by police... although a silent mail protest gets around that problem right? (no return address! or maybe just a generic one... Concerned User,(your suburb/state), Australia)


I hope this thread here doesn't die off too quickly... where are all the explorers of this website. ;) reminds me of when i went to OYT in Melbourne and they hadn't heard of these forums or any of the major pot podcasts... and apparently theyre getting right into the bong movement (with over priced bongs)! Maybe a reality check is in order?



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  themanwhoinventedmeh said:
... although a silent mail protest gets around that problem right?

Maybe, but a silent mail protest is also very easily ignored.


I was involved in the Con-Census protest whereby we refused to fill in our census forms and sent letters of protest about the changes to how census information is kept and used. As far as I know, no-one received a reply or even a fine for not completing their census forms.


A silent protest is exactly that ...silent, ie. no-one hears it.


Until we have a government that is willing to listen to the people, any protest is a waste of time imo.


Sending a bong to a senator is great for a laugh, but I think you're kidding yourselves if you think anything will come of it. The media has no interest in it, because they know that stoners are less easily conned by the bullshit that they continuously pump into the publics mind. The media prefers to preach to zombies who'll lap up their lies and misinformation, they don't really want people opening their minds and thinking for themselves.


Sorry to come across so negative, I hope you prove me wrong ;)

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