Australian Cannabis Politics and Activism
The HEMP Party
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- Time to ‘Get Real’ NCPIC
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899 topics in this forum
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Hey guys I was sent this and requested to post it up please have a read OPEN LETTER TO HEMP PARTY MEMBERS AND VOTERS We are writing to inform you that in the last minute frenzy of preference dealing we may have made a mistake in attempting to maximise our prospects in the NSW Senate Election. In the 2001 election we received over 35,000 votes so this time the phone didn't stop ringing from people who usually never want to talk to us and we tripped up in a moment of election fever! There is a possibility that our 'above the line' preferences may end up with a party which is not supportive of our aims. Since that chance exists we are asking you to vote for HEMP 'belo…
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 15 replies
Ok fellow Ozstoners I’ve really had the shits with these shit laws up here, not only in Queensland but the rest of the country. It’s 12.08am on a Thursday morning and has received a phone call from my niece Skye who face court yesterday in Inala Queensland for the possession of a cone and copped a $250.00 fine and got a conviction for it. So big Uncle Don’t Panic has had enough. Bloody Child Molesters get less up here. So now its time I started my shit, I call on All Ozstoners to email me, and supply me the reason as to why Mj should be legalized or at least decriminalized. Please none of this because I get high and love the feeling. What I need is the hard facts, …
Last reply by Alison Myrden, -
- 3 replies
Premier Bob Carr indicated that NSW will allow the "compassionate use" of cannabis for patients who did not respond to conventional pain relief drugs, but stated it was not a move to legalise marijuana. A two-year trial would allow people with chronic pain to grow up to five marijuana plants without fear of prosecution. The Opposition Leader, Mrs Kerry Chikarovski, was concerned with the "much understated" side-effects of cannabis while the National Party Leader, Mr Souris, said Mr Carr was "off on his next drug liberalisation adventure". from
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
E-mail Reply I got from Mark Lathems website about Labor's drug policy. Hope this is useful
Last reply by Chev, -
- 1 reply
Johnny Marky Satanic Liberal Party Anonymous flame mail generator Keating insults The Official unOfficial John Howard Website
Last reply by Chev, -
- 3 replies
In recent months i have heard so many different things about the new laws in WA about marijuana. Everyone seems to have a different interpretation on the laws. I know that a fines and education system has been introduced, but what specifically does that mean. I know i still cant legally smoke weed, but what does it change if i get caught? -Peace
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
- 7 replies
:angry: they make me mad because there's no actual harm in that it helps out it keeps me goin and it's a good get together with friends and just fuckin toke damnit peace :angry:
Last reply by charbono, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
Just been reading this Is this another "let's look at it" but not really let the general public know our views.
- 0 replies
Hi all, like most have ordered seeds from overseas and some have been stopped by custom's. What is the most you can be charged with ? if anything Have got the letter twice at two different address's under different name's, But have never heard anymore. Thank you in advance
Last reply by farmer, -
- 5 replies
Hi! I´m a new member here and live in Oulu, Finland. Anyways, a few days ago I was offered a chance to go to Sydney to study for 9 months. Naturally the first thing what crossed my mind was the pot. So I have a few questions to you aussies, and I´ll be really grateful if somebody can give me the answers. First, are the drug laws in Sydney (southern Australia?) the same to foreigners than they are for local people? Second, what the laws are in practice? I know what they are theorically, but what do you get in real life if you get caught from use, posession or growing.. Third, what´s the public opinion about smoking? Can you smoke in public places, how elderly people …
Last reply by Nath, -
Making Bongs 1 2 3
by IndoSmoke- 20 replies
i was just thinkin about making a bong outta labratory glasses. is it possible to make a hole by using a blow torch and using glass glue to cover the loose bits?? anyone try this? I've got the pipe, cone thingy together with metal pipes but i'm still confused about making the hole. any have any ideas??
Last reply by Nath, -
- 2 replies
after a more in depth victorian law writeup rather than the very vague caught with possession of 50 grams or less = $150 fine and blah blah blah. anyone know any links?
Last reply by F420, -
- 6 replies
this is an interesting story i though id share with you all late last March myself, Psylence and another friend decided to go and have a quick bong in the gym changerooms at lunch. its the schools smoking spot, whether it be pot or ciggarettes (usually cigs), and students never get caught. in these changerooms there is one cubical, closed off from a urinal alongside it. you snap a load in the cubical, and if a teacher comes in, youre hidden, and hope they go away. so i took the first cone back, then psylence. when our other mate... let's call him Bob... went in to take his, a teacher walked in. now the bong was on the floor, and the place reeked of pot cos it was the…
Last reply by free choice, -
- 7 replies
Due to dismal dynamics of cannabis activism in Sydney, we are going to start to advertise for fresh blood to assist in future political activies. Coming up is the 1st anniversary of Bob Carr's statement in the Parliament on 20th May 2003 This is a perfect opportunity to give Bob some stick. So far we only have 2 protesters and myself. It would be nice if we could get some other patients or supporters could show up as well. If anyone out there can help, this is critical time. It's important to keep this issue fresh in the public's mind. It would also be a good chance to rubbish Bob's suggestion of importing a 'container' load of refined drug from Canada. Believe …
Last reply by free choice, -
- 2 replies
Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League Media Release 25th June 2004 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Trafficking A celebration of the ongoing human rights abuses faced by people who use illicit drugs Australian drug users have called on Federal politicians to investigate the serious abuses of human rights in country and in our region in the name of the “war on drugs”. Gary Meyerhoff, the Acting President of AIVL, the Australian Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League said that he hopes that Australia’s Drug Action Week and global activities planned for tomorrow will remind politicians of the fear, stigma, discrimination, loss of liberty and l…
Last reply by free choice,