Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
Hi all. I am planning A guerilla grow in an empty lot near where I work. There is plenty of long grass cover and easy hidden entrances. I was thinking of using those 55-75L green bins from Big W as pots as they are already green so abit of camo. And in planning I noticed I can only get to said plot at least once every 10 days and need some advice on how to set the bins up so they can retain as much water as possible as summer gets bloody hot up here. But we get alot of storms over summer I was thinking of lining the bins with black plastic (holes punched of course) and adding water crystals to my soil mix and then on top adding A few inches of sugar cane mulch. Is thi…
Last reply by shroomyshroom, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
Hey guys I've been involved in a couple of outdoor and indoor grows, but was looking to try a proper guerilla grow this year. Now this being my first time my knowlege is minimal and Im keen to try things so any advice will be greatly appreciated. It'd be cool to get this thread to a point where it could be a sufficient resource for other people in my situation. -The grow will be in a country area of Tasmania, in an area of bush that sees few bushwalkers. -Im gonna use a yet to be determined salvia/indica cross (suggestions welcome). My plan is to grow a mother plant indoors and go plant a bunch of clones - tips on doing this would be appreciated (i was thinking hav…
Last reply by smashed1, -
- 3 replies
Hey, I couldn't wait till winter was over for my first grow so I decided to do a trial run with some bag seed These were planted together at the end of march. Should I just keep them growing for the next season? The taller one had lots of little flowers and no purple on it two weeks ago. Is this purple around the crown a characteristic of any particular strain? I think it's a hermaphrodite cuz I noticed it has a few seeds in the crown and I'm pretty sure the other one is female. Would love to hear your feedback Cheers
Last reply by razzles, -
- 9 replies
I see lots of different info on here about purchasing seeds from banks. Can anyone give me a simple proven method they use to by seeds. Also I would like some suggestions about strains. I need a female plant, not too tall, potent and will give me about 3oz.
Last reply by tangwena, -
- 4 replies
Just wondering if anyone has grown the walkabout mix and what sort of results you got?? Thinking about giving them a go this year
Last reply by El Kabong, -
- 420 Crew
- 6 replies
long time lurker here, first time poster.. have been visiting the forum on n off for years, think I first signed up under a different user name when I was 15 (am now in my 20s [it seems the users of this particular forum frown down on under 18s :\ ]) but since have been an active member of another forum that lets just say, is more orientated around 'harder' drugs anyway, back to the topic at hand.. a friend of mine who doesnt have access to the internet at the moment has asked me to come on here to inquire about as few things he would like to know (plus it will be useful information for any growers out there wanting to learn more) regarding growing cannabis in rural bu…
Last reply by swstoner, -
- 17 replies
HI guys Im guessing living in victoria now is def not the time to be planting outside? Does anyone do winter grows? Is it even worth while? thanks
Last reply by Faith, -
- 420 Crew
- 9 replies
Any one have a good recipe for a soil mix??? Cheap and expensive option would be great. And any in between.
Last reply by Faith, -
- 7 replies
hey guys this is my first thread. i know there are prob a few threads like this but would like to get peoples opinions on my plan for a gorilla grow and hopefully keep people updated as i go. I know its early to start planning but theres alot of work to be done. K so strains i will hopefully be working with after i order them for attitude seeds will be amnesia haze, bubblegum, blueberry, ak48, cataract kush, and a few others i havnt chosen yet. Do these strains sound ok or have some people ran into problems with them? Also hows attitude seeds to get into auz? I will be preparing the site which is 5mins down the road from my house it is a bushforever site and pretty big 1 …
Last reply by Skunk king, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
Hi all, just seeing if any one can tell me how to convert north to south. I:E the been says it should be ready by late October NH. Is that April for us in south east qld??
Last reply by Ford Fairlane, -
Cheers Hupla (Dutchman) for gifting me these seeds and allowing me to be one of the first to test this interesting hybrid. After losing a few to slugs and chooks I'm down to five seedlings which are now a few weeks old. I will put up some more info later and try to keep this slightly more detailed than my recent diaries. Plan is to veg for a few weeks more then take clones of each, and possibly flower one of each as soon as they root. Plants will then be moved to final positions and left to do their thing. More clones taken later if I get the urge. 1 2 3 4 5 Naycha
Last reply by Cerberus, -
- 10 replies
Unless you have the perfect spot, sometimes a few native plants/bushes would make it just right. Im trying to find a native plant that could be planted around the Mj to camo them up? Ive thought maybe banksia and things like that and then thought they will attract animals that will probably wreck the good mj plants. Im outta ideas so if any one has one it be great cheers...
Last reply by Stoned Offroad, -
hey all, im sorry i cant continue on my previous grow journal due to it not letting me add NEW photos .. so i hope all of you dont mind me starting a new topic for each update :S... im just really keen to show you'll and this is the only way i can do it... sorry.. any way, so i have had about 3-4 days of rain and took some photos just before it came.. in these photos there are a couple of yellow leaves, these are now gone and is all lush green due to a good flush from the rain and a good dose of nutes ... anyway here are some photos these are the whole plant (obviously ) and these are the 2 individual main colas off my best plant so yeh there it…
Last reply by jadcla, -
- 2 replies
Hey all. New to here. Wondering how long this bad boy has to go. Seems pretty close. Only concern is that some of the bud seems to be rotting/turning brown/dying... not sure if that is "just part of how things go" or not ? It is about 5months old at the moment... Outdoor plant, little fertiliser... I guess next questions would be - steps to go about curing/harvesting.. but shall read up on that and I suppose take it one step at a time...
Last reply by Bonquisha Fullcone, -
- 420 Crew
- 11 replies
Hardening-off The cuttings usually develop a good root system and will be ready to transplant in three to six weeks. At this time the hardening-off process begins, preparing the delicate cuttings for a life in bright sunshine. The cuttings are removed and transplanted to a sheltered spot such as a greenhouse until they begin to grow on their own. It is necessary to water them with a dilute nutrient solution or feed with finished compost as soon as the hardening-off process begins. Young roots are very tender and great care is necessary to avoid damage. When vegetative cuttings are placed outside under the prevailing photoperiod they will react accordingly. If it is not …
Last reply by louise, -