Cannabis Hemp News
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By Duncan Macfarlane 17oct03 SIX RAAF servicemen have been placed on probation after admitting to possessing and using drugs at the Amberley airforce base in Queensland. The details were confirmed last night by the head of the Amberley Air Defence Wing, Air Commodore Stewart Cameron, who said investigations were over. He said he did not know whether drug abuse at Amberley was linked to police raids at other military bases in Queensland and the Northern Territory. The airmen had not been sacked under the Australian Defence Force's zero tolerance drugs policy because they had come forward during the internal investigation, he said. "We had some people step forw…
Last reply by boulder, -
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Sorry to make my first posting here one of bad news, it's not my usual style, I promise! Some of you know me, but you don't KNOW that you know me yet. Should be fun seeing who twigs first! This is 'as is' from the UK members mailing about an hour ago. > It doesn't really make any difference, but for what it's worth: > > Derek ------------- Forwarded message follows ------------- Legalise cannabis Alliance Information bullitin: Information from the Drug Legislation and Enforcement office says that changes to the Criminal Justice Bill planned to give police the power of arrest for simple possession of a class C drug will not be brought before Parliament…
Homeowner Returns After Years Away,
by Guest weekprik-
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
A Cibola County homeowner returned to her house after living out of state for several years, expecting to find the house as she had left it. Instead she found that someone had invaded her house, changed the locks, reactivated her electricity, and started-up a marijuana plantation. Now State Police are searching for the person suspected of starting the drug operation in the empty home, which is located on the south end of Blue Water Lake State Park. The homeowner recalled to KRQE News 13 how she explored her invaded home with amazement. She says the people who commandeered the home cultivated tall bushes around the property for privacy, had a new electrical meter in…
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Potheads told to butt out But court aids medicinal use By SAM PAZZANO, COURTS BUREAU Ontario's highest court has ended the province's reefer madness. In a landmark decision released yesterday, the Court of Appeal ended a two-year period where it was legal to possess personal amounts of weed. But medicinal pot users won freer access to marijuana, lawyer Alan Young said. Young, Paul Burstein, Leora Shemesh and other lawyers represented ill people who successfully challenged Canada's medicinal marijuana regulations because they were forced to buy pot on the black market. FIX REGULATIONS In January, a Superior Court judge struck down the regulations as…
Last reply by sols, -
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 08:14:31 -0700 From: "D. Paul Stanford" <> Subject: 008 Australia: WA Passes New Cannabis Bill Newshawk: Niall Young Pubdate: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 Source: Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Australia Web) Copyright: 2003 Australian Broadcasting Corporation Contact: Website: Details: WA PASSES NEW CANNABIS BILL Minor possession of cannabis in Western Australia is set to be decriminalised after legislation finally cleared state Parliament last night. Labor's Cannabis Control Bill was passed on the Government's numbers, with amendments approved b…
Last reply by Oblivion, -
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States have taken sweeping action in recent years to roll back "get-tough" approaches on drug policy, turning toward prevention, treatment and other alternatives to fight addiction, a new report from an advocacy group found. The survey of new laws between 1996 and 2001 found that states were adopting anti-drug approaches that treat addiction more like an illness than a crime, according to the Drug Policy Alliance, a group that supports such an approach. The report was released Tuesday. "Our key hope for this report is that legislators around the country will increasingly appreciate that it's possible to introduce and support and enact sensible drug policy reforms wi…
Last reply by ccgreens, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
Dr doug told me last night that I have been assigned online co-ordinator for the up coming cup. The details so far are it will be held on the second weekend in November. I presumed Saturday the 8th. All entries must be in by the end of October. This opens several questions of which a response was blurry. The first question is to where it is to be held? Due to the horror's he encountered in Brookvale I doubt it be on the North Shore. The venue has yet to be arranged and is anyone's guess. Hopefully not to far anyway. How much and what prizes was told to me but is a blur. I will update this posting when I get more info. Anyone wanting to message Dr Doug can foward them thro…
Last reply by Kimba, -
- 13 replies
I saw on the news that some states(including victoria) will trail a new breath test device that detects alcohol and also cannabis. trail will start sometimes next year!
