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Cheap And Easy Munchies

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Guest Urbanhog

Yeah true BlackBeauty but sometimes I get sick of "health" foods so I have a "break" from health foods ::P: , but usually most of the time I have yoghurts with fresh pineapples, Red Pawpaw, Kiwi Fruits and mangoes.


I think I have mentioned this somewhere, I often buy 2, one for the fridge and other for the freezer. ;)


These yoghurts and fruits really helps for the "smoker's dry mouth and throat" :P




Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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Hey BB..your car is cool......

Beats my old XD Falcon.....

My Magnesium Series DLS subbie would urinate on your Alpine though.... ::D:


Fresh fruit and nuts sounds good to me.....cos I are a Vegitarian.....yum..............mind you all the stuff the others mentioned is starting to make my mouff water now !



Edited by shrredda
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yar fresh fruit and nuts are my favorite.... i can eat heaps and not feel sick like when i eat too much chocolate and lollies and sweet stuff... dunno when to stop when u have the munchies... hehe


but i must say starburst chews r the shit... so tasty when ur bent and they seem to last a bit longer than the babies or jellybeans or fruit-fuls... *mung*... although make sure u unwrap them first.. eheh... a friend of mine was so wasted he just grabbed one out of the bag and threw it in his mouth.. i said "you have to unwrap those first" but i don't think he heard me... just kept on chewin... looked like he was chewin toffee... when he had finished, he boldy exclaimed, "i think i must have left some of the wrapper on that one..." OMG, we were all on nitrous too, but i laughed my ass off for like 10 mins... ::P: crazy...


cheapwise thou, i mung 2 minute noodles...like 50cents a pack... just get like 4 or 5 packs and put it all together.. hehee... get a big bowl and sit and watch ur favorite cartoons...


cans can be good sometimes too... fruit salad, or peaches, or pineapple... i have munged cans and cans of these before.. eheh...


also, a block of cheese, a bag of tomatoes, a loaf of bread, and some bacon, makes bulk tasty cheap munchies... just grate ur chesse, chop ur tomatoes, fry ur bacon and chop into chunks, put all of this on slices of bread and stick it under ur grill for few minutes... repeat as needed.. :P


i found a pic i took awhile ago of all the munchies i ate one stoned night of some serious gaming, probably wasn't very cheap thou... eheh..... i get badass munchies, need to control myself.. :P hehe


happy munchin




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Guest Urbanhog

:P @ brimstone... I laughed hard about the lollies unwrapped ::P:


Liked the picture thou, but I dont often have that much foods near my poota because my kitchen is only approx 4 metres away where my poota is :P


Sometimes I do have a esky full of icy cold beers and cider next to me when I am on poota for long periods... its just next to me to grab other one :P ::P: and plenty of chips and nuts of course....


Liked ya tale and pic... still laughing now heheheh!




Urbanhog http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/sp/chefico.gif

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