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Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin dead

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He was definately entertaining. And true, her was a conservationist, but lets be honest, they guy made a fortune pissing off animals for entertainment :)) One can only imagine the over-the-top bay-watch style stunt dive onto the stingray he must of done to have the barb literally piece his chest all the way to his heart. He wasn't a skinny guy. Anyway, R.I.P in the crop in the sky u silly bugger
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He wasnt toucing the ray. He was swimming above it in about 2 metres of water. It has a huge spike on its back like a barb pointing upwards. its not its tail.

Apparently steve was above it, and it just went towards the surface quickly and got him in the heart.


Thats the rumors im hearing up here anyways.

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well i recon that it was only a matter of time till he died he did some pretty stupid shit IMO and although he did do alot for our tourism he gave us all a bad name


now what im about to do is stick me thumb right up this stingrays arse now that really gonna piss him off :)




I think thats a bit unfair mate ! Maybe when you die we can say " oh well he was gunna die anyway , putting all that shit into his lungs !" :doh:


Steve did a lot for Australian tourism as well as making us and others aware what is it out there in the world of animals . He also entertained the world which can only be a good thing !

Really shits me how people knock the dead ,, have some respect dude !

Edited by Closet Grower
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He was definately entertaining. And true, her was a conservationist, but lets be honest, they guy made a fortune pissing off animals for entertainment :)) One can only imagine the over-the-top bay-watch style stunt dive onto the stingray he must of done to have the barb literally piece his chest all the way to his heart. He wasn't a skinny guy. Anyway, R.I.P in the crop in the sky u silly bugger


He didn't piss animals off, he LOVED animals.


Every cent he made from his shows went back into conservation. His shows were just a way to get money and lots of it.


That's why he has done so much, because of his fame, but he used it for good and put EVERY cent back into conversation, get your story right mate.


RIP Steve the LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Every cent went back into conservation? You must be his accountant. Please accept my apoligies. The guy was a stooge. He continued and glorified the aussie male bush bimbo stereo type that is stuck to us since croc dundie and shrimps on the barbie. I dont' wish death to him or grief and suffering to his family. It's a tragady when ppl lose family members. But i can hardly make a song and dance about what a super hero he was. I mean, what was with him taking his little boy into the crocodile pen? What kind of an idiot does that? That's on par with Micheal Jackson hanging his kid out the window. I'll probably get heaps of angry replys for this post but oh well, we can't all love him.
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R.I.P Steve

although this may be in bad taste, possibly the first of the steve irwin jokes


steve irwin should have been wearing sun screen while swimming out there, it would have protected him from the rays..


any how just thought i would share and again R.I.P Steve and I hope you can have one last laugh at this one where ever you are smoking it up right now.

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Every cent went back into conservation? You must be his accountant. Please accept my apoligies. The guy was a stooge. He continued and glorified the aussie male bush bimbo stereo type that is stuck to us since croc dundie and shrimps on the barbie. I dont' wish death to him or grief and suffering to his family. It's a tragady when ppl lose family members. But i can hardly make a song and dance about what a super hero he was. I mean, what was with him taking his little boy into the crocodile pen? What kind of an idiot does that? That's on par with Micheal Jackson hanging his kid out the window. I'll probably get heaps of angry replys for this post but oh well, we can't all love him.


You disrespectful ****. You're WRONG.


I've met the guy before and been to his zoo many times. Before and after it went international.


He spent every cent on conversation, it was his passion. He was genuine and I've MET the guy, don't f***ing judge him, he's dead.


And he did not endanger his kid you dickhead. Prudes like you need to be shot in the fucking forehead.



He was a good bloke, father and conservationalist who did alot for this country and its people; and YOU should have some more respect for him.


Otherwise don't post your shit in this thread MATE.

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Police review Irwin footage


AM - Tuesday, 5 September , 2006 08:00:00


Reporter: Lisa Millar


TONY EASTLEY: Authorities are piecing together the last few hours of Steve Irwin's life before he was fatally struck by a stingray off Port Douglas in North Queensland yesterday.


Irwin was filming a documentary at Batt Reef about 32 nautical miles offshore when the accident happened.


Reporter Lisa Millar is in Cairns. Lisa, footage showing the last minutes of Steve Irwin's life has been given to police. Do we know what's on that footage?


