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My Cloning Method Step by Step

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Heaps of people ask me how to take clones…when to take clones...so I have done this little tutorial.


Propagation of cannabis can happen a few ways, as explained in Marijuana Botany, by Robert C Clark, an older book but I think its one of the best and every serious grower should have a copy. If you don't have a copy…then I suggest you get one. Just Google Marijuana Botany


Sexual Propagation starts with a male and female plant, once the female has received the pollen from the male the seeds will start to form and take about 6-8 weeks to mature...these seeds can be planted and the life cycle begins over...obviously the females are the ones we prize, but we do need a male too. Once you have a pure female then we can think about cloning or what is termed as Asexual Propagation


Clones can be taken at any time of the plants life, but they usually take easier while in vegetive stage, I think because the plant has higher levels of nitrogen, its easier for them to take root, that could be a myth?? Clones do seem to take better while in vegetive stage.


To take clones you will need, a twin batten flouro, with grolux tubes, a humidity crib and heat pad, clone cubes, perlite, a sterile knife, some plastic cups, and some cloning gel…oh also a bucket of clean water and a glass of water.


The plastic cups can be bought from any supermarket.


Ok let's start...........


First of all let's get everything set up, this way the clones can go straight into the crib as they are done…

Set up the cloning trays with the heat pads underneath. Fill with perlite, a nice layer about an inch thick is good.




Pour a little water into the tray, this creates the humidity.




Right that's the cribs set up. Turn everything on, the light needs to be on 24/0.

Now let's get the clone cubes set up…

There are 2 size clone cubes; I have used the larger ones. Cut the cube into 8 equal parts, using a sterile knife.




Here's the blocks all cut up.




Here are the cups, using your knife Cut small v's at the bottom, so water can drain out, one either side should be enough. Fill the bottom with some perlite, about 10-15mm.




Cut the cubes so they make a nice snug fit into the cups...not too tight but not too loose either. Leave about 10-15mm at the top for more perlite later.



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Once they are all done they are ready to soak.




I use rain water, its better. Can’t get it then any filtered water will be fine. Fill up a bucket. You can have the water PH adjusted; I don’t think its necessary…




Dip the cup into the water until it is completely soaked.




Drain off excess water.




Squeeze out excess water, until the cube is about %40 wet.




Place soaked cups on a clean towel.




Once they are all soaked you are ready to poke a small hole. If you have used the smaller cubes then the hole should already be there, poke it anyway just to open it up. Using the big cubes you will have to make your own. Don’t make them too big, they need to be a tight fit. I use a metal skewer.




Ok, all done. These are ready for cuttings.



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Fill a glass with clean water. This is so once the cutting has been taken it can be placed in the water immediately. This stops air contamination.




Select a nice shoot for a cutting. It should have at least 3 nodes.




Use a sterile knife, cut the branch so that there is about 3cm below the last node. Repeat until the glass is full…usually about 8 cuttings.




Set up a little station as I have done here. This way everything can be done as quickly as possible.




Dip the clone into the cloning gel, just below the last node. Don’t get any on the bottom node, only on the stalk.




Here you can see the gel. Using the clone, drip some gel down the hole in the rockwool, re-dip and then place into the rockwool.




Place the clone into the rockwool, make sure it is a nice firm fit




Fill the remainder of the cup with perlite and replace on the towel. Repeat until they are all done.




Place clones on the tray, making sure they are not going to fall over.



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Try and keep the clones to the center of the tray. Ok, all done.




Ok just a little spray with water and you are done. You can mix a %20 nutrient solution and use this as a foliar spray. I use worm liquid and a salt free soda water, about 30ml per liter. If you have a soda stream then use that with rainwater.




Place the lids on and let the humidity build up, leave the holes about half open. Every day check that there is enough water in the trays and spray once a day with the soda water.




Ok, you are all done, almost. You need to check these once a day, making sure there is enough water in the trays to create humidity, also spraying once a day with the worm liquid and soda water.


I also make up a solution with the cloning gel, about 20ml per litre. I water using a big syringe, making sure the mix does NOT touch anything else. When you do this, squeeze out the excess water... about %40 wet is what you want, any wetter and you risk getting stem rot. Watering shouldn’t be necessary for the first week, just keep the cubes about %40 wet for that first week. Also rotate the clones every 3-4 days, placing the outer clones to the inside, which is where most the heat is from the heat pads.


You should start to see roots in about 2 weeks, usually takes up to 4 weeks before there are sufficient roots for planting. I usually repot at the third week... but rooting rates may vary so this is up to you.


Good luck on your endeavor and I hope this little tutorial has helped.


4 WEEKS LATER (35 days)



Well the clones have been repotted into little cups and have been under the 400 watter for almost 2 weeks, they need pruning so I decided to take another set of cuttings....


I didn’t take pics in between cuttings, kicking myself now, but I have taken 2 lots off cuttings of these.


Well under the 400 these girls have grown nicely and need to be pruned. I’ve decided to take some cuttings. These clones are at 35 days.




Here you can see them re-potted; they have been under the 400 for almost 2 weeks and can be cloned. This is what I might just do…




There are a few tops to cut.




Here you can see the little cups I’ve repotted the clones in a bit better. These are ready to take some more cuttings.




At 56 days old, I’ve taken 2 lots of cuttings of these and I am about to prune them back again. Under the 400 for another few days. Then into the main room for flowering.




well thats all there is for this cloning guide... I hope I have been some assistance...



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Ill take a dozen thanks.



Looking alot better than my last batch, might need to bring the clone room indoors during winter im suffering from Purple legs. Any ideas on the cause other than cold as on person said too much food in clone before roots, another no air flow and another Rock wool too dry. Im confused Now.


My tems did get down to 8c on the night that the stems turned red then purple.


Btw a very good tute SS.

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would be just the cold thc... too dry, they will just wilt, not enough airflow they will curl up and twist. Not sure about the "too much food thing" I take clones when they are veging at full strength so I couldnt see it being that.

obviously you are foliar feeding them, I would be thinking the cold temps would be the issue.


I would be doing all my clones indoors on the heat pad.. unless you are wanting to grow them outdoors... even then I would wait until they have some sort of root growth before subjecting them to the elements, even a week or so under the 400 to harden them would be a good idea.

those ones in the box are at 8 weeks old ready to hit the main room, they were pruned(cloned)twice in that time, they would have been unreal to shove out bush... might be an option for this year.. something new for me...:peace:

mate looking at your grows, fuck what everyone else says, can they come up with shit as nice as yours...:peace:

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thanks SS i thought so. my heat mat was turned off after temps got high 28c next day temps where 13c lights on. after a few days i realised id pluged the mat into light timer so mat was going off with lights at the coldest part of the night.


Yep there comming indoors to sleep with me ,mums are picking up alittle purple now too hasnt slowed growth as yet. I still have dramas like the lot of us, still new to clones as they where delivered up until recently.


Time to pull out the old fish tank light hope the globes are good as i need these cuts NOW..but will be a week to 10daYS TO FILL THE CUP WITH ROOTS. thinking of hitting them with Hps veg this time, but room is flowering so i may need to dodge up a cardboard box room for a week.



just snaped a few pics showing the stems and a Bigbud mum that is alittle pale in the new growth.


Edited by thc24
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