International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Theres a major storm brewing in the UK - yesterday the govt sacked their science advisor (employed to advise the govt on drug use) after he stated that alcohol and tobacco posed a bigger public health risk than cannabis, ecstasy and acid. He had previously debunked the theory that using weed caused mental illness. Seems to me that the UK govt are turning into a bit of a right-wing American type govt, rejecting science in favour of their own chosen moral stance. This story is all over UK, just ask Aunty Google for further references - the sacked advisor is Professor David Nutt. Heres the story as it broke on the UKs Channel 4 News: GOVERNMENT DRUGS ADVISER ASKED TO RESIGN …
Last reply by freddie, -
Your Kidding 1 2
by Reverend-
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Bong Water Is Now A Crime permalink The Minnesota Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, has now ruled that Bong Water (water which had been used in a water pipe) was a “mixture” of “25 grams or more” supporting a criminal conviction for Controlled Substance crime in the first degree. The crime is the most serious felony drug crime in Minnesota, with a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison for a first offense. The case is Minnesota v Peck, A08-579, Minnesota Supreme Court, October 22, 2009. The majority opinion takes a literal view, arguing in essence that any amount of a substance dissolved in water makes that water a “mixture” containing that substance. Perhaps. But, sin…
Last reply by nirvana, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
BY JACQUES BILLEAUD - The Associated Press Published Thu, Oct 29, 2009 02:00 AM © Copyright 2009, The News & Observer Publishing Company A custom-built truck ramp like this one can get drugs across 5-foot-high vehicle barriers SAN MIGUEL, Ariz. -- A pickup truck in Mexico pulls up to the 5-foot barriers that make up part of the multibillion-dollar border fence. A retractable ramp is extended from the truck, bridging the barriers. Then, a second pickup -- this one loaded with a ton of marijuana -- rolls over the bridge and into the U.S. With custom-built ramps, ultralight planes, false doors and good old-f…
Last reply by Reverend, -
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Just came across a story on BBC World News - seems the debate about weed causing mental illness is hotting up, along with the classification in UK law, quite an interesting read.
Last reply by thatcherschild, -
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I really thought this tactic was over but no... Searching for my assignment I've seen this ad shoved in my face: Anyone else notice all these propaganda ads everywhere on the internet all of a sudden?
Last reply by annaonthemountain, -
Good News?
by Nooby- 0 replies
A couple of months old but maybe the start of something good?
Last reply by Nooby, -
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Full article @ Lucky bloody yanks
Last reply by stoker76, -
- 1 reply
I was asked to forward this by Casper Leitch at and American Freedom Radio so people can listen to his most recent Podcast. Our amazing friend Canadian Medical Marijuana Advocate Michelle Rainey is a guest this week.... Check it out... Love and a squish, Alison xx Hi Everyone I've been on a much needed holiday for the past few weeks to re-charge my batteries and re-focus my aim. Now that I'm rested and back on the Front Lines in the War On Drugs, I'm ready to re-join the fight along side the troops in the Global Freedom Forces. To celebrate my return to the fight, is launching a new informational missile against the…
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 4 replies
By Peter Mucha INQUIRER STAFF WRITER Posted on Thu, Oct. 15, 2009 Copyright 2009 Cesar Lopez, 29, was in a Lebanon, Pa., convenience store early Saturday morning, staring at the inside of his baseball cap near a restroom. What the Lebanon man was probably looking for wasn't in the hat, because it was stuck to his forehead, according to police. A uniformed police officer who happened to be in the store plucked a small clear-plastic bag of what appeared to be marijuana from above Lopez's brow. "Is this what you're looking for?" the officer asked. Lopez was charged with possession of a small…
Last reply by Budman2012, -
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The Washington Post October 11, 2009 Copyright © 2009. Fairfax Digital Seized ... A helicopter removes marijuana from national forest in Humboldt County, California. Photo: Washington Post Drug gang bosses are responding to a boom in production triggered by medical marijuana laws, write Steve Fainaru and William Booth. ARCATA, California: Stiff competition from thousands of small-scale marijuana farmers in the US threatens the bottom line for powerful Mexican drug organisations in a way that decades of arrests and seizures have not, police and pot growers say. Illicit pot production in the US has be…
Last reply by eexpee, -
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Last reply by grace, -
- 420 Crew
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This is a interesting read.
Last reply by mull, -
- 420 Crew
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In 1996, voters in California approved a referendum that made it legal for the first time in decades in the US for people to consume cannabis for medicinal purposes. More than a dozen states have followed suit since and several others - the most recent of which is Massachusetts - have approved laws decriminalising the possession of small amounts of the drug. Now, there are moves afoot in California to go further to fully legalise marijuana. Evidence of the impact that the approval of medicinal marijuana has had on some areas of California is clear in Oakland. Across the bay from San Francisco, it has come to be known as Oaksterdam, in a nod to the symbolic global …
Last reply by Crunchy, -
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Found this little piece on the interweb thing Why the unlikeliest of states—ours—should legalize marijuana. by William Martin/ IN THE EARLY YEARS of the twentieth century, as they poured across the border into Texas, Mexican immigrants brought with them a familiar and cheap intoxicant: cannabis, which they called marihuana (in those days, it was spelled with an h instead of a j). Perhaps because they were young, predominantly male, and away from home—strong correlates of troublesome behavior—they were seen as lacking appropriate inhibition, especially when they came to town on weekends. Cerveza may have been more culpable, but cannabis made…
Last reply by museummouse, -
- 1 reply
Cannabis Has Always Played an Important Role in Religion I read Jacob Sullum's article 'Can Smoking Marijuana be Considered a Religion?!' with some interest, as I myself currently have a case against the Canadian Government in response to their refusal to grant me an exemption for my own spiritual use of cannabis. As well, the historical role of the religious use of cannabis has been a subject I have personally researched for 20 years, having written 3 books on the subject, Green Gold the Tree of Life: Marijuana in Magic and Religion (1995); Sex, Drugs, Violence and the Bible (2001); and the forthcoming Cannabis and the Soma Solution (2010); as well as dozens of publish…
Last reply by coughmaster,