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Moon Cycles

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Some say when plantng on the waxing New Moon the seedlings get an extra boost it growth. Not sure why, most explanations seem to be on the border line of earth magic and cosmic influences. The other way is to time the sowing of your seeds so they sprout just as a full moon comes. The seedling erects itself quicker due to the gravitional effect the moon has on bodies of water, such as the ocean, subterranean water, and the water inside plants.


They also say to do your cuttings during the full moon period. Again it's the gravity theory. The water in the plants body is drawn to the tips under the power of the full moon, the tips you take for cuttings hold more water than usual, and are therefore slightly stronger, and not as prone to wilt quickly. Also the subterranean water tide is higher during the full moon, therefore soil moisture is higher than usual... good for cuttings.

How does subterranean water affect the moisture level in a pot, that's one for Confucius.


On the topic of soil moisture content, some cannabis/tobacco growers say that you should harvest when the moon is at its smallest size. The gravity force being week the soil is not as moist, therefore the plants hold less water (unless you just watered them) and therefore take less time to dry. Other hippie-like growers say you should harvest on the First Quarter so that the plants "energy" is equally distributed throughout the plant. Or if you're only interested in the top buds harvesting on the full moon will mean the energy is all up the top. Contradictions... I know.


I've tried all methods, but neither seemed to produce any benefits over the plants started 3 weeks earlier. The potency, pest and disease resistance, and tolerance were all the same. The yeild, ofcourse, was larger on the plants not planted by the moon, because they had 3 extra weeks to grow, which made a huge difference. And in no way would I recommed the moon governing your harvest time, it should only be decided by gland.


I'm not dismissing moon planting. It's got a long history for a good reason. I'm just saying if you got the choice between plaing now or waiting til the new moon/full moon, I'd just sow the seeds now and give them extra time to grow. Though it is obvious the moon has some influence over many forms of life, so I'm probably wrong.


Rhizo Moon Tip # 765 : "Did you know that Mental Hospitals raise staff numbers during the full moon period because of increased reastlessness and bizzare activities" This might not be so in Australia due to funding, but it is a fact that it gets a little crazier on the full moon.


Thats all the science I can drop for now.


- Rhizo (WSM)

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ok, ive sort of studied this also, I was lucky to have a stoner to explain it in....stoner terms....

and then theres my interpretation... which is no doubt wrong..but here we go....


on a full moon lots of things are happening in the enviroment.. above and below the soil...the tides are rising, this is to do with the gravitational pull the moon has on the earth as it goes through the 4 days its full.. the full moon being closer to the earth... this pull does a lot... moisture, warmth and nutrients all rise up in the soil aiding the germination of new seeds.. also with the moon being full, the amount of uv is at its greatest..this also aids both flowering and growing plants... the added uv, the rising warmth and nutrients in the ground gives the plants this growth spurt... or more to the point a nutrient dose...


the debate we were having with this very real concept.. was... does it apply indoors??? we found not... but we really wouldnt know...


a full moon will halt a plant from flowering due to the extended light and uv... so if a plant might be showing signs of flowering just before the full moon it will slow the process by 2-3 weeks....that tip I am not that sure about but its in MJ botany... he seems to know a hell of a lot....

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outdoors moon planting works just as you say. i've noted this, esp last year where i was planting veges all year round and i would experiment as my girl is waayyy into it moon planting and i was trying to prove her wrong. say i planted a whole bunch of seeds 2 weeks before the particular germination phase of the moon and some of the same seeds 2 days before - the majority would basically come up at the same time when the phase was right.


indoors i dunno if it gravity then yes, i guess it still applies.

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