Outdoor Cannabis Cultivation
Information and discussions specifically related to outdoor cannabis growing for both the northern and southern hemisphere
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by gpz550- 12 replies
Hi Guys, What a great site!!! I hope someone can help here. I have been having the odd puff for about 6 months (after a stroke) and a mate gave me 2 seeds to whack in the ground (dunno what type) which I did. One seed came up and is about 2 inches high. I will transplant it into a bigger pot soon, but how do I clone it? and if it works out not to have any buds, can I just use the leaves??? I`m 45 and have never been into this scene in the past, but I guess its never to late. I used to drink a fair bit, but now have a couple of rum and cokes and a little puff to relax me...It`s great...I wish I had paid more attention to the guys who were smokers a long time ago! Thanks g…
Last reply by F420, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
i have heard of the dead chook in the hole b4 planting, but what about a dead mullet from my bucket o'plant food can i just burry him abouut 5in under the root ball??? thanx mr. stinkyfishhands :scratchin
Last reply by novice grower, -
- 0 replies
Hey all, ive had 2 grows before but always ended up having to abandon them...They only got about a week old so i wasn't to bothered though. I don't smoke much at all but enjoy growing heaps. My mate gave me some seeds from some good weed he had once. So anyway after giving some to another mate i ended up with 2 bagseeds (dont laugh haha). I planted them both in my backyard (in pots) not last Tuesday but the Tuesday before. One sprouted on the Sunday after it was planted that Tuesday and the other i have given up on now. So i didn't use and special sprouting methods just read this site extremley throughouly and made my own decision. Now this seedling would be 1 week 2 …
Last reply by do names matter, -
- 1 reply
Hey, I've been wanting to grow plants for quite a while now, I have gatherd up alot of information from sites about how to grown and want to do but all I am looking for is just a basic guide of how to keep you plant alive, like I have what soils and what nutrients to give, but no one has said how many times do I need to water a day(I live in Sydney) and what the basic seeds are or what the hell these mean: Pure Indica Mostly Indica Indica/Sativa Mostly Sativa Pure Sativa People say bag seed but WTF is that? is a mix of different seeds or something, I can't find it on www.cannagenetics.com. Anyhow if anyone has a guide to how to get your plant going, keeping it going an…
Last reply by Pickle, -
- 3 replies
all of my cuttings have gone to flower, keep in mind i am an idiot with it all..... they are shooting single leaves from the top and seem to be going back to growth through the flowers..............is that possible or am i just hopefull.................????? sould i plant them in the earth or just force bud them and maybe get a quart. or what...................pic 1 also can i take cuttings from the plants in bloom.................pic 2 teach me ohh wise ones........................ peace and love.......................... mr. sillypants
Last reply by mr. novice, -
- 23 replies
High all, I was thinking of boobie traps and stuff and thought well if i set some up and they kill or mayne someone stealing my plants,im in the shit. idea 1. So i was thinking "what would stop me if it were me stealing the plants. So i had an idea of making a trip wire from fishing line tied from backyard fence to the white string that hangs out the top of party poppers you buy from the supermarket,that is held in place by a tent peg. Now i know what your thinking u i diot that wont blow them up. But its not that,its the noise they make.If i were in someones backyard bout to get my hands on there big fat buds and one of them went off i would be over the fence as quick…
Last reply by OpticalRush, -
- 420 Crew
- 1 reply
http://www.police.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets...nbis_ground.jpg This was found on the NSW police site.
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 5 replies
I have planted a unkown bag seed like ~2 month ago outside in hunter vally, 4 weeks ago i visited it and it grew about 4 cm high with 2 little leaves which still looked like normal leaves. i visited again few days ago and the plant was only 1 cm higher! and had nether set of similer leaves growing... theres plenty of sun but water only came from rain which is little... i am wondering if the rain is the reason for this stunnted growth? also i planted like 10 bagseed in 3 diffrent locations there, a bit of canopy shade ut soil was also not too dry, cuz the soil is so damn dry there.... so hard to find a place to plant... i still got a packet of mjoz Mango's n i dunno we…
Last reply by greenacres, -
- 420 Crew
- 5 replies
i started my first grow from seeds about 3 days ago by planting 6 seeds in ordinary potting mix and put them outside but nothings happened yet. Should something have happened by now?? if not how long do seeds usually take 2 start growing proply?
Last reply by WantDaChronic, -
- 5 replies
just curious on peoples opinions,i have plants that are now 1 week old,my question is when is the earliest do you think i will be able to sex them?? cheers
Last reply by scat32, -
Hey, Just thinkin about growing my own pot. Can anyone give me tips and info on how to select quality seeds. I have about 50 and I just want to know how to select the 10 best ones. Cheers
Last reply by Raven123, -
- 420 Crew
- 24 replies
i just ordered few of these seeds from Mjoz , n i was wondering how shud i go about it, ive never growen b4, hopefully these wont be too difficult. any knowladge would be appreciated also is it a good time to plant now in hunter vally?
Last reply by Mr_T, -
- 1 reply
how much of a diffrence would it make if i grow under a canopy vs. in an open space, i know more sun is better, but i need the camofluge, what do i comprimise? also if u got pics of ur plants under some trees plz attach em so i can see how shady it is n compare it .. that wud rely be helpful thxs
Last reply by F420, -
- 2 replies
hey all i am putting in my first few plants ever i have 10 seeds shot so far they r in the shed growing under fluro lights and r about 3 inches high so far but i dont no how long should i leave them there till i put them out side
Last reply by Skunkxxx, -
- 5 replies
Was wondering if anyone could help me out. I planted my seeds out a few weeks ago and they've came on great, there about an inch with 2 sets of true leaves. But they seem to have stopped growing and the leaves on one of them are turning yellow.... Help.... I've got them in small pots (about 4in), could it be that I need to put them into bigger ones now. I'm being cautious, this is my first grow and I don't want to shock them if there too small to be transplanting yet. A wee bit of help would go a long way. Cheers.
Last reply by F420,