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Cannabis cures cancer!

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Cannabis cures cancer!

PR Cannazine

2 September 2008



Since 1974 science has known what the DEA has tried to keep from every one of us. Cannabis can and does cure cancerous growths whilst leaving healthy cells untouched.


! Who spilled the beans? Doctors and patients all over the world that's who! The truth is out and spreading like wildfire! Cannabis cures cancer! This truth will not be suppressed, until every household knows the clamor, the swelling protest, exposing dark, dirty secrets of heinous crimes against humanity!


Cannabis medicines were once the “drugs of choice” in the United States and all over this planet. Until they were declared illegal, they had been used in about 30 prescription medicines for a 100 specific medical problems in the US and for curing even more ills around the world.


In a cannabis study on cancer conducted in 1974, researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, instead found that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice - lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia.


The Drug Enforcement Agency shut down that study and buried that life saving information. In 2000, it was validated again when researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in cannabis.


This is the biggest scandal, much bigger than sex in the oval office! Yet where are the headlines? Where is the outrage in major news media? Are they like Mexican journalists, afraid to tell truth to power? Fear losing their jobs not their lives, so far at least.


Big pharma lobbyist have paid for road blocks to cannabis research. For all these decades, the medical profession has been treating cancer patients to killer cocktails of antiangiogenesis drugs that cut off the blood supply to tumors while also killing healthy cells! Ifosfamide destroys the patients bladder and kidneys. And as a last hope treatment, thaledomide, the sleeping pill that produced clubfeet and webbed fingers will also starve tumors. These poison drip cocktails come with side effects you can count on to make life no longer worth living. Radiation is another poisonous, "cure" and surgery often triggers the cancer to spread. We all know someone who has suffered these hellish treatments. One day these, "cures," will be looked on as a step back to the dark ages in medicine.


Harassing the sick and dying is an un-American activity.


Write your Congress person from Marijuana Policy Projects Legislation page about “Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act”- HR 5842 which would allow the medical use of marijuana in states that have chosen to make its use for medical purposes legal with a doctor's recommendation. The debate over medical marijuana or cannabis is really a scandalous controversy over whether this very easy-to-grow herb should be allowed to compete with pharmaceuticals for pennies on the dollar.


US Representative Barney Frank has filed a bipartisan federal bill to legalize "small amounts" of marijuana and make room for serious criminals. Representative Ron Paul is a cosponsor. This Texas straight talker says we are "politicizing pain."


Visit Marijuana Policy Projects Legislation page to write your Congress person about "The Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act"- HR 5843.


It was revolutionary, a giant step away from tyranny! The real visionaries, who laid down our laws, those who defined what an American patriot would be, were rebels with just cause. They made it not just our right but our patriotic duty to rebel against big government corruption. Our founders knew big government would always mean a gang of evildoers.


Leaders responsible for current quagmire will one-day answer to a higher power for their crimes against humanity. It's time to end the terror by changing our intrusive, big-bully policies, both foreign and domestic. The monetary and environmental costs are staggering and the human suffering unconscionable.


Join the brotherhood of the good, join the easy revolution. Stop war, save the American dream! Restore justice in the world; construct science based drug policies about saving and rehabilitating instead of ruining lives. Warriors can get their adrenaline rush increasing public safety; chasing murderers and violent sexual predators.


Compiled and written by Colleen McCoolThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


Colleen McCool is a portrait artist, poet and peace activist. Her creation, DNT, Drug News Texas spreads light on the latest drug news and the subject of drug reform worldwide.






Member of:

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition


Texans for Peace


Drug Policy Forum of Texas

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Restore justice in America; construct science based drug policies about

saving and rehabilitating instead of ruining lives. Support for the federal

war on drugs is inconsistent with support for individual freedom,

constitutional government and the teachings of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.



James Madison, the primary author of the Constitution of the United States,

said this: "We have staked the whole future of all our political

constitutions upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves

according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments."


"In the end, however, no constitution can be self enforcing....For the Constitution will live only if it is alive in the hearts and minds of the American people." Roger Pilon, senior fellow and director of CATO's Center for Constitutional Studies.


The Cato Institute offers copies of its popular Constitution booklet.


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THC is the Active ingredient in Cannabis. Therefore Cannabis kills cancer, just the same as THC pills would kill cancer or anything else that contained THC.



Thanks Homegrown :D


Approval for use of THC can be obtained in Australia













Dronabinol is a pill form of THC in USA, hemp flower in Holland and can only be imported etc etc

The Trade Practices Act and common law precedent may prohibit health departments from restricting/denying access to other forms of THC including natural form.

Currently being challenged.


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The Trade Practices Act and common law precedent may prohibit health departments from restricting/denying access to other forms of THC including natural form.

Currently being challenged.



:D wow! Good idea, interesting, and about time these legal avenues were tested.

I wonder(hypothetically, if the case set some sort of precedent) if that would then allow Cannabis to be imported? or quality medicinal seeds? or both? Or just what would actually happen next? I've read that Sativex is not as helpful as real Cannabis :D

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