International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Click the link Washington's Proposal To Legalize Marijuana And Sell It At State-Run Liquor Stores
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 0 replies
Hey everyone ,just wondering if anyone has used to get beans and if you have :were they reliable, how long was delivery time and were the genetics good???? .cheers........spaceleaf
Last reply by spaceleaf, -
- 3 replies
By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 1:08 PM on 28th December 2009 Light sapping: police found cannabis being grown with a watering system powered by the street-lamp network Residents in a Lancashire town were so puzzled why the street lamps on their road were so much dimmer than everyone else's, they asked the council if it was experimenting with low-energy light bulbs. But the local authority said the lights on Warrenhurst Road in Fleetwood should be as bright as every other street's. It was only when the police noticed how dim the area was at night that an investigation began. They discovered that…
Last reply by Budman2012, -
Busted in Bali 1 2
by Chato-
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Hope they don;t make an "example" of him. News Link AN AUSTRALIAN man has been arrested at Bali airport after customs officers found two grams of marijuana in his luggage. Robert Paul McJannett, 48, was arrested after arriving in Bali with his adult son on a Virgin Blue flight from Perth on Monday night. Bali police allege Mr McJannett was carrying the marijuana in a plastic bag in socks in his luggage. The head of the Bali Police Drugs Squad, Colonel Kokot Indarto, said police intended to charge McJannett with article 112 of the narcotics law for carrying drugs from abroad, which carries a penalty of more than five years' jail. "Because he carrie…
Last reply by bbud666, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
H Everyone.... I apologize for not having been around much lately.... I have been having another rough time. Just got home from the Hospital and am finally starting to feel a bit better.... The last few days have been horrible for me while I have been trying to get ANY relief from the violent pain in my face and head called tic doloureux - (the worst pain known to medicine) by going to Hamilton's McMaster Hospital in Ontario, Canada for relief. After spending many hours there in total and throwing up the entire time from the pain I was the first patient seen, thank GOD! Once in the room, I was asked to take off my shirt so that they could start an IV IMMEDIATELY. It w…
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 6 replies
- 1.2k views,00.html
Last reply by luciddreaming, -
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The new weed cafe in Denver now serving full range of food using weed - excellent story, vid clip and forum:
Last reply by thatcherschild, -
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Last Updated: Friday, December 4, 2009 | 5:51 PM PT CBC News I certainly hope this heads in the right direction and is not used to further tighten cannabis control, BC still has some of the best breeders around it would be a pity to see them fall off the map.
Last reply by DarkSpark, -
- 4 replies
- 878 views hell yeah I'd study there wonder if they take international students?
Last reply by jimbojones5678, -
- 4 replies
10:11 AM Saturday Dec 5, 2009 Copyright 2009, APN Holdings NZ Limited A West Coast man whose house was awash with nearly 4kg of cannabis had simply had "a good year" rather than being a drug dealer, a judge has ruled. Timothy Owen Harris, from Dunollie, appeared in Greymouth District Court yesterday charged with cultivation and cultivation for supply after police found 3942g of cannabis in various forms drying around his house in a raid in May. Offenders caught with 28g or more of cannabis can be charged with possession for supply. Harris said he planted 15 seedlings each year in the Notown forest, but…
Last reply by Crunchy, -
- 420 Crew
- 28 replies
Hi Everyone... Am finally back to work writing my Blogs for LEAP... Check out this week's and please feel free to pass it on... Love and stuff, Alison Myrden xx Leading Female Speaker for LEAP Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Spreading LEAP's Message in 2010 Posted by LEAP The following post was written by LEAP speaker Alison Myrden. Well here it is December already. Where has the Year gone? I feel I let LEAP down for not writing a blog for a while, but my health just wouldn’t cooperate until now. So here goes… In Canada not much has changed this past year. We are still dealing with a…
Last reply by Radic, -
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Last reply by bufo marinus, -
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I don't usually read crap from msn news, but cannabis and bashing to death caught my eye.. In the msn article it says " The court heard the girls' "main objective" for breaking into Mr Rowe's home was to find cannabis or to find things to steal so they could buy the drug, reports. " Went and looked on the website and it mentions nothing about cannabis in their article??? " They said they only wanted to knock the man out, so they could rob him. " I am not really surprised by this, but if cannabis isn't mentioned in t…
Last reply by Fibrofeend, -
- 3 replies
Fascinating story about the use of weed to help autism - other stories and forum responses feature on the same link: From a personal perpesctive - Ive recently been diagnosed with lower end spectrum Aspergerers and Ive been using weed for 30 years. My GP refers to my weed habit as self-medicating, when Im stoned Ive discovered it lowers my OCD problems and other related issues, and allows me to function in a more "normal"manner!
Last reply by Fibrofeend, -
- 7 replies
Robert J. Lopez November 19, 2009 | 7:26 am Copyright LA Times In the end, despite a sophisticated filtration system, it was the smell that smoked out the marijuana-growing operation located just 25 feet from the Los Angeles Police Department's Topanga station in Canoga Park. LAPD officials said officers began noticing the smell of pot Tuesday morning, investigated, got warrants and closed down the indoor farm within eight hours. Three men were taken into custody earlier Wednesday after officers served a search warrant on the warehouse in the 8400 block of Canoga Avenue. Growers had built three roo…
Last reply by stevenadams1,