Australian Cannabis Politics and Activism
The HEMP Party
- 168 posts
- Time to ‘Get Real’ NCPIC
- Last reply by Gandaillon,
- 66 posts
899 topics in this forum
I never really paid much attention to the HEMP Bar website before, but here is something I just noticed..... Its no secret a lot of Nimbinites prefer bush but I didn't know opinions were this extreme. and we wonder where some of the bullshit news stories come from... I mean I appreciate the work those guys do its cool to have a place you can smoke in public and meet stoners but I think the fact that the HEMP Bar is spreading this crap is totally fucked. If these guys are the pointy end of mj activism in Australia we are in trouble. Obviously...
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
Heya. I'm a noob, so please be gentle with me (especially if my evening's lurking has failed to unearth the thread that's already broached this subject). Being big on the activism front of late, I am curious to know if anyone's actually written a formal draft "legalisation of cannabis" bill that could legitimately be introduced to Parliament. It seems a valid, pro-active move to actually sit down and write something formal ourselves, rather than asking politicians to do it for us. It might grease the wheels with some of them to actually grow a pair and back it. Has it been done already? If not, why not? And if not, does anyone want to help me get started? Rallies…
Last reply by darryl d, -
have a say 1 2
by Chronmasta- 18 replies
Hey all I was watching the 7PM Project the other night and they raised the subject of mental health Well as many of us use Cannabis to treat mental health illnesses, i thought it would be good to point it out to the 7PM Project... to try and reach the crew that havent got internet and to hopefully educate some ignorant peeps so if anyone would like to have their is a time to do it. if you can add any doctors or psychologist or psychiatrist reports saying they recognize that ya use Cannabis for medicinal purposes, that would be bloody unreal - however i would black out any personal details that you want to keep private.......if you use any personal do…
Last reply by Chronmasta, -
- 2 replies
Let the fun begin. Our new premier is a hardliner, he's never made any bones about it, I've never liked him and didn't vote for him ... but good on ya if you did. But didn't he also mention "more jails" and "zero tolerance" at some stage? so no more bongs for Victoria??? People are going to lose jobs and income. In my case, because I make my main income from other things than paraphernalia so the loss of income from bong prohibition going to roll off like water off a duck's back for me, but I know a couple of people whose main income is glass for smoking out of. Hookahs will stay legal? How is a hookah different to a bong? Culture? Aren't bongs cultural, too? Sigh. Fu…
Last reply by Sylar420, -
- 2 replies
Hoi Hoi everyone!! Well the polls are only a few hours off shutting in california so i thought i would put up a link to a results page they dont have electronic voting in Cali so counting will not start untill polls close. you will prob need to refresh page as the results come to hand!!just scroll down the page a litte till you see the statewide propositions section and click on prop 19!! Lets all keep our fingers crossed wiet
Last reply by anfozy, -
- 420 Crew
- 21 replies
I'm putting myself up for One of Australia's biggest Marijuana Activist and I need help. I got busted for approx 2grams and the police want me to go to 2 hours Rehab on Thursday 26th August at I would like to produce a document stating the facts about marijuana so they cannot spew forth their Government grown Propaganda and I can re-educate the people that are brain washed thinking everything the Government tells them is true. My question is can anyone can help me write up a Document for the facts on Marijuana? To produce to even the smartest of Government manipulators. The Document must have reliable sources. I would like to …
Last reply by anfozy, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
I love what is going on in California but i hate how even medical marijuana is not a political issue in this country. With the Greens and independents negotiating power, it would be great if somebody raised marijuana as an issue, but in Australia its not even on the radar, except when its being mentioned as a "dangerous substance" and increase in penalties needed. Do Australians not love Marijuana as much as Californians? At this rate Australia will be lucky to have strictly controlled medical marijuana within 20 years (that means you can't get it unless you have select severe illnesses and have tried other medicines etc, if you take it for anxiety or depression don…
Last reply by anfozy, -
- Admin
- 1 reply
Author: Stephen Lunn Date: 27/11/2010 Source: The Australian Copyright: Copyright 2010 News Limited.
Last reply by cybergenesis, -
- 3 replies
The Premier of Victoria John Brumby Level 1 Treasury Place Melbourne 3001 8th April 2010 Dear Premier, John Brumby. Re:- Responsible Government We have been requested to again bring to your attention the unnecessary burden placed on the people of Victoria. Please find enclosed herewith news article Sunday Hearld-Sun March 14th 2010. "Police smoke out dope growers" which makes mention that "Three women with children and a baby were in the Broadmeadows house at the time of the raid" If you may recall in our letter to you of the 9th February 2006, which brought to your attention that the Jeff…
Last reply by itsMoeyy, -
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
I just posted an application for membership yesterday. Is anyone here either a member or thinking of becoming a member? What are peoples opinions of the Australian hemp party? It has occured to me that if im really as passionate about this issue as I say, then I really should get of my arse and join, so that's what I've done. Australian Hemp Party Peace
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 9 replies
Hi all, I recently sent our pm a letter regarding marijuana, alcohol and legalisation and see below for their response... maybe if more of us keep sending them letter they will start listening
Last reply by Heathen J. Lovechild, -
- 1 reply
Author: Bob Gosford Date: 24 October 2010 Source: The Northern Myth
Last reply by avs, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Seems the best bet to form an Australia wide group is to incorporate an Association in one state then submit to become a registered body so it can operate Australia wide. Each state has its own fee structure for this. (these fees are just for the incorporation, not including the registration as a national body) QLD $117.00 QLD fees NSW $109.00 NSW fees ACT $142.00 ACT fees VIC $58.50 (if we use the model rules), $116.90 (own rules) Vic Fees TAS $133 TAS fees NT $65 NT fees SA $156 SA fees WA $126.00 WA fees OR ALTERNATIVELY We could approach one of the groups that already exists and either work with them to increase the awaren…
Last reply by freethinker8, -
- 0 replies
Trailer: Main site: Looks pretty cool!
Last reply by cybergenesis, -
- 5 replies
I tried a quick search for this but couldnt come up with much. What is the saliva test they use? I hear it can detect use between 4 and 14 hours after use. Anyways, it seems like a good idea to be prepared for these tests. As I dont smoke before/during work, and these saliva tests can show up from the night before, as far as I'm concerned its better safe than sorry. That I am currently looking at to keep in the car, because I drive lots for work, is a mouthwash (single use bottle) that I can keep in the car. This is for use if I think I am getting pulled over, or see a drug bus up the road and have smoked earlier that day or the night before. One I have been looking at …
Last reply by Samurai,