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Here Here.


And please have another read of the thread from start to finish and think about what we are trying to say to you. :peace:



I don't think you will ever change your views (however wrong and false that they are).

Maybe there needs to be a website to contradict the Nimbin hemp embassy by providing truthful and unbiased information on cannabis to the citizens of Australia.


You guys are definately not helping anyone out (including yourselves) when you start publishing false facts and biased opinions on the very plant that we are fighting for! And all on a cannabis law reform website!!


It has been said again and again, you guys should be making a distinction between personal and commericial. There is nothing wrong with indoor pot and there is nothing wrong with outdoor pot.


The same products for outdoor plants can be used indoors (including organics) and the same products for indoor plants can be used on outdoors.


Alot more has already been said previously in this thread and I hate repeating myself.


Please read this thread from start to finish before you reply and read our arguments that we have put forward. I would not even call them arguments, we are merely correcting you guys for your FALSE information.


The day you realise this is the day that Australia, Nimbin and the Internet will be a better place.

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As to ", can you show us where you got the cannabinoid breakdowns and the comparisons between sativa and indica? Otherwize it's just like you made it up? "


Dear Oz Stoners, I do not lie and I wouldn't make up such a thing and most of all I wish that the entire situation of indoor indica hadn't of arisen, for a moment, imagine if hydroponic indica was only a northern hemisphere phenomenon, imagine black market grows didn't exist and the Government couldn't use pot pychosis as their excuse. A cycnic would say the government will find another reason, I say that they would relegalize due to overwhelming evidence of the benefits of Cannabis, you know the rave, fibre, fuel food and medicine.


Recreational Cannabis is not a thing the government are going to legislate for ON ITS OWN, and since a large percentage of all indoor hydroponic cannabis use is recreational, some of it medinal and none of it fibre or fuel as long as hydro exists and city kids smoke too much of it, the government will keep winnng the battle.


I am a professional cannabis law reform activist of over 10 years standing and have been the Australian editor of the Media Awareness Project (www.mapinc.org) responsible for "hawking" all australian cannabis related news stories since 1998. The research that I have done is over a period of years, I have read thousands of articles, thousands of webpages and I use all of this knowledge base to form my opionions.

It is important that you do the research yourself, I do not have to convice anyone, you have to convince yourselves. BTW, when I say I am professional activist, I mean I have managed to eke out a living by building and hosting mostly cannabis based websites.


www.erowid.org is a great place to start researching, as is www.drugsense.org

till next







Hey BigBong, thanks for reading my question. :peace:


Congrats on your work so far btw.


I would just say something like sativa and indica both possess the same cannabinoids. The ration of thc to cannabidiol is higher in sativa than indica. Sativa producing a more heady high, sometimes cerebral with hallucinations, or, loss of reality = psychosis(!)

Indica producing more of a body stone, hence better for medicinal purposes.



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there is a lack of understanding somewhere... so lets take it from the top.


Heres what the mission statement reads today. not sure when undatoka changed it last, tommorrow we will change it again....


How exactly do each of you want it to read? I understand deleting the entire NOTE: is the quickest easiest solution but that would also cause us to change our constitution........


IMPORTANT NOTE: When we refer to cannabis and marijuana in our webspace, we are ONLY talking about organic outdoor cannabis. The Nimbin H*E*M*P*Bar, by 'constitutional mandate', champions ONLY outdoor cannabis, we ONLY endorse real hippy pot, totally natural, organic - CANNABIS grown with its roots in the soil and its leaves in the sun. Bush Buds.


We are NOT referring to commercial Indoor hydroponic cannabis indica strains, genetically modified variants of Cannabis that produces disproportionate amounts of THC in a very short time under very bright electric lights with its roots in chemicals.


Since opening day in the H*E*M*P*Bar telling the truth as we see it about "hydro" has been a major focus, tho we think of it as alerting our patrons to all of the very real dangers associated with "hydro" (particularly commercial) and especially in the understanding of the conspiracy (oil companies and chemical companies) that is behind the entire hydroponic industry.


IMPORTANT NOTE: the words below are crew quotes. the ones I say can be changed by me if my mind changes....'


Here's just a few of the ways that H*E*M*P*Bar staff use to describe hydro;


BIGBONG OFTENS SAYS = "Smoking Hydro is like having sex with a robot, not saying there's anything wrong with having sex with a robot, just saying." AND THEN MAKES A HUMMING SOUND LIKE A VIBRATOR.


"Like premature babies, forced to mature in an artificial environment, follow the money trail, see where it leads."


