Nutrients and Mediums
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- 4 replies
OK is this stuff possible to clean? i have just spent 30min cleaning one buckets worth of the stuff and i put it in my pot hooked everything up and after 10min the resi was dirty AGAIN!!! and had sedient in the bottom. Should i keep going or should i just not worry about it?
Hey all have been looking around to get my perl/verm at the local garden and farm supplyer and thay have 100lt bages of each and thay are about $28 each so for a bag of each, it is going to cost me $56 about that any way, dose sound to much or is it about rite.
- 3 replies
Hey all as u have seen in other posts i am in the process of my first grow...... 22 seedlings under a 400watt HPS. I plan on ending up with about 4or5. Anywase what kinda fertilizer should i be using? i am going for sompthing reasonably priced and easy to get preferably Big-w :-D just down the road. When shoudl i start applying? If u dont know which brand to use what nbumbers should i be looking for on the box?
Last reply by Tom, -
- 420 Crew
- 8 replies
When I started growing I bought this stupid electro CO2 thing, anyway when I bought it I was told it was cheap to run, anyway I used it for a growth cycle and half of flowering and then the crystals ran out so I went to Bunnings warehouse and they didn't know what I was talking about, so I went to the local hydro store and they had a little kilo container of the shit for $40 or sumthing, anyhoo I cant pay $40 for 6 weeks or whatever, could I get it from a science lab? I haven't used it for 3 years now. cheers -wc
Last reply by white_cluster, -
my plants have started to go into bud how long do i leave the buds to grow for the plants are purple haze
Last reply by Tom, -
Good old piss 1 2
by Buddy- 11 replies
I read on another site about a bloke who urinates in his nutrient every other day.....says it makes his plants grow faster. The chinese also used it to make gunpowder in the olden days, and inmates in cold third world prisons use it to heal chilblanes and other ailments. Anyone heard of other uses without mentioning "golden Showers"
Last reply by Mr Putard, -
- 9 replies
i've been growing outdoors for a while now and have a fair idea of whats going on etc. I'm about to embark on my great journy indoors soon and was wondering from other peoples encounters which they find works out better, indoor soil with controlled nute feeding system or a full blown hydro setup ? just concerned about the upfront effort & time taken for the initial setup and result as i want to use my outdoor plants for clones for my first grow. Just curious as to thoughts and opinions.....
Last reply by jaikai, -
- 3 replies
at the hydro shop today and asked the guy about PH up. He said that instead of using chems that the plants can't use he recommends a product called "Silica plus". He said its normaly used as a foliar feed but can also be used to raise PH, and will help growth either way. I seem to remember a thread with "swing" in which some raised a concern about using silica....or have I got my wires crossed? anyway I told the guy I had heard that silica may be bad for you and he said he didn't know why, because it is a naturally occurring substance and is absorbed through the root system. anyway, I decided to leave it, just wondering if anyone else here had an opinion.
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 3 replies
I am growing in rockwool and are wondering if I should cover the slabs of rockwool or not??
Last reply by sols, -
- 3 replies
Guys, i have some 2 week old seedlings just growing out in the sun in pots. the nights are getting colder in brizzy and i was wondering if i could repot them into bigger pots and put them under the house with a 250 or 400 metal halide over them? if its viable, how do i keep them warm at night or do i keep the lights on 24/7 to help with warmth? Will a good potting mix be ok? Also i lashed out and bought some A&B CANNA VEGE nutes, can i use this in soil or is it mainly for hydroponics?
Last reply by sols, -
- 5 replies
um, my plants are two an a bits weeks old, when u reckon i should start with weak nutes, and how weak should i make em,the pack says for full strenth use 10ml per liter, im using "head on", anyone heard of it?,my resouvoir is maybe 25 litres?
Last reply by pipeman, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, I want to start keeping some mums for future clones but i need some help on keeping them alive. I will have 4 under 3 CF's, Do i need more light?. They are in dirt so i dont have to care for them to much. How often do i feed? and at what strength do i feed?. At the moment i have some Miracle-Gro 15, 13.1, 12.4, Will this be ok or should i use something else?. I will also be adding some more CF's in the future, The size of space is, 2ft x 1 1/2ft x 2ft high. Thanks heaps, Much appreciated, Paranoid.
Last reply by Paranoid, -
- 0 replies
Swing is thinking using "cana coco" as a medium, in a bucket flood/drain setup, anyone ever used canna coco with Canna Coco nuurients? Any thoughts would be helpful! Thanks
Last reply by jackfrost, -
- 0 replies
Hi all need some help on where to get nutes via mail order as I am a bit worried about going to the local hydro shop cheer's
Last reply by aussieinvader, -
- 13 replies
Swing has been reading on a lot of yankie and dutch sites about adding sugar to the nutrient mix during flore will increase size of buds and final yeild quite alot. Anyone had any experiance in this?Does it work? Swing bought a tree fern from the nursery last week and the store owner said to give the fern a cup of sugar every few months and it will grow heaps better
Last reply by denske,