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Hey BigBong and all at The HEMP Bar ,

Keep Up the Good Work Guyz , I think we all appreciate and respect the effort you all put in. Well , I know I do.


Thx for the cancer/MJ related story , I've read a few very similar reports over the last few years. :peace:

Sounds promising. Good luck with your struggle Bigbong.


I understand why you can't always report back here everyday ...

But there is still the issue at hand to discuss , It has not gotten very far. Plz take the time (when you have it) to re-read this whole thread carefully (I know Its long) and then you will have all the info and arguments fresh in your mind , and you can tell us where you then stand on the issues mentioned. (You might need a pen me thinks :))


O.k. Seeya guyz , Take care ,


Budman :toke:

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:) Hehehe

Ahhh Nugget , You silly monkey ...

Not only did you click on this thread , you accidentally posted aswell , and man , you know your sposed to keep your identity a secret by not posting any pics of yourself , you could get in trouble.


Hehehe , Silly Monkey



Bye now :)


Budman. :applause:


Note to self: Budman is even more of a silly monkey for posting this reply ... Whats this thread about again???


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People need to take a break from this thread if things are getting frustrating for ya :peace:

ok this post if for everyone else. :toke:

The sooner i see this thread scroll of the post list the better. I refuse to let ONE guy and his mate with a website, proclaim themselves to represent cannabis reform when all they are doing is dividing it, there will be no one left to support them and their cause. I question their true support among the nimbin community, in fact I wouldnt be surprised if it was their extreme and fanatical stance on marijuana use is only just TOLERATED by everyone else there.

They are ditching cannabis community support and taking a punt on the society and the people that follow its general concensus. All to save their own ass.

Everyone here and AROUND THE WORLD are WRONG and couple of grumpy old hippies in nimbin are RIGHT?

common guys.


Im not going to repeat anything. But i have been reading BigBongs posts.

When we wrote the words "pointy end of cannabis law reform", the year was 2000, then as now, we are the ONLY place in australia attempting to do what we do and one of those things is point out the very real dangers of indoor hydroponic cannabis.

His stance will NOT change.

His stance is his and perhaps a small circle of friends.

He is mixing personal PREFERENCE and making it his POLITICAL agenda.

Political arguements are not always scientific, instead most of the time they stem from self interests, as in this case and we all know this as we've pushed our extremely valid arguements across repeatedly on numerous occasions. I was never fooled by this stooge from the beginning and Im not fooled by him now.


He is stubborn.

He does not read or consider our posts.

He does not CARE about cannabis reform.

He enjoys the fact he is getting under the skin of some of you.

He is not a hippy.

He is not an activist.




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Actually I have been following it quite closely stumpy , if you notice it was I who brang the Hemp bar guys into this thread after several days of you guys slagging them behind their backs.

I feel this whole thread has been badly moderated with insults flying and name calling its all quite funny and it doesn't reflect well on this site

At least the people you have been dissing haven't resorted to petty insults.......

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Yeah good words wildflower, very good words.


And mulcontent, you obviously haven't been reading the thread EITHER.



I reckon you're right wildflower, they probably are only barely tolerated in their own community. But you said it well.


His stance will NOT change.

His stance is his and perhaps a small circle of friends.

He is mixing personal PREFERENCE and making it his POLITICAL agenda.

Political arguements are not always scientific, instead most of the time they stem from self interests, as in this case and we all know this as we've pushed our extremely valid arguements across repeatedly on numerous occasions. I was never fooled by this stooge from the beginning and Im not fooled by him now.


He is stubborn.

He does not read or consider our posts.

He does not CARE about cannabis reform.

He enjoys the fact he is getting under the skin of some of you.

He is not a hippy.

He is not an activist.


HE IS A POLITICIAN. (EDIT: And a DODGY one at that!)

Edited by stonedstump
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Well , what can I say ... I kindof agree ... But ...

If you want a decent response I suggest you might be a little more decent with what you post as reply.


I still think anyone would be welcome to discuss their views with these guyz ... I don't see the point in pointing out the point continuously ... There has been too many pages wasted already (Sheesh ... yes me too) ...


I suggest the HEMPBAR start their own topic , from the start ... Post Your Policy , U know ... The "Revised One"!!


Then , Maybe the discussion could continue in a proper manner ... I dunno , maybe not ... I'm a little drunk .. But I would rather see a thread dedicated to an intelligent (My turn , your turn) type thread. :toke:


Fuggit! , Seeyas over the next 10 pages ...


Budman :)


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:applause: I needed a laugh nugget, cheers.....







The claims made about cannabis indica on the hemp bars mission statement are " mis-information " , personaly I think there is enough of this around about the cannabis plant already. It is the reason we have the laws we have today.


It is the truth which is important, not misguided opinion.

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