Cannabis Research
Stay abreast of cutting-edge cannabis research. Dive into studies, understand the science behind terpenes, CBD, and THC, and contribute to an informed dialogue.
492 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Cannabis-Linked Cell Receptor Might Help Prevent Colon Cancer FRIDAY, Aug. 1 HealthDay News <> A cannabinoid receptor lying on the surface of cells may help suppress colorectal cancer, say U.S. researchers. When the receptor is turned off, tumor growth is switched on. Cannabinoids are compounds related to the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in the cannabis plant. It's already known that the receptor, CB1, plays a role in relieving pain and nausea, elevating mood and stimulating appetite by serving as a docking station for the cannabinoid group of signa…
Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
- 3 replies
Hi all, i have a small personal quantity of weed growing very well in a closet - Hydroponic Recirculating system with 6 plants - 2 x 600w HPS - 150mm exhaust fan with carbon filter - temp never gets over 28 or under 20 degrees I switched to 12/12 a month ago and compared to past grows the flowers are developing very slowly. Flowers still only have 2 hairs each. I am using bag seeds unknown genetics i am concerned that they will take along time to mature What is longest it can take flowers to mature ?? feeb back would be much appreciated. I am very eager to finish this batch off because i have since received my order of AK47 and i want to get them going Not…
Last reply by Mr Biggles, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Can Cannabis Compounds Slow The Progression Of Multiple Sclerosis? ScienceDaily (July 21, 2008) — Evidence-based medicine 21 July 2008 The CUPID (Cannabinoid Use in Progressive Inflammatory brain Disease) study at the Peninsula Medical School in Plymouth has reached an important milestone with the news that the full cohort of 493 people with multiple sclerosis (MS) has been recruited to the study. CUPID is a clinical trial which will evaluate whether tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of many compounds found in the in the cannabis plant (and the main active ingredient) is able to slow the progression of MS. …
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 3 replies
When It Comes To Medical Pot, Rats Are Smarter Than Our Politicians Paul Armentano Posted July 18, 2008 The Huffington Post <> You can learn a lot from a rat -- especially if the subject is medical cannabis. According to a just-published study (see below) from the University of Milan -- you didn't actually think medicinal marijuana research took place in this country, did you? -- the administration of whole-plant cannabis extracts provides superior pain relief compared to the administration of the plant's isolated components (such as THC) in an animal model of neuropathic pain. …
Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
- 20 replies
hey guys i have a strain ive dubbed black kali its pretty straight forward.. black domina mum xed to kali mist male was throwing around a few others KALI BLACK DOMINATED KALI BLACK MIST MIST DOMINA.. they are the simple 1s just staying within the combined strains i have me fav but wondered wat other thought a catchy cool name open to other suggestions thanks for ya time take care and stay safe bil
Last reply by Roche86, -
Mortality Question 1 2 3 4 5
by wade ounce-
- 420 Crew
- 43 replies
Gudday people, just thought i'd throw this deep, thought provoking question at yas. In my opinion, i reckon i'll just be in ground rotting back to mother earth. wade
Last reply by Token Jet, -
- 420 Crew
- 14 replies
Hi Everybody! We all love pot and stoned experience, hence this beautiful site! I'd love to start a thread here of your do u stay stoned? What not to do to bring yourself down? Apart from just smoking more, lets share our knowledge on how to get the best out of our stoned time! Food obviously is a big one for bringing you down...and sugar I'm told. This became very clear to me the other night whilst smoking joints, and absent mindedly drinking a Pepsi. I usually drink diet coke - but I had pepsi from KFC for dinner and drank that. Couldn't work out why I was str8ening out so quick, DER! I was drinking str8 sugar that I'm not used to drinking! I…
Last reply by elkyfilth, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Greetingz thanx for comming to mardiGrass here is one of the ideas that came from it i am constructing a web site called Official Cannabis Research please check it i want to put links to scientific studdies i need your help finding them when you do could you please post it here or on my site also check the site for mistakes for me please
Last reply by Radic, -
Last reply by Hydroman, -
- 420 Crew
- 26 replies
Last reply by welsh_stoner, -
- 6 replies
Have a read of this. Sex, Drugs, and Cancer? Study Links Certain Head and Neck Cancers to Sexual Activity, Marijuana Use By Miranda Hitti WebMD Medical NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDMarch 11, 2008 -- Certain head and neck cancers may be tied to sexual activity, marijuana use, and human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16. That news comes from Johns Hopkins University's Maura Gillison, MD, PhD, and colleagues, who studied 240 people with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (head and neck cancers). Some of their cancers tested positive for HPV 16; others were negative for HPV 16. The patients answered questions about their lifestyle. For comparison, 322 cancer-free peo…
Last reply by HighRising, -
- 420 Crew
- 70 replies
Researchers in Perth, Western Australia, are looking for people who are frequent users of marijuana and non-drug using comparison participants to volunteer for research into the effects of marijuana use on brain function and cognition (memory and concentration). Volunteers will have one appointment at a Neurophysiology Research Unit in Mt Claremont, for approximately 1.5 hours. Before participation in the study, a quick phone interview will assess your suitability for the study. All information you provide us will be treated as strictly confidential. For more information, or if you would like to participate, please call 1800 648 223 (freecall) and leave your phone numbe…
Last reply by Radic, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
- 1.7k views,00.html So cannabis could help control addiction. Interesting read after the cannabis is as addictive as nicotine thread. I have found cannabis helpful taking the edge off withdrawl symptoms from nicotine addiction.
Last reply by Radic, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
I wasn't sure exactly where to post this, but I was hoping some of you out there may offer me some advice. I used to smoke almost constantly, I'd go through an ounce in a few days. Well, I moved away and alas I had no more weed at my disposal. So, I went without it for a while. Long story short, I developed High Blood Pressure and whenever I smoked afterward it makes my heart race and I guess I kinda fear a heart attack. What strains could I smoke that would have less of that effect and has marijuana ever caused a heart attack?
Last reply by grok, -
- 420 Crew
- 28 replies
As you know I am an Electrical Engineer. I had decided a few Months ago to perform an Experiment with about 15 of my peers. These are other Engineers that I work with. I have been working on this for a While and Here is a Technical Document on my Findings. Abstract: There are many studies Available today on the effects of Marijuana On the Human Brain. However what these studies forget to mention Is the demographic they are Created from. One report I read stated 75% of all pot smokers cannot do Basic Mathematics. This report convinced me to do some research on my own. So after Much convicing I managed to get several Volunteers to help me with this.…
Last reply by Radic, -