Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 2 replies
Guerrilla growers Hears my trip I started a small experiment using a 200 watt solar panel, a regulator, 160 amp hour battery, 12 volt digital timer, led lights all wired up myself and polytube greenhouse at the site. To get a early start to the season and interrupting the dark cycle using the lights to extend the days and to trick the plant into thinking that the days are long like in spring. from research light lumens don't have to be that strong to trick the plant about 3 times the stronger than moon light. The whole thing is to get bigger guerrilla outdoor monsters and the best way to do that is by starting earlier in the season. anyone think it,s a goer. Cocopete
Last reply by forgetiwashere, -
Bush Monster Advice 1 2 3
by Tux- 28 replies
Hello all - virgin poster here looking for some advice. My second ever grow has produced this triffid. I think it's beginning to flower so I'm after some advice on what to fertilize with and how much to use. My girl is about 6 and a half feet high and approx 2 metres across. ORGANIC NUTEZ PREFERRED thanks in advance
Last reply by Donald Mallard, -
- 10 replies
This is my first grow, bagseed. Started very late in the season (mid January) knowing yields wouldn't be good. The plant is budding in a greenhouse, and outside temperatures now are as low as -2 and as high as 20 (inland NSW near the snowies). Buds are light and fluffy and not very developed. This grow was a bit of an experiment, but I'm still hoping to get something out of it. Should I harvest now, or is there room in the season for extra growth before things get too grim? What is the lowest temperature Cannabis can flower at?
Last reply by b4weed, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys this is one of my first outside seasons and I ordered a seeds from a http://original-ssc.com (Btw this is also first years I'm using this website and I'm glad I found it, they offer many gifts with almost every order and even opportunity to earn some free credits and has a huge selection). I want ask your opinion about carmerlo fast seeds, could it grow in a Lithuania (In summer, here sun shines 12/12 and temperature is from 19-35 C). Anyway I'm taking risk and ordering and also planning to try some others strains, so please comment&follow my blog. I smoked, I will smoke and even know where to buy some
Last reply by The Stoned Jester, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, Are there any Auto flowering cannabis strains that can still grow at this time of year in a subtropical environment (Far North Coast NSW)? I am not interested in big yields, just a couple of plants for personal use. Thanks
Last reply by wannagrowbuds, -
as a little seedling as a nearly mature girl after last nights 2 inches of rain another little innocent just outa the crib ! but she turned in to a big fat stinky drippy hoare, but i,ll luv her anyway . just 1 more from the family album been a bad year for fruit an grain by be jingoes good for the gunja ! ha ha ha ha ha : :thisbig:
Last reply by lookinggoodguys, -
- 420 Crew
- 15 replies
Hey guys, went for a walk this morning and remembered i planted these about 2 months ago. ive totally forgotten about about them hence the reason they are in small pots still. made me laugh, little guys are trying to power on the medium in the pots was canna terra, so i guess they loved what came from that along with the little rain we've had. Whats my best option from here to maximise my yeild? I know tey wont produce much, but what should i do to make the most of them? And do the pre flowers look Female? Should i put into the ground and start fertilizing? how long from now would they be ready to harvest? or will the plant not survive a full bloom?
Last reply by Qwobbler, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys long time looker I'm gonna be doing my first ever outdoor grow on my farm this year I plan on doing around about 150 plants that my mates is supplying me I have a few questions though 1. I'm located in the sa mallee which has a light brown Sandy soil I will be putting sheep poo from my shearing shed in the rings will that be enough? 2. I have teed into the water pipe for troughs and things will I have to add any nutrients to the plant? As the water is high in copper and zinc? 3. I don't know what variety the plants are but how much could I expect off of each plant? I don't smoke weed I just need the money Ahah Thanks for your help guys it's a great forum Jeremy
Last reply by spider_b, -
- 7 replies
just kidding why would I waste my coin on them haha. (no offense to anyone out there ) I started like 8 hindu Kush f2's in January, only one female my luck haha Here she is as of like last week (old pic) Potting mix is something I whipped up, Majority pine bark fines (composted), 10-15% coco, and roughly same amount of perlite. So i am growing in majority mulch haha I added synthetic CRF's npk 19-2-10 (from memory something like that) as well as some potash in the final mix. I have not fertigated, although I added some seaweed/humic when spraying for whitefly. Actually getting some decent resin production already. Cheers
Last reply by iTiC, -
- 10 replies
For all of you who grow outdoors in suburbia: How do you hide your plants? I've just harvested my little tree. Possibly a bit premature but the end product is pretty good and I got about 21oz off it, so I don't really want to complain My problem was that it was getting so bloody big that I could not hide it anymore. It grew in a garden bed next to a 7' fence but that wasn't quite enough and I had to put a net over it and tie it down before it was flowering. This kept it below the fence line but when the buds started to get bigger, they too came dangerously close to the top of the fence. All up this little beauty was an easy 2.5m tall, with buds even more. Not an easy t…
Last reply by forgetiwashere, -
been using seasol flower and gogo-juice trying to go as natural as possible i can smell the difference
Last reply by organikg, -
- 420 Crew
- 27 replies
Hey guys! Happy Growing! I've been doing quite a lot of research, looking through the forums and I think I've found the perfect community of Pros and would love to get your thoughts on my set up plan What do you guys think of... 0.6m x 0.6m x 1.4m grow tent 250w HPS/MH Light + Cool Vent Reflector 50:50 Coco:Perlite mix in 12L pots Thinking of 2 to 4 autos in this space.. I wonder if 4 is too many? Do you think 250w is enough or should I go for the 400w HPS/MH? Now that we're going into the cooler months, I'm wondering if I'll need a duct fan to control the temperature. Does the 250W and 400W give off a lot of heat? I'm thinking the 400W will need some temperat…
Last reply by iTiC, -
- 15 replies
Hi guys I have been researching alot when is the best time to harvest. I am a bit confused wether my girl is ready yet? There has been alot of bad weather at the moment (wind and rain) Do you guys think she is ready?
Last reply by growbabygrow, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, Got a couple (for now) of auto seeds on the way, and ideally I want to have the harvest done by the end of October. Not liking my chances, but will it be too early to get them started in the next couple of weeks? Outdoor grow, inside isn't happening at all. I know I won't get the yield I would starting them a couple of months later with extra daylight and heat, but will it be even worth bothering yet? I'm in Sydney since that info will help. I've got a heated propagation tray so germinating isn't an issue, although from there I know it won't be the easiest. Also I would look at getting a cheap greenhouse (I'm talking $20 from bunnings) to help with heat, and pr…
Last reply by max_headroom, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, it's been a while since I've been here Haven't been growing for a couple of years with family additions and house moving playing into it! I've had quite a few successful grows indoors in the past and loved growing in hydro. But now with much more space and some prime north sun facing yard I'm going to venture in to outdoors. I've been doing a lot of reading but finding so much contradicting info and when it's relating to other climates across the other side of the world it's hard to know what to follow. I wanted to avoid posting incase I'm going over stuff already covered but as this site had helped me immensely in the past I figured ill ask! Basically …
Last reply by chookymeister,