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Its one of those issues like Euthanasia, it should be allowed, but the Christians and moral panic police will never allow it.


They might increase penalties for cannabis further, before it gets better.


Imagine how bad the chances of legalization are if Tony Abott gets in power


I understand that, but why is the situation now different in the US than it is here. If anything, the us has much more moral Christian panic merchants than Australia and we used to be much more pot friendly than them. It just seems as though whatever is happening in the US at the moment, the absolute opposite is happening here. Why is this?

Edited by bloodshot_eyes
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I have been wondering this for a while. What the hell happened in this country. In the 70's, Don Dunstan, then premier of South Australia, very nearly legalized, not decriminalized cannabis in SA. It obviously never happened but it was talked about and even that is unthinkable in this county in the current climate surrounding cannabis here. If this did happen BTW, SA would have been the only place in the western world to completely legalize. Adelaide would have been more of a haven than Amsterdam. Then in the 80's, decriminalization came to SA. The laws were really very lax, 10 plants per adult for only a $150 on the spot fine.


Fast forward to 2001 and suddenly something changes. The shit hits the fan and we get a full blown reefer madness campaign, laws start falling around the nation. You cant even buy a bong in most places now!! What changed?? What spurred all this on?? Now Australia seems to lead the world in Reefer madness like weed demonising studies into all things wrong with this substance. If you see a study saying that something about pot is bad for you, there is a good bet its from Australia, if not, the UK. I really dont understand where all this is coming from when in the 70's and 80's, whilst we were all getting chilled with "flowers in our hair", the US was going all Nazi fascist on the weed. Its like its done a complete about face and now we are out of step with the rest of the western world. I honestly hope this isn't the case but it seems to me that we are slowly falling in line with SE Asia with our views and policies on recreational drugs. I am perplexed.


End Rant!!



Yes, it's been going backwards, and it's very depressing.


This is my reading between the lines of what some SA pollies have said/written:


Independent MLC Ann Bressington had a relative with schizophrenic genes that were "switched on" simultaneously with consuming cannabis.


Rann seems to buy her vote with anti-cannabis legislation, and co-opts it to make out it's anti-bikie legislation.


The Greens are too politically opportunistic to include a drug reform policy that might cost votes.

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