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Bush tell the truth...

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dun ya think its a lil sus how only a few families control the wealth of the werld. the eng royals, duponts etc etc.

throw the commoners a few scraps and let them fight each other for it while we do what we like. divide and conquer napoleon style

shame shame shame

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Here is what I think about though as well. Sure we may be slave sheep, powerless to stop bush, the corporations and the wealthy families, but are we still not part of it (myself included) by using resources that come from oil ? I dont drive, but I am sure a lot of us here do, and I am all too happy to get rides from people in their car. If were really against bush and the war for oil and all, shouldn't we all quit driving, cold turkey ?


I lived in a very hippy area of Vancouver and had lots of hippy friends, who were anti-bush and this war, yet they would go to activist rallies in thier car. Or I go to burning man every year, and I would say almost everyone there is anti-bush, yet Burning Man itself sucks down so much gasoline from the thousands of cars that people drive from all over north america to get there, plus easily over 10,000 generators providing electricity, some of them as big as semi-trucks, just sucking the gasoline. Hell even this year, I got there by flying in a plane from Brisbane (lots of oil used up there in the plane fuel I imagine) and then driving an SUV from San Fran to Nevada. I am just as hypocryitcal as the rest of them.


My point is that I think that even though it will never happen, the best thing we can do to help put an end to this and tell bush to fuck off, we dont need his oil is to stop using it right now, no ?

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man just as long as we are aware of whats happening and spred the word to help educate others we cant feel guilty about using fuel and buring coal to light and heat or homes. we can only werk with what we have but that doesnt mean we just have to accept it. change is a gradual process and as long as we are on getting on the rite track that what counts.

now we can turn rubbish into fuel. take thermal depolymerisation for example much the same process they use to make man made diamonds. you take anything that contains carbon. thats pretty much anything on the planet. what they do is take the rubbish. grind it up. add water mix it. then preasurize it and heat it then it goes into a distilation tank to seperate the substances. out the top comes gas then in the middle u have oil (diesel) and the solid shit at the bottom is activated carbon. you could build a plant like this and it would power itself. its the same basic process the earth itself uses to make valuble substances. carbon, heat and preasure. simple

man i could go on about this sort of stuff forever

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whats gets me is when someone like lawrence of arabia uses terrorist style hit and tactics to get the turks out of arabia he goes down in history as a great tactical mind and a hero. when in actual fact the whole time the westerners were giving the arabs weapons to kill each other and sort out their own shit without english troops. while the whole time the english and the french had planned to split the territory between themselves. even when lawrence found out about this plan he carried on. but osama is an evil man. im not bad mouthing lawrence its just a shame a great man like him had to go through that shit.


mate all i know is if some fukers came to my country with their army in my streets i would be trying to get the fuckers to leave aswell.

IM NOT SAYING HE AINT EVIL and shouldnt go to hell for his crimes. thats if he actually did it.


Take the pentagon for example. one video of the stike. what bullshit our local shopping centre has more cameras than that. what do they have to hide?

IT IS IN THE HISTORY books now and thats what future generations will beleive and even sacrifice their lives for.


who knows what in history is true and what isnt. we wernt their to see it with our own eyes so we just dont know.


its a god damn shame that billions can be spent to build fucking space ships while half the world die from preventable shit and hunger.


Ever play chineese whisper at school? its all fucked up and twisted second hand info.


ALLWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE. but dont ignore the bad. it will bite you in the ass

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its a god damn shame that billions can be spent to build fucking space ships while half the world die from preventable shit and hunger.



Aint that the truth, how much money is wasted in the world on shit, stuff that is never going to affect the way we live, I mean who gives a toss if there was ever life on mars, there isn't any now, spend the money somewhere it can make a difference.


Humans puzzle the shit out of me. We lock up people for growing a plant, a plant that was here long before we evolved out of the swamp.

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mate i was watching MTV cribs today looking at all the shit some people have. for a split second i thought that would be nice. all this shit from one song.

while some farmer somewhere in some 3rd werld country is working 15 hour days and is lucky to have a meal at the end of the day. all the time using geneticaly modified seeds to grow is shit. he cant even reproduce his own seeds!!!! he has to pay some fuker for fresh beans each season so some fat fuker can have a big house.

im starting to think communism isnt such a bad idea. everyone should get a fare share. na i know communism isnt the way but there has to be a better way than what we have atm.

its like wwf ... we all know its fake. but we just dont care. its great entertainment

its up to us to enducate of family and friends to try and make a change. or we wont have a planet for our children. all our efforts thoughout the history of mankind to further the progress of our genes will be a waste of time.

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take the greatest mind in the history of all men, albert einstein. he couldnt have had anything he wanted yet he chose to live in a shack next to the uni.

we can learn a thing or two from the people who have come and gone before us.

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We as a people have become so de-sensitized to what is going on in the world. I mean just look at New Orleans, tradgedy yes, but what was the death toll 1000, yet the world sends funds by the millions, doesn't the USA already have a fair bit of money, maybe we should send a bit of money to the places that lose 1000 people a week or a day, not by hurricane but by not having anything to eat.


But we don't see that, we don't have the news showing that everyday.

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