International Cannabis News
International cannabis hemp news in general gathered from all different sources and everywhere by the cannabis community and our cannabis news bot.
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Last reply by Fibrofeend, -
- 2 replies
Link here: Full (unformatted) text follows: Proposition 19, which would legalize, tax and regulate marijuana for adults over 21 years old, is currently winning by a wide margin among California voters according to a new PPP poll. The measure is supported by 52% of voters while opposed by only 36%. Prop 19 PPP (7/23-25) Support 52% Oppose 36% Not Sure 12% This is the largest margin of support we have seen from recent polling on Prop 19. Interestingly, the poll found support among African Americans to be extremely high. From PPP blog: Democrats are more likely to throw their support behind the prop…
Last reply by snooch, -
- 3 replies
Author: MAIA SZALAVITZ Date: 22/7/2010 Source:,...2005559,00.html Copyright: Time magazine Well, this is a lengthy article, but a good one. Seems a fair review to me - taking the line that cannabis doesn't 'cause' this mental illness, but that it's not nearly as simple as that either. Seems a good contribution to the debate. Text pasted below, but original article also has videos etc. Since the days of Reefer Madness, scientists have sought to understand the complex connection between marijuana and psychosis. Cannabis can cause short-term psychotic experiences, such as hallucinations and paranoia, even in healthy people…
Last reply by Paladin, -
- 420 Crew
- Admin
- 17 replies
Author: NewsCore Date: 21/07/10 Source: Herald Sun Copyright: © Herald and Weekly Times.
Last reply by mull-ray, -
- 7 replies
Check it out man a 2,700 year old stash of bud that still looks highly smokable Afuckinmazing!! go through the slides
Last reply by konflikt, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
I seriously cant believe some of the shit that is on the internet. From our good friends at Chemist+Druggist ... which 'has been supporting and championing community pharmacists for nearly 150 years since its launch in 1859" comes this little gem (apologies, but can't seem to link properly to the article itself, but it's found here ... yeah, you'll help him if he's addicted: "Here take these instead, they're legal." It's almost as bad as Pfizer Australia's "Health Report" all about the abject dangers of using cannabis. (Warning, it's a PDF and probably a pretty big file...)
Last reply by Nooby, -
THC levels
by snooch- 0 replies
- 712 views So I was reading this feature on medical pot reform from the Denver Post. Not a bad read, very long, well detailed (it doesn't really break any new ground..) and reasonably balanced (although there are some glaring omissions regarding the origins of prohibition and the level of people seeking treatment for cannabis). Anyway, the bit that really jumped out at me was this: "Cannabis Therapeutics in Colorado Springs has developed a hash oil — essentially concentrated marijuana — that it touts as 86 percent THC. (Even the most knock-out marijuana buds are usually no more than 20 percent THC.) Andreas Rivera, Cannabis Thera…
Last reply by snooch, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Why am I not surprised this is the leading story on the Herald Sun website?? SOCIALITE Paris Hilton appeared briefly in a South African court today after being arrested on suspicion possession of marijuana.
Last reply by Free Wheelin Franklin, -
- 420 Crew
- 25 replies
- 5.2k views Some "highlights" of this article.. "It’s almost beyond comprehension to me that anyone could believe a mind-altering substance would not have a negative effect on the overall functioning of the body – particularly the brain." "But in the case of cannabis, I think it’s fair to say this: No one needs to use it. No one needs to get high. If you depend on it, or some other chemical invasion of your body, to be able to relax or socialize, that’s the choice you’ve made. " "No one should be surprised that those who make this choice are liable to pay a heavy price." "This is dangerous shit, and if there is an…
Last reply by sativaindicaruderalis, -
- 5 replies
Dunno if anyone's seen this yet, but i'll post it, in my opinion its pretty good, and good to see that we're at least covering whats going on down there.
Last reply by Vortex, -
- 10 replies
this guys gonna get life... shit load of content there though!
Last reply by The Hash Nibbler, -
- 4 replies
Caught this on the MSN thing when i sign out of Hotmail.. Its publicity like this we need a hole in the head. Gota love the digital age, once upon time the mother would have had to get the photo processed at a shop.. " Child welfare authorities are investigating a shocking Facebook photo of a Florida baby clutching a bong. The 11-month-old boy can be seen sitting with his legs around the large glass pipe and his left hand around its neck."
Last reply by Sylar420, -
- 1 reply
Board of Pharmacy to announce the rescheduling of marijuana on June 16 The Oregon Board of Pharmacy has been evaluating expert and public testimony regarding the rescheduling of marijuana as ordered under SB 728. on Wednesday, June 16, they are due to announce the final decision. Law enforcement stated that a Schedule II was the appropriate placement, while many medical marijuana patients stated that a Schedule IV or V was appropriate. All the public testimony and other evidence for consideration is posted on the Board of Pharmacy website for review. here's the final decision;d=1276730803 its officially reschedul…
Last reply by loves420, -
- 8 replies
13:18 AEST Thu Jun 17 2010 By ninemsn staff with wires (<< wtf?) this is pretty unusual ey.. this is gonna look bad for samsung! SOURCE:
Last reply by redatnight, -
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- 1.1k views,6807424.column
Last reply by BLAZERS,