LISA MILLAR: Well, I've spoken to Superintendent Mike Keating this morning, Tony, who's confirmed that he does have a videotape of Steve Irwin in the water, but he says that content is now part of the inquiry into his death.


Others who've seen the footage, including a friend, Peter West, who was out in the water at the time, are reported as saying it shows Steve Irwin snorkelling about two-and-a-half metres above the stingray, and it then turned sharply, and its barbed tail seems to catch Mr Irwin through the chest.


His friend John Stainton said yesterday in a press conference, that he believed he died very quickly after that moment.


TONY EASTLEY: It seems that all marine experts are saying this was very much a freak accident?


LISA MILLAR: Well, there have been estimates of between 17 and 30 cases worldwide, so most people are saying that this is extraordinarily rare that the stingray moved so quickly that Steve Irwin wouldn't have had a chance to get out of its way.


Ben Cropp, who's a long-time Port Douglas resident and a diver of more than 40 years experience, he's filmed the stingrays plenty of times before, and says that yes, it was simply a freak accident. And he spoke to some people who were on Steven Irwin's boat at the time.


BEN CROPP: I've filmed bull rays many times out at Batt Reef, do a lot of my tiger shark filming out there, and only once did I really have a problem.


I was filming very close to a bull ray, I got a bit too close, it felt confronted and it put on this aggressive act and it stopped, kicked up the sand and then it whacked its tail upwards, and that tail rose about a metre up.


And actually, the spine and the tail came out of the water, it was only very shallow water, and literally was having a go at me. And it missed me and I backed away and went, oh, gee, you know, don't annoy a big bull ray, because they do have this potential to really harm you.


And this basically is what happened with Steve, he was very close, he had a cameraman on the other side, the ray felt sort of blocked in and went into an aggressive mode.


And Steve was on the surface and it stopped, swung around and then jabbed its tail upwards and unfortunately it contacted Steve right at the heart. And it was fatal.


TONY EASTLEY: Underwater documentary maker Ben Cropp.


Lisa Millar, do we know if the venom on the tail of the stingray is what caused the death?


LISA MILLAR: Well, there've been different theories about this, Tony, because people can stand on stingrays and get stung and plenty of people have probably had that experience.


But the actual tail is like a serrated knife, and Ben Cropp actually believes that it was probably the blow to the heart and not the venom that caused Steve Irwin's death, and he's explaining here what might have happened.


BEN CROPP: It's like a dirty dagger, I suppose, it's very sharp, about six inches long, it's got a lot of serrations along the edge of it.


It has a certain amount of slime on it, so if hits you in the leg, or any part of the body, it would hurt terribly, and you would go and get a tetanus shot and you'd get antibiotics and you'd be right. You'd be in a lot of pain, but you'd come good.


But in Steve's case, it didn't hit in the leg, or anything like that, it hit him though the chest.


TONY EASTLEY: Ben Cropp there.


Lisa Millar, what's the next step in this?


LISA MILLAR: Well, as you mentioned earlier, the police and his friend and producer John Stanton will be speaking to the media again this morning. His body remains here in Cairns at the morgue, and it's understood his wife Terri, and their children Bob and Bindi are still currently on the Sunshine Coast.


Terri Irwin was actually trekking in Tasmania when she heard the terrible news yesterday. There will be preparations for his funeral, Peter Beattie has indicated he'd like to make an offer of a state funeral, but says that he'll wait a day or two before making that approach to Terri Irwin.


TONY EASTLEY: Reported Lisa Millar in Cairns.

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Man ...

StonedStump ...

I understand how ya feel man and agree with everything you say ...

But that reference (yes ou know the one I mean) is uncalled for man ...


BentBud , man .. are you just taking what the media has shown and taking it as Gospel?? ...

Watch some of the more Qualifiable Interveiws with Steve until you decide to take the side of Propogandist media moneyWhores.



Budman :)



Be Enthusiastic about what we might be able to change .. Don't feed what enslaves us.

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posted this elsewhere but felt it was worth saying here too


so easy for us to judge someone from their tv persona, i'm guilty of it often but love him or hate him i reckon this bloke wore his heart on his sleeve, was a 100% passionate about what he did and everyone that actually met him said he true blue, not a bad wrap.


feel sorriest for his young fella who will only ever get to hear (and luckily see vids) of how great a dad he had, his sis at least had a chance to hang with the old man.




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