Last reply by red13, -
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Further evidence has emerged that an ingredient of cannabis could help prevent epileptic seizures. Some experts are now calling for fresh research into the potential of cannabis-like compounds to help alleviate the condition. Researchers from Germany found that natural brain chemicals which resemble cannabis extracts can interrupt a process which can trigger a seizure. There have been trials of cannabis compounds in MS and cancer patients. There are reports dating from the 15th century talking about the use of cannabis to ease the symptoms of epilepsy. However, there have been few organised trials in humans in recent years, even though cannabis or its extrac…
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
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Ottawa -- Some of the first patients to smoke Health Canada's government-approved marijuana say it's "disgusting" and want their money back. "It's totally unsuitable for human consumption," said Jim Wakeford, 58, an AIDS patient in Gibsons, B.C. "It gave me a slight buzziness for about three to five minutes, and that was it. I got no other effect from it." Barrie Dalley, a 52-year-old Toronto man who uses marijuana to combat the nausea associated with AIDS, said the Health Canada dope actually made him sick to his stomach. "I threw up," Dalley said Monday. "It made me nauseous because I had to use so much of it. It was so weak in potency that I really threw up." …
Last reply by cannabinol, -
- 420 Crew
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A POLICE drug squad sergeant yesterday admitted dealing drugs. Guilty plea: Malcolm Rosenes. Suspended detective Malcolm Rosenes used a police informer to buy 10kg of hashish from the father of slain gangster Jason Moran and two ecstasy tablets linked to accused crime boss Tony Mokbel, a court heard. The County Court was told Rosenes was on sick leave when arrested after receiving $50,000 to buy more than 15,000 ecstasy tablets from an Israeli crime syndicate. Rosenes, 50, pleaded guilty to trafficking in a commercial quantity of ecstasy, two counts of conspiring to traffic in cocaine and one count each of trafficking in cocaine, cannabis resin and ecstasy and …
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
by Kimba- 11 replies
Has any one around here tried it? It sounds like the strain to grow for a late starter like me. High yeild, little hazzle, good crop. But as I have been told clones are the way to go. As I'm a relativlely new I don't want to risk my money on un-proven seed stock. (And time and face) So I would really appreciate any feed back. Also other buzz breeds like Haze, Hash and G-13 look worth the effort. Is it possible to mix these species in a single sea of green?
Last reply by Chev, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
A five-year-old Territory girl shocked teachers when she showed her class how to make a bong out of a Coke bottle during a ``show and tell'' session. The incident took place at a primary school in Darwin's northern suburbs. The revelation comes amid mounting concerns over drug use among Territory primary school students. At least two instances have been reported to the Education Department of children aged between five and 12 being caught with drugs at school. In one case the drug was amphetamine. Teachers have indicated this may be the tip of the iceberg. ``The little girl showing how to make a bong was the most in-your-face example of drug culture among pr…
Last reply by Chev, -
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Pubdate: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 Source: New Zealand Press Association (New Zealand Wire) Copyright: 2003 New Zealand Press Association GREENS SAY SORRY FOR OFFENSIVE EMAIL The Green Party today distanced itself from an offensive message sent to United Future leader Peter Dunne. Greens co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons sent a letter of regret and said the person who wrote the email was an unpaid volunteer who had been "unable to restrain himself". The row between the two parties over cannabis was reignited when party worker Stuart Young sent an email to Mr Dunne calling him a coward for refusing to debate law reform with Green MP Nandor Tanczos. The email addressed Mr Dunn…
Last reply by Ferre, -
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Professional illegal drug syndicates are operating in the Territory, police say. One of the Territory's drug squad officers told a meeting of visiting crime delegates that there were "definitely" drug syndicates at work in the NT. The officer's name can not be revealed because it may compromise him operationally. He said the syndicates were usually headed by one major player who recruited friends and acquaintances to grow one or two marijuana plants each. Under Territory law anyone caught with just one or two marijuana plants can be dealt with by way of a Drug Infringement Notice. A network of growers could produce drugs worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. …
Last reply by Ferre,