International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Last reply by cardrona, -
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Last reply by pedro de pacas, -
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Possible change
Last reply by cardrona, -
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- 1.1k views n an unusual but attention getting demonstration, cannabis legalization activists operating under the hashtag (heh) #feed420 have succeeded in growing marijuana in the flower beds and open spaces of downtown London for at least the last three months resulting in many nearly fully grown plants. “In an ideal world I would like to see medicinal users not being sent to prison for everyday use.” The full name of the group, “Feed The Birds,” has been scattering cannabis under the auspices of feeding the birds of downtown London. Campaigners claim three foot h…
Last reply by cardrona, -
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This should come as no surprise to anyone. This is all about Trump looking after the Big End of Town, and handing any rights over to the big Pharmaceutical Companies. This dropkick is going to screw his country over big time with expenditures with law enforcement and border walls, while the rich cash in on it before the States goes belly up. Just remember America, you voted him in. Reap what you've sewn.
Last reply by Indycar, -
- 420 Crew
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Franco Loja, one half of the famed “Strain Hunters”, died today, January 2nd, 2017. The reason for his death is unknown at the time of this post. He was a partner of Arjan Roskam in the Green House Seed Co. in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Franco was the head breeder for the company which is the most awarded seed company in the world by many accounts. The two spent years crossing the globe looking for cannabis strains. Their Strain Hunters video series has over 60,000 subscribers on YouTube, and they were recently featured on Vice TV while in Colombia searching for specific landrace strains. Franco also wrote for Cannabis Now and was a true cannabis celebrity and leader in …
Last reply by Jim420, -
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Original story here.
Last reply by Green Reaper, -'hollyweed'/8157086
Last reply by jacobsonwyatt41, -
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Recreational marijuana use OK’d by Nevada voters By Chris Kudialis (contact) Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 | 10:09 p.m. Nevadans voted today to legalize recreational marijuana for adults ages 21 and over. The passing of Question 2, which was called at 10:03 p.m. by the Associated Press, allows for the legal purchase of up to 1 ounce of marijuana or up to one-eighth ounce of marijuana concentrates such as wax, carbon dioxide oil and shatter. Under the law, recreational users will also be allowed to buy marijuana paraphernalia such as bongs and glass pipes. Those living outside a 25-mile radius of the closest Nevada marijuana dispensary will be permitted to cultivate up,....…
Last reply by 1001knights, -
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California Legalizes Marijuana By Tom Angell on November 8th, 2016 at 9:49 pm The results are in: Marijuana is going to be legal in the world’s sixth-largest economy. On Tuesday, California voters... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- California approves recreational marijuana, handing legalization movement biggest victory yet By The CannabistPUBLISHED: November 8, 2016 at 9:23 pm | UPDATED: November 8, 2016 at 10:14 pm AN FRANCISCO — California voters approved a ballot measure Tuesday allowing …
Last reply by loves420, -
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Massachusetts the first state in eastern U.S. to legalize recreational marijuana By The CannabistPUBLISHED: November 8, 2016 at 9:09 pm | UPDATED: November 8, 2016 at 10:08 pm BOSTON — Voters have approved a ballot measure making Massachusetts the first state in the eastern U.S. to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. Tuesday’s approval marks a major national victory for proponents of legalized marijuana. Currently, using the drug recreationally is legal only in,....
Last reply by loves420, -
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The United States of Weed: Election results for legal marijuana By Brian Koerber 15 minutes ago While most eyes have been set on the presidential race during the 2016 election, Arizona, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada and California all held a vote to legalize recreational marijuana, a decision that could potentially shift the nation on a cultural and economic level. Paving the road ahead of them, Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington have all legalized, regulated and taxed mar…
Last reply by loves420, -
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- 1k views For our readers who were intrigued by Sicilian startup Kanèsis’ hemp-based 3D printing filament which we wrote about last week, the product has just launched through crowdfunding platform Indiegogo. The startup, which has set its crowdfunding goal at a flexible $30,000, is hoping to raise money to introduce their innovative and eco-friendly HempBioPlastic into the 3D printing market. Founded by 24-year-old Giovanni Milazzo and 28-year-old Antonio Caruso, Kanèsis has set out to reintroduce the material hemp into various industries, starting with 3D printing. The material, sourced fr…
Last reply by Saul Goodman, -
- 11 replies
- 1.5k views Canada’s Liberal government will introduce legislation to decriminalise and regulate recreational marijuana in spring 2017, according to the health minister, Jane Philpott. The prime minister, Justin Trudeau, promised during last year’s election campaign that his government would legalise recreational marijuana, following the US states of Washington and Colorado, but the time frame has been unclear. Philpott, speaking on Wednesday at a special session of the UN general assembly in New York on drug problems around the world, said the Canadian law will en…
Last reply by oldfark,