"Generating electricity creates so much environmental destruction and so growing Cannabis indoors seems a gigantic waste of resources.'


BIG BONG MOST OFTEN SAYS THIS ONE = "If you want to enjoy out door buds, sit down under a tree, wriggle your toes in the dirt, feel the sun on your skin and then try to smell the wind with your hair - try it, it works. To understand that indoor stuff. Lock your self in a small room, turn on lots and lots of hot bright lights, put your feet in a bucket of water while you watch tv non stop for 3 months. Order in lots of processed junk food. Your life, You choose. Battery Hen or Eagle."


"Smoking Hydro in Nimbin makes as much sense as going to the south of France on a gourmet food tour and just eating MacDonald's."


Here's just one of the things the H*E*M*P*Bar staff have to say about Bongs when our ZERO BONG policy is discussed.


"Bongs spill, no matter how much care is taken accidents happen, and its never a freshly cleaned one, so can you imagine how it would stink in here? if there were half a dozen bong spills every day."


The H*E*M*P*Bar does not encourage indoor hydroponic cannabis to smoked on its premises, we are polite about it, as polite as we are when pointing out the NO alcohol, NO bongs and NO dogs policies. (but keep an eye out for the "Barking Wombats")


okay, over to you guys....


see you all tommorrow, I'm off to artcampinternational for the night, back on deck in the hempbar early arvo....



till next





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Hello there BigBong. Thank you for reading our arguments again.


Pipeman has already submitted quite a good revised mission statement. I have taken his one and edited it abit myself so here it is.




When we refer to cannabis and marijuana in our webspace, we are ONLY talking about organic outdoor cannabis.


The Nimbin H*E*M*P*Bar, by 'constitutional mandate', champions ONLY outdoor cannabis, we ONLY endorse totally natural, organic mulch fertilised - CANNABIS grown with its roots in the ground and its leaves in the sun. Bush Buds.


Although we don't allow hydroponically cultivated pot to be smoked on the premises, we should also say that if proper care is taken there is nothing dangerous about 'hydro'.


However in our experience we have found that some ruthless commercial indoor hydroponic and outdoor commercial guerilla growers do not tend to take proper care of their crops, as they are only interested in maximising profits.


Improper use of pesticides and not "flushing" the root system at the end of the grow are shortcuts that many commercial growers take which can result in "chemical" tasting weed that leaves you with a headache and a sore throat.



This problem of commercial growing and the misuse of growing techniques only exist because of the anti-cannabis laws which currently exist within Australia. (even books on cannabis are banned now!)


Not only are these laws a waste of tax payers money and a meaningless attack on those who choose to enjoy or medicate using this particular herb, but it creates problems which would not otherwise exist, ie they make commercial growing profitable, which results in organised crime and black market pot which has been improperly grown.



'Hydro' which is cultivated with care and the proper techniques, as is the norm with most personal growers who use it, is no more dangerous than any other type of marijuana.


In fact breeding techniques to produce more potent strains for indoor and outdoor cultivation are a form of harm minimisation as the user will not need to smoke as much for the desired effect.



And here's just one of the things the H*E*M*P*Bar staff have to say about Bongs when our ZERO BONG policy is discussed..


"Bongs spill, no matter how much care is taken accidents happen, and its never a freshly cleaned one, so can you imagine how it would stink in here? if there were half a dozen bong spills every day."


So if after reading all that you still want to visit us then please be advised

The H*E*M*P*Bar does not encourage hydroponically grown cannabis to be smoked on its premises, we are polite about it, as polite as we are when pointing out the NO alcohol, NO bongs and NO dogs policies. (but keep an eye out for the "Barking Wombats".




Okay well that's all for now it took a while to get it to all go together. Let me know what you think and I can't wait to see everyone elses suggestions. :peace:

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Good work, that's quite a noble constitutional mandate. :peace: Plus it's your bar and your website.


Anyrate the new Bar name wont have the same flow as it has now, but of course its best to continue your penchant for truth and facts and how you deliver them to your customers.


Welcome to the new H*E*O*O*C*S*P*O Bar! (help, end, organic, outdoor, cannabis, sativa, prohibition, only)


And simply change statements like 'point end of cannabis law reform', to, 'pointy end of organic outdoor cannabis sativa law reform only'.


Good luck with your cause :peace:

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:yahoo: Thanks for listening to our concerns BigBong :blink:


:yahoo: I hope this is some help .....




