Cannabis Law and Politics
- 420 Crew
- 52 replies
Barnett goes for a new War on Drugs with Cannabis laws in Western Australia. Well the genius at the helm of the Western Australian parliament has come up with a grand idea. Let's increase penalties for cannabis possession, use and cultivation, as well as distribution of smoking implements to minors, by a full order of magnitude shall we? So a $200 fine for possession of 30gm now turns into a $2000 fine and potentially 2yrs gaol for posession of anything over 10gm. Just read the following story to see the crazy at work. WTF are these guys smoking to think this is anything like a good idea and that it would have anything but devestating consequences for the vast m…
Last reply by John c, -
- 0 replies
Across the World, a massive gang has set itself up as the No 1 organised crime gang in the World. This gang has set up gang houses in every city and town. They wear gang colours, carry weapons and 'roll' in gang vehicles covered in gang colours, logos, badges etc. This Global Organised Crime gang regularly commits criminal acts of intimidation, harassment, shakedown/ protection money schemes, trespassing, home invasions, break and enters, robbery, kidnapping, terrorism, rape, torture, wanton destruction (vandalism), sexual solicitation favours, murder etc. This gang wages Global gang turf war to gain mor 'turf' and to wipe out any competition to the gang or the gan…
Last reply by Medcanpoet, -
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
Sorry to bring a downer to the conversation, but not a good week for me. My diabetes has once again made another victim in my decrepid old body, this week I have a problem with my feet, the pain is one thing but the DR's..say this is the first stages of when, (if it gets worse and infected) they start cutting things off starting with my foot ! I just relaying this to my sons and in conversation one brought up my little indevour in the growing of my own special brand of medication. It appears ok for my doctors to prescribe ever larger doses of MS Con tin ( slow release morphine) and yet as we know it is still illegal for my medication of choice. Apart from the side aff…
Last reply by BADHABITSOZ, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
is there anything the general public (ie. us) can do about these new laws coming in on 1st Aug for W.A? who makes and decides then passes these laws? i did not hear anything about them till they were on the perthnow story and newspaper, and then bang all of a sudden these crazy laws are hitting the streets? is there anyone we can speak to to oppose these laws? local MP etc and higher? this is a real backwards step for the cause.
Last reply by mastoner, -
- 0 replies
"ANY TIME THAT THEY LIKE" - (Cannabis Parody: ‘In the middle of the night’ - Billy Joel) Any time that they like, They smash bottles in my street. Spreading violence and fear, While on others they beat. Drug abuse is now legal, An ever climbing cost. And families regularly mourn, The loved ones that they’ve lost. Even though the abuse is rife And our home gets trashed from city to shore, To try to excuse their ‘revellers’ crimes, Upon another’s choice they wage uncivil war. In the middle of the night, I get woken from my sleep. By fighting and screams, From people in too deep. But when we al…
Last reply by Medcanpoet, -
- 0 replies
For many decades now legal drug supremacists and anti-drug collectives have worked together to brand the cannabis genus as ‘the gateway to all drug taking’. In the name of targeting/persecuting this so-called ‘gateway’ and other heretical drug choices classed as ‘illicit,’ these bigots, hypocrites and other holier-than-thou collectives created a Gateway to Hell that they continually hold wide open for their fellow human beings, as well as the other genera on this Planet. Let’s look at this simply: Just like in the time of Ethanol Drug Prohibition, Selective Drug Prohibition is a massive Gateway. It’s a gateway to legalized corruption. .Itâ…
Last reply by Medcanpoet, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
This afternoon at 5.30pm NSW time Triple J's Hack program will be discussing the fact that the majority of drug users are functional members of society. They are asking people to call in to comment on this and also to give their views on current policy and what they think future policy should be, decrim etc. This is your chance to be heard, this is a national radio station with an open mind so please contribute and show people that cannabis users are educated and harmless to society. In fact if Cannabis were legalised and taxed it would greatly benefit the greater community with the taxes generated far exceeding those generated by the wine industry for example. Please…
Last reply by CactusGumnut, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
