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Bush tell the truth...

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He really is a puppet. And a dumb one too.
Yup! I watched farenheight 9/11 (Michael Moore) last night again, being the anniversary of 9/11 I thought why not. It still amazes me, even now, how much of a puppet the guy truly is. The most telling part? When he is first informed of the first plane hitting the WTC, he continued with his 'photo oppurtunity at a primary school in the US........then being told of the 2nd plane, he does absolutley nothing.......just continues reading a book to the kids. You know why? Because nobody was telling him what to do! So the puppet has no idea of what to do or say next.

What an itelligent, quick thinking president. Scary :blink:

His incompetence truly does astound me. And considering he cheated his way in (Al Gore actually, truly won the presidential election) I feel sorry for the American Citizens, there is no 'freedom of speech' in the US anymore.

The 'War on terror' was nothing more than a scare campaign, to make sure everyone backed him on his real mission....... invading Iraq, a country who had nothing to do with 9/11. Get everyone scared shitless, mention Saddam Hussein a few times in the same sentence as Osama Bin Laden or al Queda, and the next thing you hear is 'Nuclear Weapons Of Mass Destruction'. They're still lookin', haven't found nothing yet. Bet they found fucking plenty of oil but! Money really does do strange things to people....... :whistling

PS. Osama Bin Laden and most of Al Queda are still at large :rolleyes:

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How about the difference between US politicians and Aussie ones.


At least the USA uses normal looking puppets (Bush, Gore, Clinton)

Now look at our fugly bunch of idiots (Howard the eyebrows, Beasley the stomach, etc etc)

Over there it must be cool to be a politician, get all the chics (ask Clinton)

but here, just watch question time, what a big bunch of dweebs, they are all lawyers and accountants with fuck all personality, these are the people running our country, see what happens when one of them tries to tell a joke in parliment, half the wankers go "here here" whilst the other half boos, that sort of shit use to happen at primary school.


Someone please show me a current Aussie politician that doesn't look like a complete retard?

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yer man. whats new the govts of the world lie to us everyday. i wouldnt b suppriesed to find out years down the track that ppl in power orcastrated the whole thing. insurance job or a stock market play. who knows.

all i know for sure is that we all sit back and let it happen. happy to be drones in their slave army paying our taxes and being lame sheep while the planet is being wrecked and countless lives are lost. the not so funny thing about it all is that we pay for it.

what can we do? fuk all, no one will do anything. we will get up in the morning nd go back to work just like every other fuking day. gota pay that mortgage :angry:

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