IMPORTANT NOTE: When we refer to cannabis and marijuana in our webspace, we are ONLY talking about organic outdoor cannabis sativa. The Nimbin H*E*M*P*Bar, by 'constitutional mandate', champions ONLY outdoor cannabis sativa , we ONLY endorse real hippy pot, totally natural, organic - CANNABIS grown with its roots in the soil and its leaves in the sun. Bush Buds.


Since opening day in the H*E*M*P*Bar telling the truth as we see it about cannabis has been a major focus, tho we think of it as alerting our patrons to all of the very real dangers associated with ( black market ) commercial cannabis and especially in the understanding of the conspiracy (oil companies and chemical companies) that is behind the entire anti-cannabis laws.


Here's just a few of the ways that H*E*M*P*Bar staff use to describe hippy pot.......


BIG BONG MOST OFTEN SAYS THIS ONE = "If you want to enjoy out door buds, sit down under a tree, wriggle your toes in the dirt, feel the sun on your skin and then try to smell the wind with your hair - try it, it works. To understand that indoor stuff. Lock your self in a small room, turn on lots and lots of hot bright lights, put your feet in a bucket of water while you watch tv non stop for 3 months. Order in lots of processed junk food. Your life, You choose. Battery Hen or Eagle."


"Smoking Non-hippy pot in Nimbin makes as much sense as going to the south of France on a gourmet food tour and just eating MacDonald's."


Here's just one of the things the H*E*M*P*Bar staff have to say about Bongs when our ZERO BONG policy is discussed.


"Bongs spill, no matter how much care is taken accidents happen, and its never a freshly cleaned one, so can you imagine how it would stink in here? if there were half a dozen bong spills every day."


The H*E*M*P*Bar does not encourage indoor hydroponic cannabis to smoked on its premises, we are polite about it, as polite as we are when pointing out the NO alcohol, NO bongs and NO dogs policies. (but keep an eye out for the "Barking Wombats")



:peace: :peace: :peace:

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Here's just a few of the ways that H*E*M*P*Bar staff use to describe hippy pot.......


BIG BONG MOST OFTEN SAYS THIS ONE = "If you want to enjoy out door buds, sit down under a tree, wriggle your toes in the dirt, feel the sun on your skin and then try to smell the wind with your hair - try it, it works. To understand that indoor stuff. Lock your self in a small room, turn on lots and lots of hot bright lights, put your feet in a bucket of water while you watch tv non stop for 3 months. Order in lots of processed junk food. Your life, You choose. Battery Hen or Eagle."


"Smoking Non-hippy pot in Nimbin makes as much sense as going to the south of France on a gourmet food tour and just eating MacDonald's."


:peace: why not tell people how good hippy pot is guys instead of running down the rest. (especially without giving any facts to back your claims.) :yahoo:


:peace: thanx again guys and good luck.......

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Mullaway! must admit I liked the sound of Welcome to the new H*E*O*O*C*S*P*O Bar! (help, end, organic, outdoor, cannabis, sativa, prohibition, only ! I like the humour inherent, tho i would have it say=Help, End, Organic, Outdoor, Cannabis, Prohibition, For, Hippys.


For cannabinoid comparisons see;


Marijuana Chemistry by Michael Starks - available H*E*M*P*Embassy Shop $60

Marijuana Botany by Robert Connell Clarke - $45 also available H*E*M*P*Embassy.


will post again later, BTW, we did make one change to the mission statement today already, this morning undatoka added a little movie made by tubulagard, a long time hempbar webcam wwwatcher.


till next



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:attitude: watched the video , good work , It's always good to see poeple enjoying the weed , tho I can't see how this change has anything to do with the concerns listed throughout this thread.......

:toke: as far as I can see the mission statement still attacks hydro , indoor and Indica cannabis . If hippy pot is so far superior to these then you should be easily able to sing its praises without having to run down anyone else.

cool.gif Got both those books on my book shelf . will sit down and read them again . But to be honest I've read them befor and don't remember anything to say that indica is dangerous . If you can point me to the exact facts you are refering to I would be very interested to read them.

:toke: If I find anything interesting I'll put it on this link.

:peace: anyhow bye for now , looks like I've got some reading to do

Ps . I'm proud of my hippy pot even if it does have indica breed into it from seeds that a hippy friend brought back from overseas yrs ago . seeds that he got of a wild plant growing on a hillside with it's leavs in the sun , its roots in the soil and zero human intervention . U may have even smoked some. plenty of the seeds over the years have been grown in and around nimbin.

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