http://www.perthnow....u-1226102858694 WA called Australia's 'cannabis capital' From: AAP July 27, 2011 2:11PM WESTERN Australia has become the "cannabis capital of Australia" thanks to weak laws put in place by the previous Labor government, the state's police minister says. Rob Johnson today responded to results from the 2010 National Drug Strategy Household Survey that showed WA's rate of cannabis use was 13.4 per cent, 30 per cent higher than the national average. The figures released today come the week before …
Last reply by daemon, -
- 13 replies
- 2.1k views CA -- California voters may soon get a chance to weigh in on whether marijuana should be legalized and taxed by the state. If enacted, this may help the state's budget by providing revenue from a brand new source, while also freeing up money that previously went to enforcement efforts against marijuana growing. Of course, marijuana would still be illegal under federal law, but this may be a turning point in the legalization movement -- the point where politicians desperate for tax revenues see dollar signs instead of prison bars when looking at the cannabis plant. And make no mistake -- this is not medical marijuana we…
Last reply by Dags Gone Wild, -
- 4 replies
The 23 June episode of Catalyst (copyright ABC TV Aus), it had a really hilarious segment about agricultural hemp (video only available in Aus or by proxy): The gist is in the introductory transcript anyway. I tried alerting ABC to their error, but they were insistent that they never said C. sativa wasn't psychoactive (see transcript - it's exactly what they said) and that a botanist in Sydney had provided the information [which they persisted in doggedly misinterpreting]. I thought again before getting too locked in. I now realise the researchers at ABC were quite correct and I was horribly wrong. Any psychoac…
Last reply by Dags Gone Wild, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
greetnz the war on drugs was started by racism and and continues to be supported by racism as we speak heres the proof hail Joseph Collum want more a bit earlier Jan 2008 LEAP are sending two speakers to mardigrass this year to talk to the local and federal cops cant wait to meet and greet them.,.,.,,.,. they came to oz once before but missed mardigrass due to bad timming., but they did speak to the qld law society, ABC tv, the nsw cops union, and some pollies in cambera forward ever free all drugs free the people free the land
Last reply by Tsigle, -
- 420 Crew
- 4 replies
Good Day OZStoners The other day I did a search on the legality of cannabis around the world, and came across this wiki page. I was surprised to see that it claimed that cannabis is decriminalized in every state and territory in Australia, barring New South Wales, and Tasmania. Until now, ive only heard of it being decriminalized in the ACT. I wont put the outside link here, for fear of retribution from our excellent forum moderators. Just do a google search for "Legality of Cannabis" and it should be the first wikipedia article that pops up. Check out the map. Is it true?
Last reply by Reverend, -
- 420 Crew
- 12 replies
Good Day OZStoners! I am Hashy. No, despite the name, I have never actually tried hash before. I plan to take a trip to amsterdam later next year, and hopefully experience this for myself, yippie =) I have not participated in a Cannabis forum for many years. I used to post on, however I left the forum due to corrupt power mad admins. 2 months later, overgrow was shutdown. Karma is a b!tch. Because of my interests in Cannabis, I studied some basic level horticulture. I may not be an expert on the subject, but I know a thing or two. =) The reason for this post, besides introducing myself, is a query in regards to bringing seeds in from overseas, namely …
Last reply by Up.the.reapers(;, -
- 420 Crew
- Admin
- 5 replies
I am absolutely gobsmacked, but proud of our Indo cousins....This is AMAZING! There is a Global Marijuana March today in Jakarta. Just incredible. Check out their site, it's all in Indo but you can use Google translate to translate whole paragraphs of text. Will it ever happen in Indonesia? doubtful! But wow, so impressed by these guys! Morgz
Last reply by Up.the.reapers(;, -
- 3 replies
JULIA: Times have changed Our Country's getting worse. Our helicopter parenting Is not a blessing, it's a curse. JILLIAN: Should we blame abusive Governing, NICOLA: Or blame abuse in society? TONY, IAN, PATRICK, etc: Or should we blame the abuse that's on TV? JULIA: No, BLAME CANNABIS! EVERYONE: BLAME CANNABIS! JULIA: With all our statements full of lies, While we ignore the sufferer's cries. EVERYONE: BLAME CANNABIS! BLAME CANNABIS! JULIA: We need to form a No Tolerance assault. EVERYONE: Hell yeah, It's Cannabis' fault. JILLIAN: Don't blame our abusive drug policies For their miserable failure. Instead, let's blame a natural herb For being th…
Last reply by Tsigle,