Cannabis Law and Politics
There is some orchestrated talk that The Government is toying with the idea of exorcising vanilla and lemon essence from the supermarkets, because young people are drinking these instead of the now more expensive 'alcopops'. Seriously? Have you ever tried to get drunk on vanilla or lemon essence? For myself, I'd rather quaff bong-water, my own urine or sniff petrol than drink cooking essences. Which young person – even one well and appreciably below average intelligence - is going to purchase bottles of essence to get drunk when there's cannabis? What explanations could be proffered by said young people for their essence excesses? “We're conducting a science experiment…
Last reply by ekul, -
- 8 replies
- 1.2k views The War on Excuses: Why Cannabis Should Be Legalised This is not a new debate, it has raged on through the late 20th Century and through to our current Dark Year of Our Lord 2008. Everyone knows that cannabis is illegal, ignorance is no excuse for being caught at midnight in the middle of a park with a big joint hanging out of your mouth and singing songs of religious praise with an ironic twinge, and I´d imagine the police would come down pretty hard on you for at least two things in that sentence. But the big question is why? Why has this small plant become the object for so much political hate, at least in the open? I have money riding on a su…
Last reply by mull, -
What has caused the hard attitude to MJ in Oz? I don’t profess to have the answers but I think kids ‘using’ is just one of the ingredients. I notice MJ is mentioned a lot in domestic violence issues and other hostile situations police confront. More than likely this is the usual crap but it’s put out that way. Only a few months ago a bong could be bought at markets or at tobacconists and for the last 27 years that was the way it was. Today in QLD you will not see a bong anywhere. There has always been raids on cannabis growers but this year there seem to be more that ever. Am I just imagining this or have police efforts stepped up a gear or two? What do you think?…
Last reply by Iain, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
I know it's not pot, ....this time... But as I've ranted and raved a dozen times before, every bloody royal commision into drug laws in this country, and every commission into political and police corruption, have returned verdicts that drug laws need re-writing. that the prohibited stance of drugs facsilitates corruption at every level, and the harder they push (war on drugs. More like war on drug "users")...the more corruption that emitts. There's gotta be better articles around, but here's one
Last reply by MongyMan, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
I'm not sure why, but I was under the impression that the sale of bongs etc. was still legal in most states other than Qld and SA. However, while searching for some legal info for a friend, I stumbled upon this.. NSW DRUG MISUSE AND TRAFFICKING ACT 1985 - SECT 11A I couldn't find any more detail about... I'm assuming all bongs would be regarded as waterpipes.Considering they're on full display in a few shops in Nimbin, I'm assuming the pigs just choose to turn a blind eye ..or have I got the bull by the tit.. again
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 3 replies
- 917 views maybe this is where they get there "facts"? Read link for a good laugh.
Last reply by RobbieGanjaSeed, -
- 420 Crew
- 7 replies
Booze crusade ignores bigger evil=CANNABIS * WTF * Miranda Devine <--- hahaha devine? she is not March 13, 2008 It's a bit rich for a man who got famously stonkered at a lap-dancing club in New York five years ago to be lecturing the rest of us on binge drinking. The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, said he was so drunk during a visit to Scores club with the New York Post's editor, Col Allan, that he couldn't remember a thing that happened. And yet now he has identified the "epidemic" of teenage binge-drinking as Australia's No.1 scourge, so important he must allocate a staggering $53 million to combat it, despite the fact he doesn't really know if it is a problem.…
Last reply by Rose Gardener, -
- 420 Crew
- 2 replies
hey all, rock has given me these documents and asked me to post them on his behalf. He is encouraging everyone he can to fill them out and post to the attorney general. I don't know any more about these documents than you do as I haven't read them yet myself, but if you have any questions or want to chat to rock send a PM to me or radic and we'll pass it on the next time one of us sees him. actually I haven't checked if this is OK with radic yet, but I'm sure it would be... Notice_of_understanding_and_Intent.doc write_to_all_attorny_generals.doc
Last reply by Al Fish, -
Legalise It 1 2
by Stonecat- 18 replies
I wonder whether Michael Costa still concurs with his opinion on the legalisation of Marijuana when he was Labor Council Secretary?
Last reply by lightning, -
- 3 replies
Well here is one US Congressman on our side. FRANK INTRODUCES LEGISLATION TO REMOVE FEDERAL PENALTIES ON PERSONAL MARIJUANA USE Congressman Also Files Bill Permitting Medical Use of Marijuana in States that Choose to Allow it with Doctor’s Recommendation Congressman Barney Frank today introduced bi-partisan legislation aimed at removing federal restrictions on the individual use of marijuana. One bill would remove federal penalties for the personal use of marijuana, and the other – versions of which Frank has filed in several preceding sessions of Congress – would allow the medical use of marijuana in states that have chosen to make its use for medical p…
Last reply by Morgaine, -
- 11 replies
Okay so, this may be a nightmare come true BUT I have only heard rumors about it. I live in the states and a couple of days ago I was a few counties over checking out this tattoo shop, and visit a friend. But in the tattoo parlor one tattooist told me of a new breathalizer test going to be issued in that county from May to October. Supposedly, it can detect EVERY drug known to man. Even prescription drugs. YES this includes our beloved own, Marijuana. Now again idk if it's true. I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard of this else were.
Last reply by mrsmokey1, -
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
Please do not flame me for this. it is but an opinion to which I am entitled. It is a legal, theological and moral argument against the prohibition of a plant.You may find some things you agree with, some you don't and there are links to many helpful documents when mounting a defense to charges. All constructive comment is of course welcomed and encouraged. please feel free to plagarize this document for what ever purpose may further the battle to ending prohibition.I would love to read a response to this from that major wanker from the salvos that Johnny put in the ICNB, by the book he proclaims as God's truth he is wrong. It cannot be seriously con…
Last reply by Radic, -
After chatting with some other members we decided to see if there was any interest in getting a large number of people in each state/capitol city to march on Parlament to protest against the unjust laws regarding Cannabis. Let us know if you would be interested, could you help lead one? Have you got contacts we could all use to increase the numbers, this includes Doctors, infact anyone from the medical profession, and the legal profession too? We do not want this to be a hippy style protest or mardi gras we need to show that not all users are what the media pushes and the government tries to show to allow them to keep these laws in place. We need to turn up looking like t…
Last reply by Rose Gardener, -
- 3 replies
Only 1000 people will be deliberating Australia's future at next week's 2020 Summit - but that's not to say your voice won't be heard. Incredibly, 118 of the chosen delegates are GetUp members, including our Executive Director Brett Solomon, so we're starting a conversation to make sure that your voice is added to theirs before they begin their dialogue about Australia's future. Have your say on what you want our country's future to look like on our 2020 forums - and we will deliver your ideas direct to the decision makers heading to Canberra: The forums have been started by GetUp members attending the Summit, and they're keen to make sure y…
Last reply by 67Special, -
- 6 replies
I just sent these letters of to the TGA and to the Federal Health Minister, here is my challange to you all, do the same, I don't care if you use what I have put in or your own wording, but do it. Given there are 8,425 registered members at current and more every day if even 50% did so they would be burried in paperwork and also have a major problem. Remember we all know users who are not members so get all to do the same. Oh year before you all start I know the growers are going to say they do not want to draw attention to themselves and that in my email I made it look like all hydro is poison and street dealers are evil, I for one do not believe this and what we are try…
Last reply by mullray,