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PROBLEM - Rams Horning

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i think your on the right track with a root zone problem, or maby heat in the soil.


Plants are big enough to handle sunlight so they could haddle just about as many watts as you throw at them.



How about a good feed with vit B with or without nute, then about 5 days later check roots for improvement, if you do have root disease use a lot of friendly bacteria.



Ive recently had a slight claw problem, a flush then slightly higher ec fixed it in days. Im pretty sure my problem was caused by not having enough feeds per day pots where bone dry before first feed. Killing off root tips which inturn effected the foliage.

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BIrd of prey, I know I am a complete amateur by your measure, but I had something that looked just like this in a NFT system I had runing about 5 yearsa go. I never settled on just what it was, but I lost about 20 flowering plants, one after the other. Nothing I bought, tried would reverse it.


I sincerely hope you dont have what i did, and whatever it is you get ontop of it. but I would have saved lots of time pulling the lot when it first appeared, and staring again. which is what i had to do in the end anyway. But hindsight is 20/20 and i lived in hope of saving every flowering plant before it copped it's dose.


First plant took it's turn , and I watched it helplessly die. No sooner it died, and another plants spun it's nuts and twisted up, in a matter of a few days, it would be dead, then the next...

incredibly, it was rare more than one plant at any oe time seemed effected, which is what made me persist. But of course they mus have all been effected, I just must have been missing it.


Like Isiad, you know more than me, I have no doubt about that. I just thought I'd share what happened to me with a similar looking problem.


Are they a valuable strain?




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If you think you haven't seen this disease before, think back to when you grew some tomatoes, and maybe got a problem with them, they kinda went "Drawf" at the tops. Hard, curled up and thick. Pictures don't do it justice, it's an ugly thing to see.

Sometimes you might even see unscrupulous hardwear stores selling affected plants off cheaply, they should be placed in a fire. Literally.


I believe root nematodes carry the disease, and in soil, you can beat them by planting plain old marigolds. They have an intricate root design which forms spider web like traps, that snare the nematodes and devour them.


Anyway, I'm pretty sure the common sickness you see in tomatoes is the same or very close to what this here is.




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