Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 420 Crew
- 10 replies
this crop was not great, as it was nute def for most of its life, for those that don't know, ozmocote new formulation had halved its nute strength, and I only realize about 2 weeks ago, so the plants would have been somewhat bigger with the proper feed anyway, what you see is total neglect, about 12 weeks ago small seedlings were placed in the location, and last week was my next visit, I am 6ft tall and on my tiptoes and reaching up as far as I can, I can reach about 8ft and it looked like my hands was 3 feet from the tops, so im guessing the bigger plants would be about 11 feet, considering they were nute def most of there life, and also consider it was grown in a colde…
Last reply by reflux 1, -
- 11 replies
Ok.......two herme seed plants , started fathers day last year, have had it tough. Devastated by hail and now it hasn't rained for ages. (I do still water them). is there anything on this to smoke? Should I start again? Is it too late to start again? current stash runs out soon. Got great looking 7ft plants from the same seeds two years ago. They were in the ground only 3 months last grow. Was hoping to pull theses out around Easter.
Last reply by thc24, -
- 420 Crew
- 18 replies
I'm a long time smoker, first time grower. I've been using a mixture of scott's osmicote potting soils that have slow release fertilizers, mixed with perlite. I have been using maxicrop seaweed, charlie carp organic, go go juice and epson salts. I now realise that these slow release fertilizers don't need extra fertilizer. All of my plants are loosing leaves at an alarming rate, they turn yellow and fall off, starting from the bottom and working their way up.Three of my plants have only just started tipping and the other two that are larger haven't started yet. I think maybe I have made the soil too acidic, will check ph soon. Is there anything i can do to stop them loosi…
Last reply by louise, -
- 420 Crew
- 30 replies
So i'm interested in getting a hold of some proper seeds are my current grow is only bagseed. What websites have had theyre product make it to australia with melbourne in particular? Also what is a good starting strain for an outdoor grow? cheers!
Last reply by billygoat, -
- 2 replies
Only been out bush not long just a random pic taken 3 weeks agothis is just 1 random place with 2 in it ill get more
Last reply by I pacson i, -
- 4 replies
Just wanted to see if someone could confirm its male ? I dont have much experience but im guessing it looks like balls.
Last reply by Pukka Budz, -
Harvest time? 1 2
by Cantgrow- 15 replies
Hi Everyone, thanks for the help on previous posts. I have 3 plants that all got stripped by hail but have come good. All were planted fathers day. One is the only Bonza seed we could get to germinate from 12 we bought. Its really small and has two bud areas. The other 2 are bag seed from a huge herme we grew 2 years ago. They are medium size. The pics below are of the buds. Just wanted some advise on when to harvest. All smell great, have some brown hairs and tiny clear balls all over the buds and leaves. First pic is Bonza AK-47, other two are bag seed plants. Again thanks fro the feedback.
Last reply by louise, -
Yellow Leaves 1 2
by Cantgrow-
- 420 Crew
- 13 replies
Hi everyone, so I am pretty sure my plants are budding. Herms....but that's all I got. All the large leaves are turning yellow and falling off. Is this normal? Also, the white hairs are getting pretty brown. One plants hairs have a white dusty stuff all over them and the leaves near them. Any idea how much longer till harvest?
Last reply by bufo marinus, -
Puna Budder f2's 1 2 3 4 5 Naycha
Last reply by Cantgrow, -
- 15 replies
hey guys, im a first time grower and i kinda need some advice with 'where to now?' haha i have 4 larger plants and about 5 smaller babies, would anyone be able to give me some tips on my larger loves? how far off do you think they are from harvesting? and do you think they look as though im doing everything pretty good? or do i need to do more to bring out the best they can be? ie; trimming? nutrients? how will i know when its time to start harevsting? out of the 4 larger ones, 2 are pretty bloody big now and the other 2 are a little slower due to my dogs digging them out about 5-6 weeks ago (learnt from my mistakes, are now outta reach from the pups haha). i havent rea…
Last reply by Zionne, -
- 6 replies
High everyone, I'm very new to all this. Is it too late to germinate seeds for this season? I've just got some bagseed (I know it's a lottery) and I hate having to chase supply so wanted to grow my own outdoors. I'm just a bit concerned that if I strike some seeds now and plant them out they may not flower at all as it is nearly February already. Thanks for putting up with a newb question (I did try searching). Lord Blackadder.
Last reply by Blackadder, -
- 11 replies
This plant started out being just a "chuck her in the dirt and see how she goes" experiment. the seed was from medicann bank and is the afghan strain, she was germinated early November and is now coming come on or if not 8 weeks old, i would've thought it vegged a bit bigger by now as its only 16-20 cms and was hoping for some opinions. after looking through a couple of other threads over watering may be a problem. my watering schedule is 600mls into a 4 inch pot once a 6 am and when i get back from work at about 2:15pm iv only fed it fertilizer twice now i think at half dosage with the thrive general purpose stuff. im still using the same potting mix but have r…
Last reply by happybudda420, -
;hey all, thought id post a small log, i had one before but had to higher ambitions. so this time around ill have 2 or 3 plants of bagseed, and maybe 1 clone later on. this is a guerilla grow, im hoping to check them once or twice a week, at the moment ive got 6 plants under a 125w cfl, im only going to put the strongest 2 out and scrap the rest. they are all between 2 to 3 weeks old. the first two is the strongest but only 2 and a half weeks old before i watered.. the day after the second strongest and is the youngest out of the six ill update as often as i can, take it easy and blaze up!!
Last reply by Kkushman, -
- 1 reply
I know this a popular topic but I have been up for a week or so trying to find out everything I need to know to get started, Firstly I will be planing deep in my back yard hopefully finding a sunny area, Is it possible for me to grow in-ground? Obs with the right medium (dig a whole and fill) or is it best to use pots? I am getting seeds hopefully and will germ them inside in a plant germ thing, and when they are about 4" moving them out side. I want to buy auto flowering seed, in my understanding I can plant them here in Vic any time of the year as long as it's fairly sunny and they will still flower? What are your favorite mediums? And also best seeds to start off with…
Last reply by king of thc, -
- 420 Crew
- 19 replies
Just had my three plants devastated by hail. Will they come back? Or should I start over again? Some snapped branches and about 80% of leaves gone!
Last reply by Cantgrow, -