The HEMP Party
75 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
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- 598 views The Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party acknowledges Australia’s embrace of the strongest possible anecdotal evidence of the benefits of Cannabis. It’s comforting for many supporters to see mainstream media and a handful of politicians reporting on the widespread use and community acceptance of Cannabis for medical purposes. The HEMP Party will continue to actively support and lobby on behalf of millions of Australian Cannabis consumers to lawfully use and grow Cannabis for nutrition, medicine and recreation. For many years HEMP has disseminated thousands of research papers on behalf of…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 792 views In 2014, 128,000 Australian citizens will be deprived of a well-recognised medicine ‘scientifically proven’ to relive their pain. 128,000 is the number of cancer patients that the Cancer Council Australia has calculated to be affected by cancer in Australia by the end of this year (1). Australia was given the chance in 2013 to amend its current stance on medical Cannabis when a New South Wales Parliament Committee proposed amendment to allow terminally ill patients the right to up to 15grams of Cannabis for the purpose of pain relief (2). However, this proposal was ultimately rejected by the New …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 859 views Dear Senator-elect Dio Wang, thank you for your letter inviting the Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party to the Palmer Uni…
Last reply by lookinggoodguys, -
- 420 Crew
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- 662 views There are a number ways of influencing parliaments in Australia to advance whatever your political agenda may be. You could try: bribing some politicians; demonstrating in the streets; constructing a lobby group; or registering a political party. Political parties differ from the other methods because, by definition and required by the electoral act, their aim is to actually elect a representative in to a parliament – the place where laws are made. There are three ways to make use of elections to further a party’s objectives: you can timidly direct your preferences to whichever parliamentary pa…
Last reply by ZEN2U, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
- 590 views Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party has nominated a father and daughter, James and Tayla Moylan, to be their Senate Candidates in Western Australia. Mr Moylan, outlined the approach the HEMP Party is taking to the re-run of the WA Poll. “We did quite well at the Federal Election and WA polled highest percentage of all the six states. We averaged about 0.7% across all States and more importantly managed to get our message out to a huge number of interested Aussies.” “The HEMP Party Campaign will be supported by all our branches across Australia. We will focus on the areas where all…
Last reply by Dingo-2008, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
- 1.5k views PARTY SAYS AUSTRALIA IS IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE ON POT! “It’s ironic that alcohols ugly side hits the headlines just after blind Barry O’Farrell says even dying people will not be allowed to try Cannabis, throwing out his Governments special committee recommendations in one single dumb press release,” says Michael Balderstone, HEMP Party President and WA Senate candidate. “So dumb and impossibly stupid it looked like it was written by Big Pharma. Would someone please tell Barry, Pharmaceuticals kill more people in Australia now than car accidents!” “How come in Australia we are so far behin…
Last reply by Midget, -
- 420 Crew
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- 845 views José “Pepe” Mujica, the President of Uruguay, will go down in history as a great leader. Uruguay is the first among all of the civilised countries of the United Nations to fully opt out of the International Cannabis Madness. Time for some widespread celebration folks. The particular thing that sets José apart is that he seems to be a politician who has managed to make the transition into incumbency without also instantly becoming a drug law hypocrite. He seems to be saying the same things after his election as he promised before his elevation! (Hmmmm? Very odd indeed.) And while this consistency i…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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Spain recently liberalised its Cannabis laws – Spain is also currently undergoing a tourism revolution! Why not in Queensland? “Legal Cannabis use will supercharge the Queensland tourism industry. Americans and Europeans will flock to Queensland once again and we will see a boom like we haven’t seen since the fifties.” “It is essential that our Federal Government in Australia gets off its butt and does something about our crazy 20th Century laws. Many places we compete with have already given up with all this stupid Cannabis prohibition nonsense, and Queensland has to follow suit – or we will …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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The Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party is launching its National Election Campaign in Sydney on Monday at 1pm outside NSW Police Commissioner Scipione’s Office at 201 Elizabeth St. HEMP President Michael Balderstone believes the Police Commissioners office is a perfect location for a HEMP Party launch. “The Police are always seen as the experts when it comes to Cannabis in Australia, they get the final say. If the Police don’t approve of a change you can bet it won’t happen when it comes to drug laws. They even blocked hemp seed becoming legal in Australia despite everyone else saying lets do it.” “When it comes to proposing laws that are just and non-discrimi…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 580 views The HEMP Party of Australia fully supports the important and timely initiative announced today by the Greens calling for a Federal Drug Summit. “It’s a really smart way to address this particularly big elephant in the room,” says HEMP President Michael Balderstone. “The ‘war on drugs’ really has to be on the Election agenda and discussion about a ‘drug summit’ might be a way to achieve this without sparking the usual law and order auction. Who could possibly argue against the idea of getting all the experts together to consider how we are going to rectify the biggest social disaster of our time,…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 627 views The Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party is twenty years old but the recent online rebirth of the Party has seen a big increase in interest, membership, and motivation to get Cannabis law reform on the political agenda again. “If Gough Whitlam had lasted a little longer as PM we could have raised our families in a climate without prejudice,” says Michael Balderstone, the Party President. “I was reminded of that at our big pre-election and strategy meeting of candidates last Sunday in Nimbin.” “Campaign Director and motivator Jim Moylan and his online team has the HEMP Party registered in eac…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 824 views This weekend Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party members and candidates from across Australia will gather to meet each other and make plans for the upcoming election. On Saturday HEMP Party National Campaign Director, Jim Moylan, will present the 13th HEMP Activism & Police Wrangling Workshop in Mingle Park (behind the Museum) in Nimbin from 2pm-4.20pm. “Police Wrangling” has been presented to audiences in Adelaide, Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane, Hobart, Launceston, Blacktown, Katoomba, Perth, Fremantle, Cairns, Townsville and now comes to Nimbin – the spiritual and symbolic home of the C…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 652 views HEMP Party Happenings - July 25, 2013 An irregular Newsletter from James Moylan – National Campaign Director of the HEMP Party, Australia. NOW WITH A STATE BRANCH IN EVERY AUSTRALIAN STATE! Hello HEMPsters, As of the 20th of July at 6.33 pm - with the establishment of a Western Australian Branch of HEMP - we are now a fully Federal Party with a State Branch in every State of Australia. I would like to say a big thank you to all of the many HEMPsters all around our wide brown land who have been working so hard, for so long, to bring about this momentous declaration! I would like to publicly thank …
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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HEMP Party in Sydney this weekend measuring the zinc in the soil The Australian HEMP Party’s Campaign manager Jim Moylan is in Sydney this weekend doing a couple more of his notorious Police wrangling workshops where he teaches pot smokers how to minimise trouble with the law. Michael Balderstone says he’s very grateful Jim has the time, enthusiasm and energy to grow the HEMP Party into a credible political organisation. The Party has many new members and branches in all States now, bar WA, which is expected to happen next week when Jim flies west. HEMP is confident it will run Senate C…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -
- 420 Crew
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- 1.1k views The National Campaign Director for the HEMP Party, James Moylan, is headed to Tasmania today to host two more of the controversial “HEMP Activism & Police Wrangling” workshops which have attracted interest and created controversy. The Hobart and Launceston events are the 5th and 6th in a series of workshops which are being held in capital cities and major provincial centres ahead of the Election Campaign. “People are hungry to know their rights. Illegal Cannabis use is simply a reality in our society, and illegal Cannabis users need to know how to stay legally healthy,” said Mr Moylan. In a meeti…
Last reply by OZ Stoners, -