Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
- 7 replies
Just another patch in with a different peep..... ..These were all planted later than the 1's in the other batch ..I think they r all doin' well except 4 the Mutant plant.........
Last reply by ThcAholic, -
- 6 replies
Some other plants......This 1's a Bubble Gum girl still veging away......
Last reply by ThcAholic, -
- 9 replies
its been a while since i posted with my last problem, but i have some good news. the plant is much happier now in its new 'soil' (yay). It's about six weeks old now, but had a bad 2 weeks at the start, so could someone please look at the pics and tell me if they think its alright or not. and is there a way to tell if its male or female yet? cheers ghekko
Last reply by ThcAholic, -
- 5 replies
i have 5 healthy little plants in a reticulated setup under flouros howeva im getting in sum good genes soon so i have to make space. they are currently under 24/7 lights and in perlite on 1/4 strenght nutes. can i transplant them straight into sum composted soil or do i have to slowly bring down the lighting time? they are all about 5inches tall. i only have about 1 week til new strains arrive Sorry if this sounds like a newbie question as i have checked many a forum and have found no answer many thanx 2monged
Last reply by 2monged, -
Sum pics.... 1 2
by ThcAholic- 12 replies
..Just a few recent pics
Last reply by Luke Skywalker, -
dunno if this will work as i just stuffed one up as i aint used this before... but heres a pic of one i grew
Last reply by Chev, -
Is it too late to start to grow now? (im in nsw). Ill hopefully be getting all my seeds this week from PlanetSkunk And the Great GaytimeGrower. So i want to start growing ASAP but i think maybe its too late? -Andrew
Last reply by ThcAholic, -
- 10 replies
ok my plants are exactly 3 mths old now, they started indoors under a HPS, and have had them outdoors for about the last mth or so because the light was too hot to run in the hot weather. Anyway all i used was osmocote when i moved them to the larger pots about half way thru the grow, do these buds look a bit small? i reckon they look a bit pathetic myself is it too late to add some more nutes? the weather here in Vic has been a bit inconsistent until the last 2 weeks where its been sunny everyday, before that we had 3 weeks of 33 for a few days then like 15 the next few so maybe that explains partly the lack of new buds/growth oh and one plant has kinda drooped for…
Last reply by KerMit, -
- 4 replies
..This was a fine Papaya plant at 3mths 10 days old from germination...... Tis a damn shame that the Kangaroo's attacked it......The pricks had to wait till she was 7ft tall before even touching it........Was 1 of 3 to be eaten. The rest have Foul wire barricades in place which stops those bugger roo's from eating my pride and joy!
Last reply by ThcAholic, -
- 4 replies
hi, one of my seedlings which is about 6 days old and 2 inches high, has fallin over, and the leaves have turned up towards the sun. will i need to stake it up for it to survive, or can i just leave it? thanks, wack0
Last reply by ThcAholic, -
- 5 replies
hello. here's some pictures of my plant in its new pot. it seems rather pleased with it. im happy with how its growing. i thought id share it with you. also, im not big on breeds of weed, so is anyone able to identify this from the picture for me? thankyou.
Last reply by ThcAholic, -
- 0 replies
Hey people, Not sure if anyone noticed, but I added the photos to the plant.... Just view the old HAd plant tied down for all the image. Let me kno what you think Thanks
Last reply by johnnyboy, -
- 4 replies
I have a plant about 6 weeks old. I have been tiping it had to keep it short. I had staked the 4 main branches down and it was basically growing along the ground. It didnt look very good, though it was healthy, so I removed the stakes.... It is now growing upwards and should get really think. Should I stop tipping it and let it just grow now, or keep tipping? Check out the pics....
Last reply by johnnyboy, -
Well there comes a time in every cannabis lovers life, when they decide to plant a small crop. Whether it be outdoors or in, the experience is almost always going to be a good one, regardless of yielding a grand crop or not So the time has come for myself to grow me a small crop. And so, the journey begins... Well i've been germinating a few seeds in the last week. So i'll start from the beginning, without going into too much detail and just boring you :mellow: I got a few seeds off of a friend of mine. And my other friend had also gotten a few seeds off him too and has grown a small plant from it so far. Now, by the look of the leaves, it seems to be a Sativa, …
Last reply by Bud_Man, -
plant now? 1 2 3
by Mr. Wasted- 25 replies
Ok i have two clones out the back but they have went to bud way too early, they aren't even 30cm tall so anyway i've got some apparently very good seeds, and im thinking of planting a couple outdoors soon, like tommorow or the next day or something my question is, will my plants have enough time to produce decent size buds if they were planted now? is it too late? and does anyone know why my clones have went to bud so early while they are so small? all i am hoping for now is an ounce or two from each plant, im just growing for personal use
Last reply by wade ounce,